At Least 10 People Killed On New Orleans’ Bourbon Street After Car Drives Into Crowd Officials Say


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
What the whole handful of them? Really compare that to the Muslim terrorists
And how about the "Christians" who advocate for wars and the death penalty? The Protestants who were killing the Irish Catholics not so many decades ago, the "Christians" on this very site who advocate for killing liberals, "Christians" like DJT, who will cause thousands of deaths with his brutal, poverty-making policies, "Christians" who deny sick people health care, "christians" who support the genocide in Gaza? The list is longer. I'm just tired and jet lagged.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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And how about the "Christians" who advocate for wars and the death penalty? The Protestants who were killing the Irish Catholics not so many decades ago, the "Christians" on this very site who advocate for killing liberals, "Christians" like DJT, who will cause thousands of deaths with his brutal, poverty-making policies, "Christians" who deny sick people health care, "christians" who support the genocide in Gaza? The list is longer. I'm just tired and jet lagged.
What's wrong with the death penalty? It's only fair for cold blooded murderers.
What poverty making policies are you addressing from DJT?
Who's denying sick people health care?
And Gaza? That's a war that will never end unfortunately and no party is innocent involved


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
What's wrong with the death penalty? It's only fair for cold blooded murderers.
What poverty making policies are you addressing from DJT?
Who's denying sick people health care?
And Gaza? That's a war that will never end unfortunately and no party is innocent involved
Honey, a lot of born-again Christians who believe the second-coming will happen in Jerusalem advocate for Israel and send them money. That money goes to killing Palestinians, and those Christians know it and applaud it.

You have to be kidding me about DJT? If you can't answer that question yourself, without my help, then you suffer from TDS. Same with the health care question.

Sigh, about the death penalty.

And, you forgot, many Christians advocate all the wars for profits that the US in entangled in.

And remember the Irish Troubles? Lots of terrorism there, by Protestants and Catholics alike.

You people who go on and on about Muslim terrorism manage to turn a blind eye to all the violence that is beinig perpetrated throughout the world under the guise of democracy and Christianity in the sense that "Christian" nations are committing the atrocities.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Honey, a lot of born-again Christians who believe the second-coming will happen in Jerusalem advocate for Israel and send them money. That money goes to killing Palestinians, and those Christians know it and applaud it.

You have to be kidding me about DJT? If you can't answer that question yourself, without my help, then you suffer from TDS. Same with the health care question.

Sigh, about the death penalty.

And, you forgot, many Christians advocate all the wars for profits the the US in entangled in.

And remember the Irish Troubles? Lots of terrorism there.
You're not answering the question about DJT either so?
Also "sigh about the death penalty"?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Except violence toward Pagans is a recorded fact in Roman history. Honey, I am tired of your prejudices. You paint with a very broad brush. The difference between you and me: I weep for all victims, no matter what group they are members of.
Certainly Romans. Rome was a pagan state - Mithraism. It was Rome that threatened Christians before Christians were finally marginalized and sent packing at Nicea.

You claim you know what Nicea was about, but if you did, you'd know that Christians were pushed aside and so threatened that they fled, and had to hide themselves and their writings/teachings in the desert for fear that they would be destroyed by the newly created frankenstein religion of Rome - which was not Christian but an amalgamation (why it is called catholic) excluding vital Christian works and teachings. Fortunately they did do that, so today we have many which have been found and preserved. Those are the facts, miss madam. It's you who have a prejudice against Christians in a broad brushed way that you can't even distinguish between actual Christians who went underground in the 4th century, and the xtians of the bastard Roman religion and its descendants.

So, do you condemn or even acknowledge the atrocities committed by islam? Do you understand the 1400 year trail of death and destruction, persecution and intolerance it has left behind and continues to prosecute?
Do you know it has murdered more people than all of those sick movements I had mentioned combined.

You like others are afraid to speak the truth about it, but like so many cowards bash Christians who you never knew and don't know the teachings of or you'd know they never harmed anyone in living their philosophy.

You know, Lotus, if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, as it is's a duck. If not, it ain't. And it's no matter at all what one calls themselves or even what others call them, if the haven't the attributes of that thing, then they are not that thing. That's why I mentioned the 3 horned squirrel. You may want to identify as tree, but it doesn't mean you're made of wood. Catholics, protestants, evangelicals....ain't Christians. I call them xtians.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
And how about the "Christians" who advocate for wars and the death penalty? The Protestants who were killing the Irish Catholics not so many decades ago, the "Christians" on this very site who advocate for killing liberals, "Christians" like DJT, who will cause thousands of deaths with his brutal, poverty-making policies, "Christians" who deny sick people health care, "christians" who support the genocide in Gaza? The list is longer. I'm just tired and jet lagged.
Lotus, quit making an ass of yourself. DJT is a Christian in your view? You are beyond redemption. Seek psychiatric help soon. Christians do not advocate for war or the death penalty. You have no idea what you are talking about...just spouting cowardly misinformed libtarded playbook hate speech. So very sad.

PS: If you meant to indicate knowing those you mention are not Christian by the quotes and small c...then Bravo, and I withdraw criticize, but if not.....:Pissed5:
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The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Jabbar came from an
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family that predominantly attended the local
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, though his father, a convert to Islam born in Houston, had changed his surname from Young to Jabbar.
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His grandfather moved from Louisiana to Texas as part of a migration of
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to the Beaumont area for work.
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I'll accept your apology any time, Holly.
LoLz. What was Shamsud-Din Jabbar's name at birth? What you copy pasted says his father changed his name. It does not say he changed his son's name or that he had a child at the time he changed his name. Neither did I say he hadn't changed his name (Link? if you think so). What I wrote was that there was an undercurrent of racism (mockingly) in the idea that Shamsud-Din Jabbar could not be an American name. No doubt there are people of ME descent born in the US with similar names. Are they not Americans?. ....and
What is an American name...Running Fox? something like that..or maybe one that would suit you like Quacking Chicken. Or is an American name Smith, or Jones, Butcher, Baker, maybe Candlestickmaker? Certainly not Weinstein. Right? ...nor Chaves or Ardoin. LoLz @ jack...surname Doff?


