Ask The Next Poster A Question ?


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Yes and in a jungle Too- - - - - - -

Have you ever sky dive and if not would you ?

a dangerous jump.jpg


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
YES ! i hope to do that someday like an expert and bungee jumping too from a tall bridge .. i like facing fear and sometimes do it .. it's like jumping in the water .. the first few seconds, the cold and choking feeling lol .. after that the fun is gone .. so yup, i hope someday.

is sky diving the only thing you did?


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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YES ! i hope to do that someday like an expert and bungee jumping too from a tall bridge .. i like facing fear and sometimes do it .. it's like jumping in the water .. the first few seconds, the cold and choking feeling lol .. after that the fun is gone .. so yup, i hope someday.

is sky diving the only thing you did?

Far from it and have done just about everything except fuck a black or asian woman or fly a jet plane- - - - - -

Have you ever ate a dog or a cat ?


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Elton Johns clothes - - - - - --

Make him wear all red and throw him into a Bull Ring with 5piss off bulls- - - - - - -

Would you sell out a friend for (in swamp duck's case-dope)money ?



missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
YES ! i hope to do that someday like an expert and bungee jumping too from a tall bridge .. i like facing fear and sometimes do it .. it's like jumping in the water .. the first few seconds, the cold and choking feeling lol .. after that the fun is gone .. so yup, i hope someday.

is sky diving the only thing you did?

Far from it and have done just about everything except fuck a black or asian woman or fly a jet plane- - - - - -

Have you ever ate a dog or a cat ?

mnope and i doubt i ever will, my grandparents ate cat once or few times but they did .. nazi reich that was around and poverty equals black market / contraband and poaching aka surviving or stealing trees for fire lol.

Would you ever trye to eat human meat if it where legal, like trying?


Factory Bastard
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No how can you catch a fictional disease?

If there was a disease going rampant but you aren’t the only one to get better, they want to use you to make a cure saving thousands of people, but you probably will die ?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
No how can you catch a fictional disease?

If there was a disease going rampant but you aren’t the only one to get better, they want to use you to make a cure saving thousands of people, but you probably will die ?

certainly that i'd sign up for, not to be hero as you wouldn't know after your dead .. for the same they stick a banana up your ass in the morgue and post you on goresites lol .. but yup ! i would give my life to save others .. i'm even signing up to send my brain to the states (since i have a little artificial swelling there) as study material and the rest of my body they can tear apart and help others BUT only if the victim gets it for free (the limb), that i need to look for on legal side or how it works .. i aint going to get my kidneys ripped out to have the thought before dying some woman or man needs to pay the surgery and ALSO MY KIDNEYS they are free, that's the rule in my will .. if they get sold my kidneys to fill the pockets of a hospital or doctor, than nah.. than the person can die and perish ..organs should be free as surgery itself cost much already .. like the usa and other countries don't always have health insurance and I FUCKING HATE to read at times .. "my son / daughter / man / wife needs a donor but WE CAN'T PAY IT .. else they need to donate limbs for free and only calculate the surgery .. many pple would help donating more i'm sure when it comes to that and many more receivers would be helped .. but i'm up for it and normally donating blood too, i did that once for stem cells in ghent .. blood too .. i got O+ a rare form of blood, i can't receive blood except my own type of donor .. for the rest i can give give blood like i'm a beer barrel which i may do at some point in life .. i love it and got taught to us, to help others .. good upbringin (grand)parents but sometimes i can be an absolute bastard .. so that keeps me a bit from it now .. and i'd only do it for military personnel and cops .. cos they need it the most .. but that's something personal as i am thankful abt. a few things .. i'll never forget .. if a cop sees you as a bastard and vice versa .. yet you understand what the both go trough me and a cop .. the cop and me .. torture abt intelligence .. than you see that artificial word "copper or pig" to mock em.. fade away and than you see that pple have a humane side .. and only that little thing moves a lot in my world, excentric as i am .. and it wont stop me from smoking weed in a secret corner even when illegal.. going trough a surreal and very difficult time since years .. yet they know what i go trough .. so yup .. and even that next to some event in 2014 shall make me remember some of these cool dipshits .. and i'll cry abt it someday so much is sure .. and remember that too like some exes, parents before i close my eyes .. my memory box or memory generic before i go .. all the good stuff you think abt as vividly as one can.

ways of copin when shit hits the fan?

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missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..

If the Infinity Gauntlet was real but you could only snap one person out of existence, who would it be?

only one? lol .. oh my .. but if one .. that would be about 2500 a 3000 km's away from me ..

IF you had been a world improver .. you on top of the world, your worst fear and solution to it?


Factory Bastard
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Animals like elephants becoming extinct, solution, wipe out bipedal hominids.

With all this gender stuff going on, do you think we will evolve into Hermaphrodites ?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
Animals like elephants becoming extinct, solution, wipe out bipedal hominids.

