50% of homeless spent some time in foster care


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm assuming this is another "look at these homeless people and foster kids. But dont look at the broken state system....look at Planned Parenthood and support THAT while our shitty leftwing democrat policies continue fueling poverty, high crime, single parent homes and while the State unilaterally decides what families get torn apart".

All these years of legal abortion and Democrats sure the fuck havent improved anything.

It's a lazy nonsolution.

Let's not look at why the state makes it so hard to adopt. Or why the state often removes children who should not be removed.

Let's just offer abortion. Oh but dont look at ANY of the abuses and problem with THAT holy of fucking holys.

MAYBE if any of you thought about those kids MORE than you need to argue for abortion, youd be interested in voting better and working on things that WOULD help. Instead of just some bullshit propaganda fueled cold civil war against other parties.

So your policies fail and you just offer abortion. NICE. AND bitch about other states trying to do better instead of shutting up, respecting state rights and seeing how it goes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm assuming this is another "look at these homeless people and foster kids. But dont look at the broken state system....look at Planned Parenthood and support THAT while our shitty leftwing democrat policies continue fueling poverty, high crime, single parent homes and while the State unilaterally decides what families get torn apart".

All these years of legal abortion and Democrats sure the fuck havent improved anything.

It's a lazy nonsolution.

Let's not look at why the state makes it so hard to adopt. Or why the state often removes children who should not be removed.

Let's just offer abortion. Oh but dont look at ANY of the abuses and problem with THAT holy of fucking holys.

I thought you didn't read my posts.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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Kill all the kids! Right, tramp?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.

A rational response to this thread. Thanks.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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Kill all the kids! Right, tramp?

Leftist care about foster kids SO much, they will continue to vote for the same flawed system....never looking at the system or fight for change there....but they care alright.

They think of the fosters and homeless kids NOT during a voting year.....but they blow the dust off them when they need an abortion argument

"Look at all these kids who need help. I'm not gonna do shit to help them....I just wanna show you who I think is better off dead and who has no value at all"

Their whole attitude about human beings is why they turn their states into 3rd world shit holes where womens sex based rights were trashed and now women are forced to share prison cells with men and predators have easy access to girls and women in female spaces now.

They have a legit womens rights issue they dont even CARE about. They wanna try to dictate TX....a state doing vastly better than theirs on every fucking level.

I've seen people who were in foster care go at these assholes over this. It's a VERY insensitive, cold thing to say about other human beings. Its actual hate. "Your existence makes me uncomfortable. So instead getting involved and getting over partisan hackery, I'm going to do nothing for you or any of this outside of showing others that you never should have been allowed to live".

They think this mercy and compassion. Its classist sociopathy. A completely selfish argument that less priviledged people or those whose circumstances are difficult are less worthy of life and devoid of value and they make these sanctimonious leftists uncomfortable. God forbid leftists feel bad.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
They are fair game once they're homeless and on the streets though. Right wingers love the homeless and want to do everything to help them out.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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I think Trump is to blame dating all the way back to 1776. Possibly before.

He's just that evil and overreaching


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.

Now you know why I’m so against these Christian extremists pushing pro-life… it has nothing to do with my love of babies or my faith. It has to do with the mother and the child’s quality of life.

Sorry NOT sorry, but I refuse to live in this delusion that men will do the right thing when faced with an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy. I also have very little faith in unfit mothers under the same circumstances.

Children NEED a 2 parent, loving home. PERIOD. If you can’t provide that for the babies you’re trying to save, then you have no right siding with people who are now forcing them into birthing these children who are very likely to become the next wave of homeless drug epidemic.

I am pro QUALITY of life for the woman and society. It’s an unfortunate decision, but I’ll never condone not giving women the choice to make a personal and private decision supported by our constitution.
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.

People don’t want to adopt these children… be real.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.

No you know why I’m so against these Christian extremists pushing pro-life… it has nothing to do with my love of babies or my faith. It has to do with the mother and the child’s quality of life.

Sorry NOT sorry, but I refuse to live in this delusion that men will do the right thing when faced with an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy. I also have very little faith in unfit mothers under the same circumstances.

Children NEED a 2 parent, loving home. PERIOD. If you can’t provide that for the babies you’re trying to save, then you have no right siding with people who are now forcing them into birthing these children.

