At Least 10 People Killed On New Orleans’ Bourbon Street After Car Drives Into Crowd Officials Say

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I asked for a citation.
I got yer Citation right here, lady.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I looked it up because you have since realized your figures are total crap.

500 years ago the entire planet had around 450 to 500 million people, approximately.

125 years ago the entire population on Earth was 1.65 billion

There is no flipping way Islam murdered 400 million Indians. The math doesn't add up.

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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
.. The muslim conquest in India spanned 1000 years (how many Hindu individuals lived in those 1000 years?) and is estimated to have been the cause of 230-400 million Hindu deaths. Mathing and analysis is not what you do. The muslim genocide of Hindus was by all historical accounts ruthless, brutal and bloody. It's what muslims do. We weren't there (that we recall) so let's let the learned make their accounts. If you want to dispute the estimates then take it up with those scholars.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
.. The muslim conquest in India spanned 1000 years (how many Hindu individuals lived in those 1000 years?) and is estimated to have been the cause of 230-400 million Hindu deaths. Mathing and analysis is not what you do. The muslim genocide of Hindus was by all historical accounts ruthless, brutal and bloody. It's what muslims do. We weren't there (that we recall) so let's let the learned make their accounts. If you want to dispute the estimates then take it up with those scholars.


Not enough Holiday, not nearly enough.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala

Not enough Holiday, not nearly enough.
Really, why so Raggedy Peasant lazy, Oak? Go make a study.
The Muslim historian Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah in the 17th century estimated the number of Hindus kill by the conquest at 400 million. Who are we to disagree?
. As recently as the early 70s 3 million Indian people were killed by muslim military in the "liberation" of Bangladesh. Bangladesh which had been ripped from India so muslims would have a state to rule having failed to fully conquer India and being incapable of peaceful co-existence.

So sad this is since it is India which is the true wellspring of spiritual knowledge in the current age and these beastly muslims (the embodiment of evil as is MAGA) laid such destruction upon it.
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An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Really, why so Raggedy Peasant lazy, Oak? Go make a study.
Don't drag me into this, Hollidunce. Just gently explain to her that every single country that is today a muslim-majority country was at one time invaded by slavering hordes of bloodthirsty Jihadis who forced everyone to convert to Islam or slaughtered them.

Heck, even her beloved Iberia was invaded by the Jihadi hordes but her ancestors had the wherewithal to fight back and eventually drove them out. It took 700 years, but you know how lazy them Spics are.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Don't drag me into this, Hollidunce. Just gently explain to her that every single country that is today a muslim-majority country was at one time invaded by slavering hordes of bloodthirsty Jihadis who forced everyone to convert to Islam or slaughtered them.

Heck, even her beloved Iberia was invaded by the Jihadi hordes but her ancestors had the wherewithal to fight back and eventually drove them out. It took 700 years, but you know how lazy them Spics are.
Sorry, I got carried away. (actually - mentioning your laziness was a motivational tactic)

Fact is, all I hope to do here is free the minds of the (LibiCon)tarded to investigate unbiasedly the subject at hand, rather than playbooking it. If they do they will have no choice but to agree that islam is a pure evil.

PS: Jump right in any time, unless you think my efforts at liberation are fully adequate.
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The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
There is no flipping way Islam murdered 400 million Indians. The math doesn't add up.

Would 375 million murders support your stance?

What is the number of murders in the name of allah that you think is acceptable?


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Sorry, I got carried away. (actually - mentioning your laziness was a motivational tactic)

Fact is, all I hope to do here is free the minds of the (LibiCon)tarded to investigate unbiasedly the subject at hand, rather than playbooking it. If they do they will have no choice but to agree that islam is a pure evil.

PS: Jump right in any time, unless you think my efforts at liberation are fully adequate.
No worries. Everyone already knows I'm a lazy fucker.

