California's say NO to recall



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I believe Murdock inherited. She's said that several times. Why are you dragging her for inheriting a property 6 blocks from the beach?
truth be told?

Jealousy saturates my heart currently and I just don't know how to contain it.

You see, when I was a wee little boy I always saw myself living by the beach within walking distance of shit covered sidewalks, tent cities which reek of urine and needles which could end my life at any time without proper foot wear.

and then life happened and I kinda just fell into a 6 bedroom mansion with a 16 car driveway which boasts a lovely pool in an upscale neighborhood free of human mucus and crime.

It's a harrowing story, I know.

I have to admit that it’s kinda weird that this is where your mind would imagine me… but now we can add scat fetish to your already stellar online forum resume.
California is not littered with human shit and homelessness?

It could literally be as bad as you think it is… and that’s still not gonna change the fact that I could buy one block of your neighborhood with my postage stamp.
For now, maybe. Big maybe

here’s a hint… no matter how hard you wish, Florida will never be the next California.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd move immediately if it did

to where exactly?

Gurl, with his money, he could be the King of Puerto Rico.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I believe Murdock inherited. She's said that several times. Why are you dragging her for inheriting a property 6 blocks from the beach?
truth be told?

Jealousy saturates my heart currently and I just don't know how to contain it.

You see, when I was a wee little boy I always saw myself living by the beach within walking distance of shit covered sidewalks, tent cities which reek of urine and needles which could end my life at any time without proper foot wear.

and then life happened and I kinda just fell into a 6 bedroom mansion with a 16 car driveway which boasts a lovely pool in an upscale neighborhood free of human mucus and crime.

It's a harrowing story, I know.

I have to admit that it’s kinda weird that this is where your mind would imagine me… but now we can add scat fetish to your already stellar online forum resume.
California is not littered with human shit and homelessness?

It could literally be as bad as you think it is… and that’s still not gonna change the fact that I could buy one block of your neighborhood with my postage stamp.
For now, maybe. Big maybe

here’s a hint… no matter how hard you wish, Florida will never be the next California.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd move immediately if it did

to where exactly?

Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I believe Murdock inherited. She's said that several times. Why are you dragging her for inheriting a property 6 blocks from the beach?
truth be told?

Jealousy saturates my heart currently and I just don't know how to contain it.

You see, when I was a wee little boy I always saw myself living by the beach within walking distance of shit covered sidewalks, tent cities which reek of urine and needles which could end my life at any time without proper foot wear.

and then life happened and I kinda just fell into a 6 bedroom mansion with a 16 car driveway which boasts a lovely pool in an upscale neighborhood free of human mucus and crime.

It's a harrowing story, I know.

I have to admit that it’s kinda weird that this is where your mind would imagine me… but now we can add scat fetish to your already stellar online forum resume.
California is not littered with human shit and homelessness?

It could literally be as bad as you think it is… and that’s still not gonna change the fact that I could buy one block of your neighborhood with my postage stamp.
For now, maybe. Big maybe

here’s a hint… no matter how hard you wish, Florida will never be the next California.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd move immediately if it did

to where exactly?
Not California I'll tell you that.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

Changing the Story Alert!!!!!

I was literally standing on one side of the sidewalk and he was in between me and the dogs…. I was trying to get them to come but they didn’t know me and kept looking at him for the command.

Liars gonna lie.


We were walking when we ran into his father walking the dogs lol

First the dogs "cowered" when he walked down the street.

Then they were "looking at him for the command".


Why try to cover up for a dog abuser? Oh, wait...


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I believe Murdock inherited. She's said that several times. Why are you dragging her for inheriting a property 6 blocks from the beach?
truth be told?

Jealousy saturates my heart currently and I just don't know how to contain it.

You see, when I was a wee little boy I always saw myself living by the beach within walking distance of shit covered sidewalks, tent cities which reek of urine and needles which could end my life at any time without proper foot wear.

and then life happened and I kinda just fell into a 6 bedroom mansion with a 16 car driveway which boasts a lovely pool in an upscale neighborhood free of human mucus and crime.

It's a harrowing story, I know.

I have to admit that it’s kinda weird that this is where your mind would imagine me… but now we can add scat fetish to your already stellar online forum resume.
California is not littered with human shit and homelessness?

It could literally be as bad as you think it is… and that’s still not gonna change the fact that I could buy one block of your neighborhood with my postage stamp.
For now, maybe. Big maybe

here’s a hint… no matter how hard you wish, Florida will never be the next California.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd move immediately if it did

to where exactly?

Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I believe Murdock inherited. She's said that several times. Why are you dragging her for inheriting a property 6 blocks from the beach?
truth be told?

Jealousy saturates my heart currently and I just don't know how to contain it.

You see, when I was a wee little boy I always saw myself living by the beach within walking distance of shit covered sidewalks, tent cities which reek of urine and needles which could end my life at any time without proper foot wear.

and then life happened and I kinda just fell into a 6 bedroom mansion with a 16 car driveway which boasts a lovely pool in an upscale neighborhood free of human mucus and crime.

