At Least 10 People Killed On New Orleans’ Bourbon Street After Car Drives Into Crowd Officials Say


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
Sorry - you want me to go braindead and accept a denial of muslim genocide of Hindus from aljazeera?

Sorry - to deny it is no different than to deny the murder of 6 million jews in Europe. It happened.

Remember, Lotus - this took place over 1000 years. Using 270 million, that is 270,000 year.
. A pace much lower than in the Nazis murderfest....and in a population far larger.
Don't try mathing - it isn't what you do.
Where did you get those figures?
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Read your own posts. You implied it.

No, I did not.

I have beaten you many times in many arguments. But I certainly did not state or even imply that I beat you in an argument where I did not even participate!!!!

Now quit trying to derail the argument that you are losing in this thread. You have already made it to Personal Insult Stage.

I want to see if you get all the way to.....well, just leave me alone and let me enjoy the show!!! Hahaha!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
No, I did not.

I have beaten you many times in many arguments. But I certainly did not state or even imply that I beat you in an argument where I did not even participate!!!!

Now quit trying to derail the argument that you are losing in this thread. You have already made it to Personal Insult Stage.

I want to see if you get all the way to.....well, just leave me alone and let me enjoy the show!!! Hahaha!!

I know you didn't participate, ding dong. That's what my post was about.

You win in your own delusional mind. And that's okay, I can't fix you, you're permanently broken.

Run along pest.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
...and I told you. I quoted it directly.
You fool. You were citing that number before I posted that. And, if you had read my post, you would know the article is a denial of that number being real.

You shouldn't post if you have no clue wtf you are talking about, pal.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
So, I want to address the idea that the estimates of deaths for the genocide committed by muslims in India upon Hindu people is implausible by comparison to other genocides I have mentioned and the figures not challenged.

I was going to present in the opposite order but think this better. Let's start with those which are nearly universally accepted. Exceptions - Neo-Nazis deny Jewish deaths. Muslims deny Armenian Genocide.

Native American by the Spanish:
55 million in 100 years representing 80 - 95% of the total population. 550,000/year as average

Nazi genocide of Jews - 6 million of 9.5 million (European pop prior to genocide)
60+% over 4 years - 1.5 million/year

Armenian Genocide - 1.4- 1.5 million of 2 million in the Ottoman empire 1915
5 years - 280-300 thousand/year. 70-75%

Then 270 million has been rejected as extreme by some (mostly muslims but also some other apologists)

So I have decided to work with the lowest of estimates - 100 million and work through the calculations (which after having concluded I ran through an AI generator with precisely the same results)

Low estimate pop of India (virtually all Hindu) 700 CE - 100 million
Accepted birth rates - births per 1000 total population in 1700 and 1900 - over 40 per 1000.
No reason to expect it was lower between 700 CE and 1700 CE...maybe even higher, but I used 40.
I also assume a constant pop though it rose slightly over time.

I assumed a 50% mortality prior to reproductive age.
Taking then 50% of the 100 mill - 50 million (this is my generosity in suppressing the actual number of births over the period of genocide)
50 million at 40 per 1000 over 1000 years is 2 billion births. And - I'll again take only 85% of those as Hindu or
1.7 Billion. Those are individuals lives during those 1000 years.

...or 100 million of 1.7 billion = 5.88%. Let's bump that to the to the 270 million - then less than 16%

which is somehow less plausable that 80-95% or 60% or 70-75%


I'll tell you why - because some people's masters have given them the playbook, and the playbook says one shall not speak ugly truth about muslims and islam. Deny deny deny when the truth is spoken.
Well, as my mom used to say...Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
You fool. You were citing that number before I posted that. And, if you had read my post, you would know the article is a denial of that number being real.

You shouldn't post if you have no clue wtf you are talking about, pal.
I knew exactly what it said w/o reading it. I simply used that number because it was presented as unlikely high.
Maybe it is high, maybe it's low - what I won't do is read an article or watch a vid that I know is expressing a bias.

What you can do is, if you know what you have posted, put it in your own words, and where the math is concerned - show yer werk.

PS: and I never cited that number - I wrote that estimates range from 230-400 million. Some in fact go higher.
As you can see from the above in spite of my lowering the births by over half it is still plausible in comparison to other accepted tallies of genocide.
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Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
I knew exactly what it said w/o reading it. I simply used that number because it was presented as unlikely high.
Maybe it is high, maybe it's low - what I won't do is read an article or watch a vid that I know is expressing a bias.

What you can do is, if you know what you have posted, put it in your own words, and where the math is concerned - show yer werk.

PS: and I never cited that number - I wrote that estimates range from 230-400 million. Some in fact go higher.
As you can see from the above in spite of my lowering the births by over half it is still plausible in comparison to other accepted tallies of genocide.
Well, I should stop reading your posts, because they ALL, each and every one, clearly express a bias.

Where did you get those fucking numbers in the FIRST PLACE, (230-400 million, which are the numbers he used to come up with 270, for fuck's sake) Holliday? That's the question you refuse to answer.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Would you guys stop arguing about how many Wogs the subhuman Jihadis killed. You sound like a couple of unpleasant old fucks at a nice corner diner making everyone around them uncomfortable with their ornery display.

The answer is none would have been slaughtered if Islam wasn't a diabolically evil ideology.

I believe Charles the Hammer did give them the boot. (Tours - 732 CE)

Interesting, check me if wrong - Portugal was not under muzzie rule so became a sovereign nation some 400 years before Spain (the first significant thing Spain did was invade and murder indigenous people of the Americas). Even then as now the muzzie was not interested in Portugal - Portugal today being one of the whitest, muslim free nations in the world.