And I see no need to dogpile. You're doing a masterful job of gently explaining to the willfully ignorant exactly how and why Islam is a diabolical and evil ideology and an existential threat not just to Western Civilization, but to the very concept of human freedom.

After all, the word "Islam" means "surrender" and the word "muslim" means "one who has surrendered/submitted."

Free persons do not submit or surrender.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Really, why so Raggedy Peasant lazy, Oak? Go make a study.
The Muslim historian Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah in the 17th century estimated the number of Hindus kill by the conquest at 400 million. Who are we to disagree?
. As recently as the early 70s 3 million Indian people were killed by muslim military in the "liberation" of Bangladesh. Bangladesh which had been ripped from India so muslims would have a state to rule having failed to fully conquer India and being incapable of peaceful co-existence.

So sad this is since it is India which is the true wellspring of spiritual knowledge in the current age and these beastly muslims (the embodiment of evil as is MAGA) laid such destruction upon it.

How the hell does anyone in the 17th century begin to be knowledgeable about population sizes?

In the 70's there were 4 billion people. The denominator matters, Holliday.

"Pakistani soldiers and local pro-Pakistan militias killed between 300,000 and 3,000,000 Bengalis and
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in a systematic campaign of
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." (Wiki)
As atrocious as that it...and it is atrocious, the range is insane. 300k to 3 million? Those are estimates? I call horseshit to have a range that's made with a 10 fold number from the bottom estimate.

Let's not forget the role that England played in all the ethnic wars in that region with their arbitrary partitioning of lands and peoples.

Europeans killed more European Jews than what you've presented to me so far. Europeans caused the death of more indigenous people in the Americas than what you've presented to me so far.

You're wrong and don't have the number to prove anything that you've asserted.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No worries. Everyone already knows I'm a lazy fucker.

And I see no need to dogpile. You're doing a masterful job of gently explaining to the willfully ignorant exactly how and why Islam is a diabolical and evil ideology and an existential threat not just to Western Civilization, but to the very concept of human freedom.

After all, the word "Islam" means "surrender" and the word "muslim" means "one who has surrendered/submitted."

Free persons do not submit or surrender.

You guys gonna kiss now?


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
Lotus, quit making an ass of yourself. DJT is a Christian in your view? You are beyond redemption. Seek psychiatric help soon. Christians do not advocate for war or the death penalty. You have no idea what you are talking about...just spouting cowardly misinformed libtarded playbook hate speech. So very sad.

PS: If you meant to indicate knowing those you mention are not Christian by the quotes and small c...then Bravo, and I withdraw criticize, but if not.....:Pissed5:
Do you understand my use of quotation marks in that post, pal? Why else would you think I went to the trouble of putting them in there? SMH Fuck you for all the insults you hurled at me in that post. Your PS didn't make up for your BS.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Do you understand my use of quotation marks in that post, pal? Why else would you think I went to the trouble of putting them in there? SMH Fuck you for all the insults you hurled at me in that post. Your PS didn't make up for your BS.

Ragey and Hollidark are haters and won't own it.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
.. The muslim conquest in India spanned 1000 years (how many Hindu individuals lived in those 1000 years?) and is estimated to have been the cause of 230-400 million Hindu deaths. Mathing and analysis is not what you do. The muslim genocide of Hindus was by all historical accounts ruthless, brutal and bloody. It's what muslims do. We weren't there (that we recall) so let's let the learned make their accounts. If you want to dispute the estimates then take it up with those scholars.
I am getting tired of your nonsense.

"But let’s spend a moment to reflect on this allegation; namely, that “
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” are victims of a homogenous jihadi juggernaut. It is certainly an amazingly precise claim. It is often frequently repeated – Islamophobia resembles nothing if not an echo chamber of incorrectness. In the months since, I’ve encountered many anti-Muslim voices repeat or inflate this number. Most recently, I’ve been challenged to explain the “300 million” killed by “jihad”.