It's a harrowing story, I know.

I have to admit that it’s kinda weird that this is where your mind would imagine me… but now we can add scat fetish to your already stellar online forum resume.
California is not littered with human shit and homelessness?

It could literally be as bad as you think it is… and that’s still not gonna change the fact that I could buy one block of your neighborhood with my postage stamp.
For now, maybe. Big maybe

here’s a hint… no matter how hard you wish, Florida will never be the next California.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd move immediately if it did

to where exactly?

Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

Sounds like you should join the brotherhood of Republicans moving to FloriDUH.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.

I agree, we should have digital vaccine info implantable microchips... no need to show your papers, just scan a simple implanted microchip in your left wrist.

GG Allin

Everybody's an enemy.
Factory Bastard
New Hampshire
I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.

I agree, we should have digital vaccine info implantable microchips... no need to show your papers, just scan a simple implanted microchip in your left wrist.



Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.

Did you sleep at ToonTown?! I'm so jealous!!
You cant afford it. PWN3D!

Sure loktard, only you can afford Disney... :Awesomeness:
I'm glad you cant. Hopefully when you can afford it, they double the prices to keep "you people" out!

Can you prove that I can't afford it?
Well, you are an incredibly stupid low rent bitch but let us all know, how many nights have you spent at the disneyland hotel?

have you seen the cost of real estate in the BA :G'DamnShame:

He's an idiot.
And you're a fukin moron.

Says the fool that lives in

You're the one that thinks he's awesome because you have a jerb in Cornfuckistan. What do houses run for $120K?

Mines about $270K and sits on a double lot. It leaves me lots of money for racing and buying guns....guns with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

That's a pittance. You can't afford California, thanks for confirming. Double lot even...lmao

@Murdock check this fool out.
Point being, you work for 5 figures and have a 200 year mortgage! LMFAO!

I don't work for 5 figures and I don't have a 200 year mortgage.

But what is true is you live in bumfuckistan.
Oh, never made it out of the bario. Too bad.

I don't live in the barrio.

But if I did, it would still be worth more than your trailer in redneckistan.
This is true and expected. Hell, a 60 year old 1500 sq ft shack in compton or inglewood goes for 600K. Meanwhile, I couldnt find a single home even without a yard that was as big as mine in either place on Zillow, period!

The only place I could find close that had anything remotely similar, still not as much land, was about 3 million. 6You dont live in a 3 million dollar house.


Neither do you.
I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.

I agree, we should have digital vaccine info implantable microchips... no need to show your papers, just scan a simple implanted microchip in your left wrist.


Oooohh. I bet @Breakfall would enjoy that.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.

Did you sleep at ToonTown?! I'm so jealous!!
You cant afford it. PWN3D!

Sure loktard, only you can afford Disney... :Awesomeness:
I'm glad you cant. Hopefully when you can afford it, they double the prices to keep "you people" out!

Can you prove that I can't afford it?
Well, you are an incredibly stupid low rent bitch but let us all know, how many nights have you spent at the disneyland hotel?

have you seen the cost of real estate in the BA :G'DamnShame:

He's an idiot.
And you're a fukin moron.

Says the fool that lives in

You're the one that thinks he's awesome because you have a jerb in Cornfuckistan. What do houses run for $120K?

Mines about $270K and sits on a double lot. It leaves me lots of money for racing and buying guns....guns with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

That's a pittance. You can't afford California, thanks for confirming. Double lot even...lmao

@Murdock check this fool out.
Point being, you work for 5 figures and have a 200 year mortgage! LMFAO!

I don't work for 5 figures and I don't have a 200 year mortgage.

But what is true is you live in bumfuckistan.
Oh, never made it out of the bario. Too bad.

I don't live in the barrio.

But if I did, it would still be worth more than your trailer in redneckistan.
This is true and expected. Hell, a 60 year old 1500 sq ft shack in compton or inglewood goes for 600K. Meanwhile, I couldnt find a single home even without a yard that was as big as mine in either place on Zillow, period!

The only place I could find close that had anything remotely similar, still not as much land, was about 3 million. 6You dont live in a 3 million dollar house.


Neither do you.
I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.

I agree, we should have digital vaccine info implantable microchips... no need to show your papers, just scan a simple implanted microchip in your left wrist.


Oooohh. I bet @Breakfall would enjoy that.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I am fully vaccinated but I have no desire to live in a place that demands papers every where. The government should not have that power as it will expand over time. There is not a power they have which they won't try to abuse. The Nazis started their papers requirements based upon the claim that Jewish people had high rates of typhus, which they did not, but that was the start.

I agree, we should have digital vaccine info implantable microchips... no need to show your papers, just scan a simple implanted microchip in your left wrist.
Why not make people like admin happy and just have them shoved right up your asses? You could even enclose them in rubber and shape them like a dong to really thrill the fuck outta him