Blazor, what are the most interesting Print Jobs you have done in your career?


Factory Bastard
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...assuming you work or have worked in a Print Shop.

Any interesting design jobs? Calendars? Magazines? Posters? Political campaigns? Promotional materials?

Just wondering. Sometimes I go ta these print shops and I see some varied and diverse projects they're workin' on.

I never had such an honor. In my days in desktop publishing, it was mostly stuff like manuals, slides, overheads, brochures....

....and the occasional large format print job. The closest I ever got to using one was printing out something on an Encad Novajet (how extinct) for demonstration purposes.

I just wrote a manual for somebody wayback when on how to use it. Anyways, that's about as close to 'Print' that I've gotten. No highend heavy duty stuff really. But I thinks my skills are dated as the hills by now. QuarkXpress, PageMaker - that's what we used to use, eh.


Put your glasses on!
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Joe, I was in Marketing and Advertising for 5 years before I got into the actual print industry. That I've been into for an additional 11 years. Print is a dying trade, unfortunately.

I remember using Quark..... quirky Quark lol. I LOVE InDesign MUCH more!

Man, I would love to tell you some things, but I cant be revealing anything. I will say I've printed a LOT of stuff.

What is the most bizarre for my state recently, printing for CBD and Hemp stuff lol.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Put your glasses on!
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I remember an amusing anecdote Blazar shared one time, about printing license plates back when he was in 'stir'

You cray cray, I aint ever been arrested.
That's not the information that I have.

Well we all know the info you get is full on retarded bags full of shit anyway lol.
I see, is that why you are so gay?

Bitch, Im more straighter than your GaidsMan ass, faggit!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I remember an amusing anecdote Blazar shared one time, about printing license plates back when he was in 'stir'

You cray cray, I aint ever been arrested.
That's not the information that I have.

Well we all know the info you get is full on retarded bags full of shit anyway lol.
I see, is that why you are so gay?

Bitch, Im more straighter than your GaidsMan ass, faggit!
Awesome Bro, Two Post Gay Panic! LOL Pwnis!



Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I remember an amusing anecdote Blazar shared one time, about printing license plates back when he was in 'stir'

You cray cray, I aint ever been arrested.
That's not the information that I have.

Well we all know the info you get is full on retarded bags full of shit anyway lol.
I see, is that why you are so gay?

Bitch, Im more straighter than your GaidsMan ass, faggit!
Awesome Bro, Two Post Gay Panic! LOL Pwnis!


Go skeet skeet on SwallowGay's butt cheeks faggit.