Even if we stick with the lower number, I can tell you that this number was probably pulled out of thin air. (Even if it wasn’t, as I will show, it doesn’t matter.) But for the sake of argument, let’s take this claim seriously. Namely, that “Muslims” killed somewhere between two or three hundred million. Can that be possible? Where does this number come from? Does it reveal a uniquely and dangerously recurrent Islamic aptitude for mass violence? In short, no, out of nowhere, and no."

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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
How the hell does anyone in the 17th century begin to be knowledgeable about population sizes?

In the 70's there were 4 billion people. The denominator matters, Holliday.

"Pakistani soldiers and local pro-Pakistan militias killed between 300,000 and 3,000,000 Bengalis and
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in a systematic campaign of
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." (Wiki)
As atrocious as that it...and it is atrocious, the range is insane. 300k to 3 million? Those are estimates? I call horseshit to have a range that's made with a 10 fold number from the bottom estimate.

Europeans killed more European Jews than what you've presented to me so far. Europeans caused the death of more indigenous people in the Americas than what you've presented to me so far.

You're wrong and don't have the number to prove anything.
.. Estimated 55 million indigenous people in the Americas. Mostly by disease. Though how anyone in the 16th century could estimate population....
6 million Jews murdered.
Population of Indian Hindus 700 CE - 400 million
Total pop of India in 1700 CE - 165 million. That is the 1000 year conquest - 700 - 1700 CE

All of these types of numbers are estimates to be sure. Your wish to accept some but not others shows you bias.

Far more people killed in India by muslims during that time than in the Americas or Jews in Europe (though probably many more in the ME by muslims)
...and of course how many by muslims in Africa eastern and western Europe.
What we know is that it started on the trade roads to Mecca in the 620s and continues to this day unabated.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
.. Estimated 55 million indigenous people in the Americas. Mostly by disease. Though how anyone in the 16th century could estimate population....
6 million Jews murdered.
Population of Indian Hindus 700 CE - 400 million
Total pop of India in 1700 CE - 165 million. That is the 1000 year conquest - 700 - 1700 CE

All of these types of numbers are estimates to be sure. Your wish to accept some but not others shows you bias.

Far more people killed in India by muslims during that time than in the Americas or Jews in Europe (though probably many more in the ME by muslims)
...and of course how many by muslims in Africa eastern and western Europe.
What we know is that it started on the trade roads to Mecca in the 620s and continues to this day unabated.

I don't accept the numbers in the Indian sub-continent because they don't make sense in the context of global population estimates from other sources that don't have a dog in this fight.

We're done. You're a Muslim hater. I would have much more respect for you if you simply placed your hatred where it most likely stems from, being an individual that has history in living in NYC and 9/11. I can empathize with the trauma response, it makes complete sense.

However, to hate all Muslims because of radical Islamic terrorists is problematic.

That's all I have to say to you about this anymore. Get help, or don't and continue to howl at the moon.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I am getting tired of your nonsense.

"But let’s spend a moment to reflect on this allegation; namely, that “
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” are victims of a homogenous jihadi juggernaut. It is certainly an amazingly precise claim. It is often frequently repeated – Islamophobia resembles nothing if not an echo chamber of incorrectness. In the months since, I’ve encountered many anti-Muslim voices repeat or inflate this number. Most recently, I’ve been challenged to explain the “300 million” killed by “jihad”.

Even if we stick with the lower number, I can tell you that this number was probably pulled out of thin air. (Even if it wasn’t, as I will show, it doesn’t matter.) But for the sake of argument, let’s take this claim seriously. Namely, that “Muslims” killed somewhere between two or three hundred million. Can that be possible? Where does this number come from? Does it reveal a uniquely and dangerously recurrent Islamic aptitude for mass violence? In short, no, out of nowhere, and no."

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Sorry - you want me to go braindead and accept a denial of muslim genocide of Hindus from aljazeera?

Sorry - to deny it is no different than to deny the murder of 6 million jews in Europe. It happened.