I am pro QUALITY of life for the woman and society. It’s an unfortunate decision, but I’ll never condone not giving women the choice to make a personal and private decision supported by our constitution.
There was some stupid nigger out there that had 11 baby momas. If I cut his nigger nuts off, you'd cry.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies place their children through adoption.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And to think, Edi Amin only slaughtered less than a third of that during his entire reign and is now unfairly yoked with the legacy of a blood thirsty dictator

Must be systemic racism at root here


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I am surprised the number is that high. We should definitely try to get children adopted as young as possible as the longer they stay in foster care the worse off they are.

The vast majority of kids in foster care have parents fighting for them.

You wouldn't believe some of the reasons why children are taken. Sometimes taken from loving homes where the family was just POOR and just needed some assistance....and placed the kids in foster homes where they did get abused and sometimes murdered.

One incident that was in the media, a homeless single mother was living in a hotel room. She needed to go to work....she had some shitty pizza job, and she left her children (I think ages were like....8 and 4...but I dont remember) in the hotel room.

And she got arrested for child neglect and the kids were. Tell me how that's fair or good? She clearly was fighting to survive. And they took away her reason for fighting at all.

The state bullies poor people through CPS and pulls children away from loving mothers, when ALL they needed was a little help. It's a REAL injustice. And since some of these people are poor....it can be hard to them to be able to go through the classes and meetings the state requires. It's not good at all and it helps NOTHING.

So most fosters still have parents with parental rights.

The ones whose parents rights were terminated, the state makes adopting them very difficult.

The system needs to be really scrutinized and tackled because children in very dangerous situations get left with abusers and kids who are not abused or neglected get pulled....way too often. The adoption process needs attention. There needs to be more oversight and foster homes need better vetting.

Ignoring the problems with this system and just allowing it to go unchecked like this while they use our tax money to fund it and saying "oh, yeah this is why we need abortion" instead of "omg we need to look at what's happening here and make sure our tax dollars are not being wasted on state harrassment of poor families" just tells you loud and clear they dont give a rats shit about any of it, they want legal unfettered abortion because its part of their partisan platform.

And unfortunately the state foster/DHS systems are NOT part of that platform. So they wont care enough to get in there and work to make a better, healthier state for the everyone where abused kids have advocacy and people who are just poor get actual fucking help. Pro life outreaches would help them.

Foster and homeless kids only exist to leftists when they argue abortion and get to dehumanize all those people they view as below them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They are fair game once they're homeless and on the streets though. Right wingers love the homeless and want to do everything to help them out.

From my experience volunteering to help the homeless I would actually say conservatives do do more to address root causes while liberals tend to just enable root causes. Virtually all the volunteers are conservatives where as liberals just expect someone else to do everything or think that state some how has unlimited resources. As a Californian I can say 90% plus of government funding gets wasted or eaten up by fake nonprofits often run by politicians and their cronies. They are just skimming and grifting more often than not.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They are fair game once they're homeless and on the streets though. Right wingers love the homeless and want to do everything to help them out.

From my experience volunteering to help the homeless I would actually say conservatives do do more to address root causes while liberals tend to just enable root causes. Virtually all the volunteers are conservatives where as liberals just expect someone else to do everything or think that state some how has unlimited resources. As a Californian I can say 90% plus of government funding gets wasted or eaten up by fake nonprofits often run by politicians and their cronies. They are just skimming and grifting more often than not.

Conservatives do pretty much ALL the charity and outreach. And donate more time and money.

Where leftists raise tons of money for their POLITICAL activism.....but NOT the people in need.

They just waste millions and millions of dollars on the partisan shit THEY want, that serves them, and the government wastes it.

They dont really care about people.

The worst shit I've ever seen in my life was the BLM grift and reign of terrorism. People gave millions to them. They got support from wealthy people and corporations.

And they DESTROYED communities where people already struggled.....and not a gotdamn penny to any of the families of the people they used or the communities they WRECKED.

They destroyed shelters and everything so even the help people worked to bring to the needy, they destroyed.

They will raise billions for activism but never people and communities. They dont shit but use people to grift.

And they vote to raise taxes and take away money from people who ARE helping and doing it.....so they have less income to offer. They just use the state to steal and push their politics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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This makes me cry...

A lot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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They give no actual fucks about born children. Otherwise, they would stfu about abortion and adopt some kids, including kids from war-riddled countries. They are complete hypocrites.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They are fair game once they're homeless and on the streets though. Right wingers love the homeless and want to do everything to help them out.