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
LoLz. What was Shamsud-Din Jabbar's name at birth? What you copy pasted says his father changed his name. It does not say he changed his son's name or that he had a child at the time he changed his name. Neither did I say he hadn't changed his name (Link? if you think so). What I wrote was that there was an undercurrent of racism (mockingly) in the idea that Shamsud-Din Jabbar could not be an American name. No doubt there are people of ME descent born in the US with similar names. Are they not Americans?. ....and
What is an American name...Running Fox? something like that..or maybe one that would suit you like Quacking Chicken. Or is an American name Smith, or Jones, Butcher, Baker, maybe Candlestickmaker? Certainly not Weinstein. Right? ...nor Chaves or Ardoin. LoLz @ jack...surname Doff.

This is why I don't post when i'm drunk.

And thanks for the apology. I acept.

Despite the cognitive dissonance, it's nice to know when proven wrong you just can't admit it.

You seem to have intelligence which is odd, since you have such a small, closed mind.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
This is why I don't post when i'm drunk.
Dear Mr Doff,
.If you feel you must preface a post by stating what follows is why you don't post when drunk then perhaps you shouldn't write and post it all.

As to scoring your dismount: I would have generously given it a 1.3, but for a pair of typos (?), so...1.2

A suggestion - amend your close minded and blatantly racist views that Mr Jabbar's name could not be an American name. It is offensive to all Americans to indicate your belief that names representing all cultures, lands and peoples may not be considered American. Keep posting such anti-American/anti-Liberal sentiments and surely lose the support of your new libtarded pals here on the BadlyRetardedFagtory.

4) I am curious - what is Mr Jabbar's full birth name? What has your research uncovered? Please show your work, Detective Doff.

22 minutes to game time. Mercifully the last breath of Giantards 2024/5 atrocity.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
amend your close minded and blatantly racist views that Mr Jabbar's name could not be an American name
What "race" is America? How is that possibly racist? His father changed his name.

Since you can't admit you were wrong, go blather at someone else. You're sympatico with Regina, go blow smoke up her skirt.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
What race is America? How is that possibly racist? His father changed his name.

Since you can't admit you were wrong, go blather at someone else.
Wrong...about what? Link?
.His FATHER changed HIS name. What was the murdering muslims birth name?
I never said I knew or that it couldn't be other than Jabbar. You have. Now come across with the goods or retire in shame.

PS: Per Victorian sensibility - America is the American race, and surname would not be an indication of membership as you propose.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
Wrong...about what? Link?
.His FATHER changed HIS name. What was the murdering muslims birth name?
I never said I knew or that it couldn't be other than Jabbar. You have. No come across with the goods or retire in shame.

PS: Per Victorian sensibility - America is the American race, and surname would not be an indication of membership as you propose.
Dude, you lost the argument and you were wrong. He had an American name (Young) his father changed it. The Grandfather's name was young and so was the murderers. Eaither follow the links and find out or change your panties as the argument is over. You lost it. Keep your hate and your bullshit to yourself. I'll have no part of it.

Grow the fuck up.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Dude, you lost the argument and you were wrong. He had an American name (Young) his father changed it. The Grandfather's name was young and so was the murderers. Eaither follow the links and find out or change your panties as the argument is over. You lost it. Keep your hate and your bullshit to yourself. I'll have no part of it.

Grow the fuck up.
One - I never said his name might not have been other than Jabbar. (Link? if I did)
2) show me where the murderer's name was changed? Not the father's.
3) why do you say Jabbar is not/ could not be an American name? That is racist and offensive.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Your light's been out since you got here, Mr Doff.

..but - run away now. That's what you're good at.

PS: I had followed the links in your copy/paste. It says nothing about the murder's name having ever been anything but Jabbar. The father it says changed his own name. Evidence, Sherlock.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala

Tell me which conquests or colonizations were carried out peacefully without violence?
.. You were incredulous of my statement that hundreds of millions have been killed by muslims, and that more had been killed by muslims than by commies, xtians (not Christians), fascists and military capitalist movements combined. That is correct. It isn't about which conquests were....'s about islam being inherently aggressive and violent to an extreme from beginning to end and more so than those others combined in terms of human lives lost which is what I had said.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
.. You were incredulous of my statement that hundreds of millions have been killed by muslims, and that more had been killed by muslims than by commies, xtians (not Christians), fascists and military capitalist movements combined. That is correct. It isn't about which conquests were....'s about islam being inherently aggressive and violent to an extreme from beginning to end and more so than those others combined in terms of human lives lost which is what I had said.

Where's rhe link?

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
@Mr Doff...
You have no objection to a person changing their name from Samuel Smith to Samantha Smith when they "transition", correct? Is Samantha Smith then not their American name?
. Why do you object to Shamsud-Din Jabbar having change his name if he did, and call it non-American?
Your bigotry and racism diiiissssGUSTs me. :Pissed5:
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Playing stupid really works for you.

I asked for links to documentation that 400 million Indians being murdered in the conquest of India

We both know it or you're drunk or stupid.
Why are you holding me to a different standard that you hold Jack Doff?
. Are you demanding a link to what he claims is so?