Not all Muslims practice Islam. Islam is a faith that teaches the importance of both belief and practice, but some Sufis believe that one is sufficient without the other.
I missed this earlier.
Sufism predates islam (if anyone says otherwise then they are ignorant of historical facts). Sufis are mystics. Some sufis are under the islam banner because they avoided massacre and death that way - That being the fate of so many hundreds of millions of other people islam slaughtered. I have given out this history over and over. It is not disputable. islam is a disgusting abomination, which history as well as today's events are proof that it continues to be what it has always been.
Hardliner muslims persecute Sufis, btw, as they do anything/anyone else.
As to your comment that some muslims do not practice islam - No...If you are not a practitioner then you are not a muslim any more than one might be a Christian w/o practicing Christianity (like all these posers in the US). One may call themselves what they like - but if they are w/o the attributes of that thing then they are not that thing.
You can call yourself a three horned squirrel, but if you don't have 3 horns and aren't a squirrel then claim what you will, your are not a 3 horned squirrel.
Educate yourself, jack. Read the violent words of allah. Read the hate in the Hamas Charter which I have posted many times here. There is nothing of good in that degraded, violent, sick religion of value which can not be found elsewhere, so those who seek a spiritual life and guidance don't need to lower themselves through association with it except by ignorance or coercion.