From my experience volunteering to help the homeless I would actually say conservatives do do more to address root causes while liberals tend to just enable root causes. Virtually all the volunteers are conservatives where as liberals just expect someone else to do everything or think that state some how has unlimited resources. As a Californian I can say 90% plus of government funding gets wasted or eaten up by fake nonprofits often run by politicians and their cronies. They are just skimming and grifting more often than not.

Virtually all the people where you volunteer are CONs because you live in a CON zone. You don't get to extrapolate across the whole country because of one place you volunteer.

I volunteered in a residence for girls who had aged out of foster care. We were ALL liberals. Hmmmmm.

PS, please post evidence that 90% of funding gets wasted or eaten up by fake nonprofits. I would like to pursue that story.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Stop pretending this country cares about unwanted children, right wingers.

• Approximately 400,000 youth are currently in foster care in the United States. Approximately 20,000 of those youth age-out each year without positive familial supports or any family connection at all.

• Within 18 months of emancipation 40-50% of foster youth become homeless.

• Nationally, 50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.

• A history of foster care correlates with becoming homeless at an earlier age and remaining homeless for a longer period of time.

• 65% of youth leaving foster care need immediate housing upon discharge.

• The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates that 5,000 unaccompanied youth die each year as a result of assault, illness, or suicide.

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This makes me cry...

A lot.

It's horrific. In my time volunteering with "at risk" youth, most homeless, I've heard some horrible tales. The government needs to support these youth until they get vocational training, a higher education, and then a job. We can spend billions overseas, why not these foster youth?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Most of the homeless that are on the streets currently wouldn’t be in shelters or places where the imaginary Republicans can help them. It’s a homeless drug crisis and they can’t be in the places where they would get help because they wouldn’t be able to be high on drugs.

There are so many resources available to homeless in liberal cities that I was able to get a homeless client off the street and into their own apartment while we were working on his med malpractice claim. He started using meth again and was evicted. These people do not want help tbh.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Most of the homeless that are on the streets currently wouldn’t be in shelters or places where the imaginary Republicans can help them. It’s a homeless drug crisis and they can’t be in the places where they would get help because they wouldn’t be able to be high on drugs.

There are so many resources available to homeless in liberal cities that I was able to get a homeless client off the street and into their own apartment while we were working on his med malpractice claim. He started using meth again and was evicted. These people do not want help tbh.

But we can stop the annual dumping of 20k youth onto the streets because they turn 18. No one is advocating for these youth.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Most of the homeless that are on the streets currently wouldn’t be in shelters or places where the imaginary Republicans can help them. It’s a homeless drug crisis and they can’t be in the places where they would get help because they wouldn’t be able to be high on drugs.

There are so many resources available to homeless in liberal cities that I was able to get a homeless client off the street and into their own apartment while we were working on his med malpractice claim. He started using meth again and was evicted. These people do not want help tbh.

But we can stop the annual dumping of 20k youth onto the streets because they turn 18. No one is advocating for these youth.

they have to be a complete burden on society for these types of benefits to kick in tbh


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Most of the homeless that are on the streets currently wouldn’t be in shelters or places where the imaginary Republicans can help them. It’s a homeless drug crisis and they can’t be in the places where they would get help because they wouldn’t be able to be high on drugs.

There are so many resources available to homeless in liberal cities that I was able to get a homeless client off the street and into their own apartment while we were working on his med malpractice claim. He started using meth again and was evicted. These people do not want help tbh.

But we can stop the annual dumping of 20k youth onto the streets because they turn 18. No one is advocating for these youth.

they have to be a complete burden on society for these types of benefits to kick in tbh

New legislation has to be written to help them before it's impossible to turn things around.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And the vast majority of children in foster care belong to parents with drug convictions who have lost custody. I have 4 friends who went into this field who are psychologists who reunite families after the parent has completed treatment and these children are in the system longterm because their parents are repeat offenders.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
And the vast majority of children in foster care belong to parents with drug convictions who have lost custody. I have 4 friends who went into this field who are psychologists who reunite families after the parent has completed treatment and these children are in the system longterm because their parents are repeat offenders.

And the cycle continues when they are out on their own and then with children if they have them. They normalize dysfunctional behavior for their children.