A HUGE sign that you butthurt.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

I'm sorry that Oak gave you a boo boo and it hurts so very bad. However, it seems like you have raged and ranted about me, Lily, a lot. I have two, maybe more trophy threads about me or include me in them. The evidence shows, very clearly, that my existence does very much bother you.


Hey dummy, literally the entire board knows that you are the salsa slug, yet you insist on continuing with this ridiculous charade.

Have you any idea how retarded you look?

Can any of you retards prove that I'm not Lily. Saying I'm not Lily is one thing, proving it is another. PROVE IT, sphincter face.

Actually, why don't you prove how my existence means nothing to you. Prove that instead. Go on, ignore me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Only the psychics on this forum know if Oak is Lily. All of these other people must provide proof.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

I'm sorry that Oak gave you a boo boo and it hurts so very bad. However, it seems like you have raged and ranted about me, Lily, a lot. I have two, maybe more trophy threads about me or include me in them. The evidence shows, very clearly, that my existence does very much bother you.


Hey dummy, literally the entire board knows that you are the salsa slug, yet you insist on continuing with this ridiculous charade.

Have you any idea how retarded you look?

Can any of you retards prove that I'm not Lily. Saying I'm not Lily is one thing, proving it is another. PROVE IT, sphincter face.

Actually, why don't you prove how my existence means nothing to you. Prove that instead. Go on, ignore me.
Oh shut your mouth. Why did You changed the password?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This is what happens when I'm forced to interact with the untermenschen and their subhuman IQ levels...

Hey genius, if you were in fact a new poster who had been wrongly accused of being someone else, you would have quickly distanced yourself from the subject, not embraced it and wallowed in the attention.

I'm sure you've heard this many times before, but FUCK you're stupid.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is what happens when I'm forced to interact with the untermenschen and their subhuman IQ levels...

Hey genius, if you were in fact some new poster who had been wrongly accused of being someone else, you would have quickly distanced yourself from the subject, not embraced it and wallowed in the attention.

I'm sure you've heard this many times before, but FUCK you're stupid.

My existence doesn't matter, but you keep following me around like a dog in heat. Stop it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You quoted my post, dumb ass.

Euggghh, I can feel my braincells dying with every painful interaction...

Just put me back on ignore ffs.

You responded to me in this thread first, when I wasn't referring to you, you stupid son of a whore. You don't want to interact with me, then stop yourself. You can only control YOU. You have no control over me, get used to it and behave accordingly.


Res ipsa loq
Petty, belligerent and argumentative.....

Those glorious character traits are the main reason why your cunning undercover infiltration was immediately noticed, it's impossible to conceal your shitty, anti-social personality.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
You responded to me in this thread first, when I wasn't referring to you, you stupid son of a whore. You don't want to interact with me, then stop yourself. You can only control YOU. You have no control over me, get used to it and behave accordingly.

only losers with huge financial debts and problems speak like that. Sucks being you. :LOL3:


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

Kindness and bombness isnt rated on how nicely and respectfully you treat those who align with you. It's how you treat those who DONT.

How well can you be empathetic towards others who DONT fall into your "approval pool".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Petty, belligerent and argumentative.....

Those glorious character traits are the main reason why your cunning undercover infiltration was immediately noticed, it's impossible to conceal your shitty, anti-social personality.

Still responding? I am clearly anti-asshole. And you, buddy, are a flaming asshole. Keep at it, see what you get.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

I'm sorry that Oak gave you a boo boo and it hurts so very bad. However, it seems like you have raged and ranted about me, Lily, a lot. I have two, maybe more trophy threads about me or include me in them. The evidence shows, very clearly, that my existence does very much bother you.


Hey dummy, literally the entire board knows that you are the salsa slug, yet you insist on continuing with this ridiculous charade.

Have you any idea how retarded you look?

Can any of you retards prove that I'm not Lily. Saying I'm not Lily is one thing, proving it is another. PROVE IT, sphincter face.

Actually, why don't you prove how my existence means nothing to you. Prove that instead. Go on, ignore me.
Oh shut your mouth. Why did You changed the password?

I don't know wtf you're drooling about.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.

I don't believe I've ever stuck you in a box and condemned all those in the box with you either. I've never said you and they are bad for society and ruining the world. And even if I did do that, never would I do that 50x every single freaking day I'm on this forum.

It is tedious. You ever see a horse stomp a snake? That's what it feels like to me when I read her screeds. Now I've gotten to the point that I'm largely scrolling past most of her mindless, tedious rants.

Not worth it. It has a huge amygdala and a non-functioning pre-frontal cortex.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.


So you "pick your battles" better than everyone else who has challanged her and inspired her anger. Or did or said something she doesnt approve of.

So I should be a better doormat and not have firm boundaries?

Because I certainly put effort into avoiding her attempts to pick petty fights for a while.

You can really justify any sort of abusive and unhealthy person by saying you "pick your battles". At some point you have to ask if being around someone who brings nothing but battles you have to pick is worth it.