Er, no, all of Iberia was overrun by the subhuman muslims except the tiny region of Asturias. Portugal was infested until the 1200s. Portugal is its own country because the Portugees have always been different from the rest of Iberia going all the way back before Roman days.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Would you guys stop arguing about how many Wogs the subhuman Jihadis killed.

Yeah, people like Lardo @Lily are so fuckin' stupid it is incredible.

I asked this a while ago:

Would 375 million murders support your stance?

What is the number of murders in the name of allah that you think is acceptable?

The dumb cow thought about it for a while and it hurt her pea brain so she did not even answer.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Well, I should stop reading your posts, because they ALL, each and every one, clearly express a bias.
Kenya Reid called...
...he wants to know if you ken reed.

I did not say I would stop reading your posts. I said I wasn't going to follow a link to some gasbag apologist for muslim atrocities. I'm not interested in anyone who wants to deny what is fact and feed me a 9 mile long line of bullshit about how so many Hindus could not possibly have been killed because, ya know, like there weren't even that many people in the whole werl, and besides muslims would never hurt a fly, plus...islam means peace, and muslims are victims of negative PR etc.

You think there is something in that link, write down the salient points with the proofs offered. Don't feed a link to something you can't translate with your own understanding.

4) I'm not biased. My views are supported by undeniable evidence.
. What I do not care for is people claiming I said this or that and being unable to support the claim by linking a quote from me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
You fool. You were citing that number before I posted that. And, if you had read my post, you would know the article is a denial of that number being real.

You shouldn't post if you have no clue wtf you are talking about, pal.

Why would he let ignorance stop him?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
Kenya Reid called...
...he wants to know if you ken reed.

I did not say I would stop reading your posts. I said I wasn't going to follow a link to some gasbag apologist for muslim atrocities. I'm not interested in anyone who wants to deny what is fact and feed me a 9 mile long line of bullshit about how so many Hindus could not possibly have been killed because, ya know, like there weren't even that many people in the whole werl, and besides muslims would never hurt a fly, plus...islam means peace, and muslims are victims of negative PR etc.

You think there is something in that link, write down the salient points with the proofs offered. Don't feed a link to something you can't translate with your own understanding.

4) I'm not biased. My views are supported by undeniable evidence.
. What I do not care for is people claiming I said this or that and being unable to support the claim by linking a quote from me.
I will ask you one last time: Where did you get that range of numbers you posted, and which the article I posted was refuting? Link to your source, or stop this drivel.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I will ask you one last time: Where did you get that range of numbers you posted, and which the article I posted was refuting? Link to your source, or stop this drivel.
Answer: the internets.
. Secondly, you stated that your apologist used the range 230-400 million to generate the 270 million figure. Nonsense - in your own cut and paste from their drivel, the complaint is that this seems so impossibly precise.
. Why would the writer generate a number from a range themselves then complain that number is too precise?
5) I have already shown that the number suggested is not implausible.
3rd - I will make the one post I promised earlier and then I will be finished shoveling dirt on the graves of libtard apologists who argue in favor/defense of radical conservatism.

You, dearest, might consider the question posed by Kenya Reid.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
PS: then time permitting, I will make comparison to the structure of islamic, Nazi, and MAGA culture/society - which are virtually identical.
Well, I did promise...but I'll keep it brief.

The infallible, unreproachable oracle:
islam - the god, allah (even here the thieves took the word meaning "the god" used by pagans, Jews and Christians alike and made it the name of god).
Nazism - Hitler
MAGA - Trump

The Ministry of Truth:
islam - the imams
Nazism - Goebbels, Minister of propaganda
MAGA - a little dif here because in our age of mass media Trump himself is largely his own Ministry of Truth, though right wing talking heads also serve.

The War Machine (enforcers)
Islam - The muslim hordes - allah's army who rages across the ME, Africa, South Asia, western Europe, and sieged the borders of eastern Europe.
Nazi - all from his Brown Shirts to the soldiers of the blitzkrieg and luftwaffe
MAGA - At present, the movement being in infancy (as well as infantile) this is yet not fully realised but like the formative units in nazism these are the rank and file gunfondler MAGAtards and their threats of violence.

The Goosestepping rank and file w/o whom none of the forgoing, and the conservative impulse which informs it could not persist. It is really the same beast (anti-evolutionary/evil) slithering like a great snake through time:

All the same in islam, Nazism, MAGAtardation
.The good muslim, sweet kind, hard working, let's have tea, non-warrior class - the body of islam.
The industrious, loyal, family oriented Nazi party member.
. The friendly, neighborly, fellow football fan, tax paying citizen Trump supporter.

No dissention allowed...members only.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Lardo @Lily is on here 16 hours a day, 7 days a week....

But that post was too long for her to read.,,,,

Nobody believes you, Porky.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
Sorry, I got carried away. (actually - mentioning your laziness was a motivational tactic)

Fact is, all I hope to do here is free the minds of the (LibiCon)tarded to investigate unbiasedly the subject at hand, rather than playbooking it. If they do they will have no choice but to agree that islam is a pure evil.

PS: Jump right in any time, unless you think my efforts at liberation are fully adequate.
LMFAO. You want people to investigate unbiasedly? Like you??? You who turns on friends who don't agree with your completely unbiased opinions about Israel???? LMMFAO. Bloviating bullshitter.