Are Rape & Incest common in Texas?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Everyone knows southern states are full of Republican white men force feeding their Christianity on everyone. The women wash their husband’s feet in a Christian wedding ceremony if that gives you any perspective as to what you’re dealing with *rolls eyes* *barfs*

Sick fuck fetishes have historically been the guilty pleasure of the rich.

I just find it a bit odd/strange that the Governor of Texas appears to be an apologist for incesters and rapists. He's turning a blind eye to it almost as they dont exist.

Most political leaders of any stripe just about anywhere in North America would outright condemn such practices. That Texas recorded the highest number of rapes among US states in 2020 makes ya wonder what goes on in the Lone Star state.

because it’s a dirty secret of the south that they want to keep hidden… all part of a Republican Christian based agenda.

I mean look at all the accusations of rape of underaged girls against Trump that they ignore. He was photographed shaking hands with the KKK before he was elected and that information mysteriously disappeared, which violated freedom of press laws and our constitution.

these people are clueless how oppressive they actually are and it’s disgusting


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Everyone knows southern states are full of Republican white men force feeding their Christianity on everyone. The women wash their husband’s feet in a Christian wedding ceremony if that gives you any perspective as to what you’re dealing with *rolls eyes* *barfs*

Sick fuck fetishes have historically been the guilty pleasure of the rich.

I just find it a bit odd/strange that the Governor of Texas appears to be an apologist for incesters and rapists. He's turning a blind eye to it almost as they dont exist.

Most political leaders of any stripe just about anywhere in North America would outright condemn such practices. That Texas recorded the highest number of rapes among US states in 2020 makes ya wonder what goes on in the Lone Star state.

because it’s a dirty secret of the south that they want to keep hidden… all part of a Republican Christian based agenda.

I mean look at all the accusations of rape of underaged girls against Trump that they ignore. He was photographed shaking hands with the KKK before he was elected and that information mysteriously disappeared, which violated freedom of press laws and our constitution.

these people are clueless how oppressive they actually are and it’s disgusting

This is what gets me the most. The hypocrisy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What gets me is how abortion supporters ignore emergency contraception and probably wish it didnt exist so they can throw the rape card on the table in order to avoid any honest dialog.

And how abortion clinics release rape victims back to abusers with no report and no one cares.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You really need to get out of your bubble. The hate and stereotypes are slowly poisoning you.

Discussing a tradition that I find to be misogynistic is not propaganda or a stereotype. I call it like I see it. You clearly can’t refute my statement lol

The problem is when "how you see it" isn't actually based upon reality and is not backed up by hard data to justify it. Then we are just dealing with bigotry and ignorance. Please try to do better.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Everyone knows southern states are full of Republican white men force feeding their Christianity on everyone. The women wash their husband’s feet in a Christian wedding ceremony if that gives you any perspective as to what you’re dealing with *rolls eyes* *barfs*

Sick fuck fetishes have historically been the guilty pleasure of the rich.

I just find it a bit odd/strange that the Governor of Texas appears to be an apologist for incesters and rapists. He's turning a blind eye to it almost as they dont exist.

Most political leaders of any stripe just about anywhere in North America would outright condemn such practices. That Texas recorded the highest number of rapes among US states in 2020 makes ya wonder what goes on in the Lone Star state.

because it’s a dirty secret of the south that they want to keep hidden… all part of a Republican Christian based agenda.

I mean look at all the accusations of rape of underaged girls against Trump that they ignore. He was photographed shaking hands with the KKK before he was elected and that information mysteriously disappeared, which violated freedom of press laws and our constitution.

these people are clueless how oppressive they actually are and it’s disgusting

This is what gets me the most. The hypocrisy.

You mean like when someone who has had an abortion becomes the expert on how to prevent one? Yeah… it’s pretty appalling considering medical treatment is private.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Everyone knows southern states are full of Republican white men force feeding their Christianity on everyone. The women wash their husband’s feet in a Christian wedding ceremony if that gives you any perspective as to what you’re dealing with *rolls eyes* *barfs*

Sick fuck fetishes have historically been the guilty pleasure of the rich.

I just find it a bit odd/strange that the Governor of Texas appears to be an apologist for incesters and rapists. He's turning a blind eye to it almost as they dont exist.

Most political leaders of any stripe just about anywhere in North America would outright condemn such practices. That Texas recorded the highest number of rapes among US states in 2020 makes ya wonder what goes on in the Lone Star state.

because it’s a dirty secret of the south that they want to keep hidden… all part of a Republican Christian based agenda.

I mean look at all the accusations of rape of underaged girls against Trump that they ignore. He was photographed shaking hands with the KKK before he was elected and that information mysteriously disappeared, which violated freedom of press laws and our constitution.

these people are clueless how oppressive they actually are and it’s disgusting

This is what gets me the most. The hypocrisy.

You mean like when someone who has had an abortion becomes the expert on how to prevent one? Yeah… it’s pretty appalling considering medical treatment is private.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You really need to get out of your bubble. The hate and stereotypes are slowly poisoning you.

Discussing a tradition that I find to be misogynistic is not propaganda or a stereotype. I call it like I see it. You clearly can’t refute my statement lol

The problem is when "how you see it" isn't actually based upon reality and is not backed up by hard data to justify it. Then we are just dealing with bigotry and ignorance. Please try to do better.

Hard data bwa!

I was at a Christian wedding and watched the bitch get down on her hands and knees in her gorgeous wedding dress to wash his feet.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You really need to get out of your bubble. The hate and stereotypes are slowly poisoning you.

Discussing a tradition that I find to be misogynistic is not propaganda or a stereotype. I call it like I see it. You clearly can’t refute my statement lol

The problem is when "how you see it" isn't actually based upon reality and is not backed up by hard data to justify it. Then we are just dealing with bigotry and ignorance. Please try to do better.

Shes an actual misogynist who will fight hard to make sure men dont HAVE to treat women like human beings.

Shes too stupid and ignorant to see it. A brainwashed ass licker of the patriarchy here to fight for laws decided by men and for the benefit of men.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Is it stupid to be a woman who wants women to have all of the opportunities and advantages in this world that men do without taking her clothes off to get them?

Is it stupid to shun politics based on religion in a country founded by people who were trying to escape religious persecution?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is it stupid to be a woman who wants women to have all of the opportunities and advantages in this world that men do without taking her clothes off to get them?

Is it stupid to shun politics based on religion in a country founded by people who were trying to escape religious persecution?
A spoiled bitch like you needs to spend a few years in a muhzie country washing balls.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Is it stupid to be a woman who wants women to have all of the opportunities and advantages in this world that men do without taking her clothes off to get them?

Is it stupid to shun politics based on religion in a country founded by people who were trying to escape religious persecution?
A spoiled bitch like you needs to spend a few years in a muhzie country washing balls.

how very Christian of you


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Is it stupid to be a woman who wants women to have all of the opportunities and advantages in this world that men do without taking her clothes off to get them?

Is it stupid to shun politics based on religion in a country founded by people who were trying to escape religious persecution?
A spoiled bitch like you needs to spend a few years in a muhzie country washing balls.

how very Christian of you
Bitch, sometimes sum tough love is just what a hoe like you needs!