A Different Perspective On This Forum


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Since I joined here and right up until now I have read complaints about this place but not too many compliments. From what I understand there are issues with forum rules not being enforced by BF or anyone for that matter, but still on a daily basis the regulars are here the forum activity is pretty decent as far as communities like this go. There is a healthy degree of threads and discussion here, especially in the Meltdown section.

Before any more people complain about this place I'd like to share what I see.

*We are on a forum that uses terrific software with many great features available that many of us take for granted and have become accustomed to using for so many years. Many of which many other forums don't have.

*Outside of BF asking for donations to help pay for this service from time to time members aren't being forced to pay a subscription fee.

*This forum supports free speech maybe with the exception of ped0 accusations, but as far as rules go on a troll board it's pretty damn good here. We are allowed to speak our minds here and not having to deal with stupid shit like swear filters, killer mods who ban people like it's a bodily function, and an owner who is never here maintaining the place.

*This is an entertaining place as well whether it's due to fighting, laughing or trolling. Better than a dead forum which there are many online.

*To those from this forum or another who complain about things here, instead of bitching about it try thinking of ideas to make it better and mention them to BF. From my experience he may not always give you what you ask for but he does listen and considers your suggestions. If that's not good enough for some of you then hit the road and find another place.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Oh that. Pfffft. Why would you take a post like that seriously. The poster comes here from time to time. They knowingly log into a "shit hole". Meh...
It's not just him I mean over the two years I've been here.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Imo in short these forums often seem to thrive on a little drama or tension now and then
Hey Admin,

That's true, but drama and tension doesn't have to stem from someone who berates the place but yet always shows up to bitch and moan and nothing else.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Forums (the coding side of things) all have their idiosyncrasies but these days I expect you'd be hard-pressed to find one that's so terrible it's literally unusable. They've come a long way since the early versions which could be so wonky that it wasn't unheard of to crash them just by posting too much text or clicking the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Now as then, though, a forum is merely a canvas on which the contributing members scribble and draw stuff at each other. Some use pen and ink, others water colors or oil paints. And yes, a few will always opt for the good ol' trusty crayons. It's all part of the picture being layered onto the canvas and each adds its own unique texture or palette.

Too much homogeneity is drab and boring.
Too much chaos lacks any continuity and will fail to promote a sense of communal interest.

But that's not something that be fixed by software.
It's up to the contributors to create the kind of place they want to be.
Garbage Contributors = Garbage Forum, no matter how many bells and whistles are added to the code.

If someone thinks a forum is shit they should either do something about it (lead by example) or accept that they aren't a good fit in that forum and find someplace else to spend their time.

Merely complaining without being in any way proactive is useless to everyone involved.

Contributors need to take more personal responsibility for the state of their forums, good or bad.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Forums (the coding side of things) all have their idiosyncrasies but these days I expect you'd be hard-pressed to find one that's so terrible it's literally unusable. They've come a long way since the early versions which could be so wonky that it wasn't unheard of to crash them just by posting too much text or clicking the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Now as then, though, a forum is merely a canvas on which the contributing members scribble and draw stuff at each other. Some use pen and ink, others water colors or oil paints. And yes, a few will always opt for the good ol' trusty crayons. It's all part of the picture being layered onto the canvas and each adds its own unique texture or palette.

Too much homogeneity is drab and boring.
Too much chaos lacks any continuity and will fail to promote a sense of communal interest.

But that's not something that be fixed by software.
It's up to the contributors to create the kind of place they want to be.
Garbage Contributors = Garbage Forum, no matter how many bells and whistles are added to the code.

If someone thinks a forum is shit they should either do something about it (lead by example) or accept that they aren't a good fit in that forum and find someplace else to spend their time.

Merely complaining without being in any way proactive is useless to everyone involved.

Contributors need to take more personal responsibility for the state of their forums, good or bad.

This BF does not resemble BF when SG was thriving and Erica Mena did not need a choppa, when SG closed you had politics added and new people who Breakfall called blow ins....so Breakfall probably won't be donating another 300 to the forum any time soon.

