Boarder patrol in Texas discovers abandoned children….


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I wonder if any of the pro-lifers want to adopt them if they aren’t

Wait to see how it plays out.

If it is possible to adopt them, I bet thousnads of pro-life people will apply.

I just don’t understand how you leave a toddler and a baby by the side of the river. What if the river swelled and they were swept away? I’m physically ill thinking about all of the terrible things that could have happened to them. WTF is wrong with people????? :Whaa?:
this is why it is not wise to make transporting them here a profitable persuit for the cartels out there.

They are ruthless fucking animals

how would THIS (abandoning children) be profitable by the cartels?

you mean the cartels are the smugglers? I though they used bodies to smuggle drugs into this country… they find hallowed out unidentifiable corpses in San Diego all the time.

If you truly believe the cartels are not involved in human smuggling among their many other illegal activities then I don’t know what to tell you

Dont you live in FloriDUH Stubby? The fatherland for Central and South America. Puerto Rico and NYC?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The coyotes also routinely toss children over the border fence and abandon them knowing the border patrol will pick them up. The parents back home then have to pay the other 50% they owe.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
They count on the border patrol picking up the children and Biden then delivers the children to whoever claim them (usually a family member). The cartel knows the family members back home and there for knows who to attack or terrorize for debt repayment. The human traffickers don't like the children slowing them down so they dump them and move on with the other 20-30 people in their haul.

Remember the cartel gets 50% upfront and the other 50% is owed and they know who those people are and where their family members live back home.

so their mother was sex trafficked and father killed omg this is HORRIBLE

Possible but unlikely. Often the parents already illegally came to the US and the children were left with relatives. The parents pay traffickers to get the children to the US and dump them at the border. Obama signed a legal agreement with a court requiring the release of unaccompanied minors so now every central American is dumping their children here.