Remember, Lotus - this took place over 1000 years. Using 270 million, that is 270,000 year.
. A pace much lower than in the Nazis murderfest....and in a population far larger.
Don't try mathing - it isn't what you do.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
We're done.
Run away from facts if you wish. You have no idea what you are taking about. You have been presented with numbers from scholarly review...not ones I made up.
Accusing me of bias is ridiculous. Its unbiased presentation of fact. Do I care for islam? Nope - and I have given very good reason which any rational person would accept, but your own prejudices and bias prevents you from rational judgement. Also, do bear in mind that India was home to roughly 50% of the world's population during that period of time and they were nearly all Hindu.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
radical Islamic terrorists
LOlz - before you run away...
. there are no radical islamic terrorists. islam is itself a radical ideology. Intolerant, non inclusive, murderous, unenlightened.
It has a military class, as do all societies. It is that you see in attacks such as that in NOLA and Germany. It can be very organized as in the attacks against Europe's eastern borders, or it's sweep through the ME and Africa, Kashmir or western Europe...or it can be irregular when called for as we see here. One thing for sure though - it will always be, in some form, wherever islam is or wishes to impose itself. That is the whole history of it. It will always aggress against those who do not accept it preferring to maintain their own religion and culture. I hope you never experience it, but if you do it won't be w/o fair warning.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Run away from facts if you wish. You have no idea what you are taking about. You have been presented with numbers from scholarly review...not ones I made up.
Accusing me of bias is ridiculous. Its unbiased presentation of fact. Do I care for islam? Nope - and I have given very good reason which any rational person would accept, but your own prejudices and bias prevents you from rational judgement. Also, do bear in mind that India was home to roughly 50% of the world's population during that period of time and they were nearly all Hindu.

Scholars that you don't cite even after they were requested and still won't?



An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Scholars that you don't cite even after they were requested and still won't?

Hey Lily! Why did it take the Spaniards 700 years to drive the subhuman feral muslims out of Iberia?

Hell, even the French could have got it done inside a few months.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Hey Lily! Why did it take the Spaniards 700 years to drive the subhuman feral muslims out of Iberia?

Hell, even the French could have got it done inside a few months.

There weren't "Spaniards" in the 8th century. There were disparate Kingdoms with internal Iberian disputes irrespective of the Muslim caliphate(s) in the peninsula.

But you know this, you think my ego is going to be bruised by your shitty trolling. Do better. I am not Spanish, I'm American of Mexican and beyond that European and indigenous descent.

I have no ego about it. Though the Spanish did overcome their invaders, which your Scots ancestors still have not. So...

The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
No, I've despised you for ages and you want to pretend to have a normal conversation in the context of your typical posts to me?

No, it doesn't work that way. Now go fuck yourself again.

Large @Lily is trying to rationalize her irrational emotions again!!!

Face it Leaker, you hate losing arguments and lash out at people who beat you. I just happen to do it frequently.

Now go away and cry yourself to sleep.

The New Holliday

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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Hey Lily! Why did it take the Spaniards 700 years to drive the subhuman feral muslims out of Iberia?

Hell, even the French could have got it done inside a few months.
I believe Charles the Hammer did give them the boot. (Tours - 732 CE)

Interesting, check me if wrong - Portugal was not under muzzie rule so became a sovereign nation some 400 years before Spain (the first significant thing Spain did was invade and murder indigenous people of the Americas). Even then as now the muzzie was not interested in Portugal - Portugal today being one of the whitest, muslim free nations in the world.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Scholars that you don't cite even after they were requested and still won't?

Of course they do. LoLz, Oak...I was not referring to myself.
numbers from scholarly review...not ones I made up.
Not one's I made up.

...however I will break some things down later when I have returned from braving the winter weather on route to the grocery store.

PS: then time permitting, I will make comparison to the structure of islamic, Nazi, and MAGA culture/society - which are virtually identical.
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