As for quality contributions, that Geese thread you started was a good start.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Forums (the coding side of things) all have their idiosyncrasies but these days I expect you'd be hard-pressed to find one that's so terrible it's literally unusable. They've come a long way since the early versions which could be so wonky that it wasn't unheard of to crash them just by posting too much text or clicking the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Now as then, though, a forum is merely a canvas on which the contributing members scribble and draw stuff at each other. Some use pen and ink, others water colors or oil paints. And yes, a few will always opt for the good ol' trusty crayons. It's all part of the picture being layered onto the canvas and each adds its own unique texture or palette.

Too much homogeneity is drab and boring.
Too much chaos lacks any continuity and will fail to promote a sense of communal interest.

But that's not something that be fixed by software.
It's up to the contributors to create the kind of place they want to be.
Garbage Contributors = Garbage Forum, no matter how many bells and whistles are added to the code.

If someone thinks a forum is shit they should either do something about it (lead by example) or accept that they aren't a good fit in that forum and find someplace else to spend their time.

Merely complaining without being in any way proactive is useless to everyone involved.

Contributors need to take more personal responsibility for the state of their forums, good or bad.

"If someone thinks a forum is shit they should either do something about it (lead by example) or accept that they aren't a good fit in that forum and find someplace else to spend their time."



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
@Alticus I'm very sorry I hurt your feelings by calling this forum a shit hole.

I log on occasionally to see if there's any topics worth reading and I usually don't find anything, what I do find is one member telling another member they're gay and they're going to ejaculate on them or something of that nature and I shake my head and think wtf is the point of saying this crap all day long. There's gotta be better things to talk about.

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
The only reason I show up around here is for the super secret 'Nude Sophia Vergara' thread. Everything else is just a waste of time.

@Alticus I'm very sorry I hurt your feelings by calling this forum a shit hole.

I log on occasionally to see if there's any topics worth reading and I usually don't find anything, what I do find is one member telling another member they're gay and they're going to ejaculate on them or something of that nature and I shake my head and think wtf is the point of saying this crap all day long. There's gotta be better things to talk about.

Imagine if all members thought like this.. there would be zero content.

Maybe it's time you both show these people the quality content you're capable of...

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
@Alticus I'm very sorry I hurt your feelings by calling this forum a shit hole.

I log on occasionally to see if there's any topics worth reading and I usually don't find anything, what I do find is one member telling another member they're gay and they're going to ejaculate on them or something of that nature and I shake my head and think wtf is the point of saying this crap all day long. There's gotta be better things to talk about.
There isn't when so many here identify as troll (I mean this is who they are in life), and they think it's super coolio to be flametarded and trolltarded. Those are things they aspire to and revere. This is like a hospital ward for the mentally and emotionally stunted, with a few adults trying to help them grow up.
. Believe it of not it is actually better than it was when I first arrived, although things have slipped a little in the past month or so. It is, however, a bit of a rudderless ship, if you catch my drift.

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
It's 'rudderless' for a reason... giving members freeeeedoms here unlike most over-moderated forums for no fucking reason other than to power trip or to fill a sense of importance in life.


The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
It's 'rudderless' for a reason... giving members freeeeedoms here unlike most over-moderated forums for no fucking reason other than to power trip or to fill a sense of importance in life.


I/we do not want us/me over modding here...
Why you change da pic? She was cute.

. You have probably taken note of some of us posters reminiscing of a board long ago and far away called BY (Bad-Yahoo). The admin there was also hands off, and that was workable there because posters on balance were both intelligent and respectful of one another...if you catch my drift,
or if you don't, allow me to add that we don't have that problem here. LoLz


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Imagine if all members thought like this.. there would be zero content.

Maybe it's time you both show these people the quality content you're capable of...
No, if properly moderated for content this forum would attract and keep quality members and posts. The stupid 2nd grade crap that permeates this forum would be a distant memory.