I think they use machines. But when you mail them in or drop them off they're in an envelope. Each voter has to sign theirs. If they're unsigned, there is an option to cure them.
I think they use machines. But when you mail them in or drop them off they're in an envelope. Each voter has to sign the envelope. If they're unsigned unsigned, there is an option to cure them.
They're not creating ballots just taking a close look at some of them. Oregon works pretty much the same way. Oregon has been 100% mail in ballots over 20 years, extremely few problems.
I almost registered Libertarian, until I saw their open-border policies and realized that they're the Democrats with a different hat on. So I registered United States Pirate Party.
@Courier Six. Honest question: if you want to move policy forward, at some point don't you have to choose a party? A non-vote doesn't really accomplish anything.