With all this gender stuff going on, do you think we will evolve into Hermaphrodites ?

i see that coming .. completely and full freedom abt appearance and gender and sexual orientation which is already like that ... since the word exists but perhaps not as free as uhm i guesss lesbians, bisexuals and homosexuals in the 70's or even in the 30's being in secret as to fear for public aversion, degenaration .. like lgbt .. i don't mind, even worked with a transgender and talked with another one drunk in a pub who loved me apparently .. bit weirded out but any other than exterior or traits not matching up to my interpretation of facial traits and sexyness or lovely voice .. cool people like any other .. so yup i see that happening .. how they wrap and package that up is another question cos extremer or excentric pple abt their gender, orientation are more often into excessive outing which is a magnet for avid abusers as to hurting and such .. pple do as they please even they don't hurt each other in the end when it comes to outing and acceptance cos there's fear and hurt involved it repeats like the 70's or 80's but now it is broader like lgbt or so .. the only thing i'd fear is a transgender or hermaphrodite stalking me with the name "butch" that is about two meters tall.. has an "anchor tattoo" and "i love mom tattoo" and is a bear of a person in a female outfit .. lol joke ..

this is what i'll be needing ..


Factory Bastard
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Be careful you don’t get accused of vegisim...

Have you ever burned your mouth on a joint that’s the wrong way round ?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
No country for old men, that's for certain.

D'ye reckon the plural of asparagus is asparagii?
nope, my english degraded over the years and not native .. so for my concentration and it's killing me /needs brain surgery soon but will be back. :FU::Killa:

ever want blazing upset?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
Be careful you don’t get accused of vegisim...

Have you ever burned your mouth on a joint that’s the wrong way round ?

no, what i did and still can is flipping it inwards above tongue to hide it but it does smell though .. it's more for from a distance and to play..

from school too .. smoking in the toilets at times .. or in the past weed .. :Stoned:

Most favorite computer game you played in your life?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
I don't smoke that stuff, so no.

Funniest crime you ever committed -- hypothetically, of course?

racing with my mountain bike and stalling a car by zig zagging in front of him to speed away so me and a bro got followed by an aggressor so we rode up a street that was one way *fear for getting run over* dude overtook is in a narrow street .. pulled us over .. so we got upset .. untill he showed a badge .. a cop ... lol .. busted he said untill we hit a cafe (saloon) the barman told us he was not allowed .. so we pressed charges lol for the agression and his mistake with car "one way street" i think he got a sanction but was also my fault .. stunting .. we learn as we get older.. :Perfecto:



Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Friend of mine and I found a car for sale for $150, just a total rustbucket old beater. So we stole it and took it for a joyride out on the jetty. Cops pulled up with the owner. We gave the owner the $150 and he didn't press charges. We got ticketed for having the car out there, though.

Weirdest flavor of yogurt you'd actually eat willingly?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
Friend of mine and I found a car for sale for $150, just a total rustbucket old beater. So we stole it and took it for a joyride out on the jetty. Cops pulled up with the owner. We gave the owner the $150 and he didn't press charges. We got ticketed for having the car out there, though.

Weirdest flavor of yogurt you'd actually eat willingly?
lol, i know some that did the same but they crashed it and left it behind or so they said .. but no more contact wanted from my end, bro is on probation for accomplicity, murder .. so he has to fuck off for a while untill he's out of the dark ..

Mmmmm wouldn't be yummy i guess but yogurt with whiskey or beer .. i'd prefer a light hint of whiskey .. not sure it would blend ..

Ever had someone stalking you in overkill?


missing siamese eyes.
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in my radio ..
yeah apparently i have it in form of every day the same bs .. gets to me.. wanted to see your reply .. happens much apparently .. :Perfecto:

whew .. shark, alligator, for sure cheetah my fave pet and boa constrictor, fox, raven, raccoon, lynx .. there are others .. too much to name but cheetah is my #1 they're elegant and sweet predators when good domesticated.

Strangest dream ever had?


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Since I started taking melatonin trying to get my sleep schedule normalized, I have had some doozies.

The weirdest one involved riding a grocery cart down a hill on a sidewalk as wide as a freeway, past a seriously gigantic building that looked like a cross between a casino and a shopping mall, and later having to hover+glide over the surface of the street because there was a tiny hammerhead shark "swimming" on the surface of the street trying to nip my feet but only able to boop my foot with the front of its head, which was mostly just intensely annoying.

Preferred method of execution for those who use leaf blowers?


Factory Bastard
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Bunged in one of them tree chipper things feet first , use a small one so they can see bits of themselves flying out the other end.

What is your most comfortable thing you wear at home ?


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Sweats and a T-shirt- - - - - - -

Ever eat at someone's house and the food is the shit's and you tell them so or do you say it's good to be polite ?

Special question for KW; If you didn't have anything to eat for 2 weeks and was ready to kick the bucket would you eat at a cop's house ?