Al Sharpton and I don't always see eye to eye but he's almost 100% dead on with this one

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Kamala Harris? Not so much.

Now what I want to know is this. Why, in nearly two years where democrats controlled both chambers of congress and the presidency the George Floyd fairness in policing act never got passed? It passed the house in March of 2021 and seems to have mysteriously died on Chuck Schumer's desk

why is that?

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Now, I do have a few minor quirks with this bill in it's current format but none that the democrats would take issue with as mine center around how overbroad the dismantling of qualified immunity happens to be. I happen not to be a fan of qualified immunity in it's current form but I am also not a fan of greedy scumbag ambulance chasers being provided the means to strip a family of all their worldly possessions in the event a traffic stop escalates through no fault of their own into a violent event.

But surely among a majority of democrats some type of compromise can be achieved here? Something in the form of independent fines and sanctions administered and collected by the state and only the award of damages to the aggrieved in clear cut cases of police brutality where evidence is substantial and compelling?

Perhaps now that the drooling imbecile is on a little much needed R&R in some gay club licking his wounds we can discuss THIS topic without introducing some jive about Trump's tax returns or George Santos' underwear?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Leftist pigs like Lily and Lotus have no answer as to why their side did not pass this piece of legislation despite having complete control of all legislative branches of government

Tyre murdered 2 days after republicans are inaugurated and already the Pig vomits on the left are trying to politicize this tragic death and lack of action despite them having nearly TWO years of no resistance to actually pass it

And people like Pig actually believe they are smart? :LOL3:


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This guy Sharpleton is everywhere LOL I feel like if you gave him 10 bucks he'd attend a door opening ceremony ffs :LOL3:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Sharpton IS a scumbag though.

The Speeches were good until that crump chump tried to say the officers were acted against quickly cause they were black

No you race hustling ambulance huanting douche. They were charged quickly because there is video footage depicting the entire event and that video speaks for itself