Again, it's because your views are in line with hers. If they were not, you wouldn't be able to say anything without having to chose not to battle.

It does her absolutely NO good to enable her endlessly combative and hypocritical behaviour. Patronizing other people for not tolerating a wanna be bully who cant deal respectfully with others doesnt work here.

No one has ever treated HER the way she lashes out and treats other people. Shes responsible for herself, it's not on other people to "grow" and learn how to have weaker boundaries to accommodate a control freak.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.


So you "pick your battles" better than everyone else who has challanged her and inspired her anger. Or did or said something she doesnt approve of.

So I should be a better doormat and not have firm boundaries?

Because I certainly put effort into avoiding her attempts to pick petty fights for a while.

You can really justify any sort of abusive and unhealthy person by saying you "pick your battles". At some point you have to ask if being around someone who brings nothing but battles you have to pick is worth it.

Again, it's because your views are in line with hers. If they were not, you wouldn't be able to say anything without having to chose not to battle.

It does her absolutely NO good to enable her endlessly combative and hypocritical behaviour.

Says the woman that follows Admin around telling him that he sucks cock several times a day. She does it with her "friends" as well.

Godly woman indeed.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.


So you "pick your battles" better than everyone else who has challanged her and inspired her anger. Or did or said something she doesnt approve of.

So I should be a better doormat and not have firm boundaries?

Because I certainly put effort into avoiding her attempts to pick petty fights for a while.

You can really justify any sort of abusive and unhealthy person by saying you "pick your battles". At some point you have to ask if being around someone who brings nothing but battles you have to pick is worth it.

Again, it's because your views are in line with hers. If they were not, you wouldn't be able to say anything without having to chose not to battle.

It does her absolutely NO good to enable her endlessly combative and hypocritical behaviour. Patronizing other people for not tolerating a wanna be bully who cant deal respectfully with others doesnt work here.

No one has ever treated HER the way she lashes out and treats other people. Shes responsible for herself, it's not on other people to "grow" and learn how to have weaker boundaries to accommodate a control freak.

See what I mean, Dovey?


It is what it is.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I like Lily. She reminds me of Oak. Oak was da bomb!

Aryan reminds me of that guy who used to come around to service my septic tank but who, for some reason, always left with the cargo pockets of his purple polyester overalls bulging and seeping.

Of course you like her and think shes the bomb. I also liked her a lot.

You havent taken a strong position in opposition to one of hers, or challanged her opinions. So you havent been in the receiving end of her controling and assholish behavior. She hasnt attacked you either.

Because you guys agree on mostly everything

No. It's because I know how to pick my battles, an art you should try to learn if only for the sake of your own mental health, Dovey

I don't know much about Lily's views but I do know for a fact that Oak and I don't see eye-to-eye on certain issues that are non-trivial to me. And yet we always manage to appreciate each other's contributions to The Great Conversation.

Again, this is because--and you may not believe this--I'm not out to convince anyone they're WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING, especially not by ripping their heads off and shitting down their throats. Savvy?

The day you get your own ass to that place, Dove, is the day you'll go back to being the funny and fun-loving tramp you once were.


So you "pick your battles" better than everyone else who has challanged her and inspired her anger. Or did or said something she doesnt approve of.

So I should be a better doormat and not have firm boundaries?

Because I certainly put effort into avoiding her attempts to pick petty fights for a while.

You can really justify any sort of abusive and unhealthy person by saying you "pick your battles". At some point you have to ask if being around someone who brings nothing but battles you have to pick is worth it.

Again, it's because your views are in line with hers. If they were not, you wouldn't be able to say anything without having to chose not to battle.

It does her absolutely NO good to enable her endlessly combative and hypocritical behaviour. Patronizing other people for not tolerating a wanna be bully who cant deal respectfully with others doesnt work here.

No one has ever treated HER the way she lashes out and treats other people. Shes responsible for herself, it's not on other people to "grow" and learn how to have weaker boundaries to accommodate a control freak.

See what I mean, Dovey?


It is what it is.

They won't acknowledge that I was attacked from the moment I posted an introduction thread. Now, they are all crying "victim". I have to say this, I fucking hate millennials. They are this country's WORST generation.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Can anyone recommend a good trannie repellent?

What? All out of R-AIDS?

You know you're up in the nosebleed section when your adversaries are down there on the field writing up your witty comebacks for you, Scouse.

Irrelevant twat.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
They won't acknowledge that I was attacked from the moment I posted an introduction thread. Now, they are all crying "victim". I have to say this, I fucking hate millennials. They are this country's WORST generation.

I disagree.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
They won't acknowledge that I was attacked from the moment I posted an introduction thread. Now, they are all crying "victim". I have to say this, I fucking hate millennials. They are this country's WORST generation.

I disagree.


That's fine. But, I'm right and you're wrong, amirite or amirite?

I am tired of how easily they are offended while being one of the most entitled, self-absorbed, and useless group of people that ever breathed.
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