California's say NO to recall

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

Coercion is why. The government should not be using coercion to get anyone accepting medical interventions. Its unethical.

How is this even a question?
Especially when the COVID vaccine doesn't even prevent you from getting nor transmitting COVID

lol... liberals simply lust after failure


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

Coercion is why. The government should not be using coercion to get anyone accepting medical interventions. Its unethical.

How is this even a question?
Especially when the COVID vaccine doesn't even prevent you from getting nor transmitting COVID

lol... liberals simply lust after failure

Even if it did, the "greater good" concept being evoked to force people to get a vaccine, the use of coercion authoritarian.

And it pretty much guarantees lower vaccination rates because now we gotta push back on tyranny.

I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm not participating in any of this idiocy whatsoever. It needs to be fought.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

Coercion is why. The government should not be using coercion to get anyone accepting medical interventions. Its unethical.

How is this even a question?
Especially when the COVID vaccine doesn't even prevent you from getting nor transmitting COVID

lol... liberals simply lust after failure

Even if it did, the "greater good" concept being evoked to force people to get a vaccine, the use of coercion authoritarian.

And it pretty much guarantees lower vaccination rates because now we gotta push back on tyranny.

I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm not participating in any of this idiocy whatsoever. It needs to be fought.
To be honest, if the vaccine actually worked I'd agree the greater good would be to get it into people as much as possible

but it doesn't work and the fact that vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones and feel the need to still wear masks even when congregating among themselves are just two of the many reasons I'm certain they are completely full of shit


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

Coercion is why. The government should not be using coercion to get anyone accepting medical interventions. Its unethical.

How is this even a question?
Especially when the COVID vaccine doesn't even prevent you from getting nor transmitting COVID

lol... liberals simply lust after failure

Even if it did, the "greater good" concept being evoked to force people to get a vaccine, the use of coercion authoritarian.

And it pretty much guarantees lower vaccination rates because now we gotta push back on tyranny.

I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm not participating in any of this idiocy whatsoever. It needs to be fought.
To be honest, if the vaccine actually worked I'd agree the greater good would be to get it into people as much as possible

but it doesn't work and the fact that vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones and feel the need to still wear masks even when congregating among themselves are just two of the many reasons I'm certain they are completely full of shit

It doesnt matter if it stops death itself entirely ....people have a right to refuse, and if you give the government the room to force things that work? They can force ANYTHING now because we gave them that much power.

The "greater good" always led to mass suffering and death. The nazis believed in the greater good. No totalitarian regime ever rose nepharious. They did so on the concept of "for the greater good".

This is how you shit test boundaries and find that point where people will hand over their rights.

The vaccine DOES work. It does what it's supposed to do. It prevents serious illness and death in the majority of people.

But... it still has to be voluntary. Everything has risk, and it's got to be up to the individual to accept that risk.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Vaccine passports for bars, restaurants, gyms, or essentially any in door place.

And what's so bad about that?

Coercion is why. The government should not be using coercion to get anyone accepting medical interventions. Its unethical.

How is this even a question?
Especially when the COVID vaccine doesn't even prevent you from getting nor transmitting COVID

lol... liberals simply lust after failure

Even if it did, the "greater good" concept being evoked to force people to get a vaccine, the use of coercion authoritarian.

And it pretty much guarantees lower vaccination rates because now we gotta push back on tyranny.

I'm fully vaccinated, and I'm not participating in any of this idiocy whatsoever. It needs to be fought.
To be honest, if the vaccine actually worked I'd agree the greater good would be to get it into people as much as possible

but it doesn't work and the fact that vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones and feel the need to still wear masks even when congregating among themselves are just two of the many reasons I'm certain they are completely full of shit
I was about ready to say the same thing. I'd have gotten it by now if it actually worked like a vaccine is supposed to. As it stands, the vax pushers come off as scared that the truth that the vax isnt more than 50% effective will come out and they see that as a threat. Fuck, just come out and tell the truth! Just say, "it isnt as effective as we hoped, but its all we have and your best chance at not getting really sick". See, thats the way you build trust....with honesty!


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The butt hurt is real, comedy gold lol
Butthurt over what exactly?

The shit covered streets or the urine scented tents covering the beaches

there isn’t a tent anywhere on the beaches from Huntington to Malibu

I mean on the beach… the actual sand leading to the water.

Fair enough but I'm pretty sure they're littered up everywhere else leading to the sand that leads to the water. And that's bad enough

How do you deal with that shit? I left NY over it's horrendous bullshit and I didn't even live in the City. And to be honest, not even the City of New York is as bad as it is out there.


Queenie Weenie
☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
The butt hurt is real, comedy gold lol
Butthurt over what exactly?

The shit covered streets or the urine scented tents covering the beaches

there isn’t a tent anywhere on the beaches from Huntington to Malibu

I mean on the beach… the actual sand leading to the water.

Fair enough but I'm pretty sure they're littered up everywhere else leading to the sand that leads to the water. And that's bad enough

How do you deal with that shit? I left NY over it's horrendous bullshit and I didn't even live in the City. And to be honest, not even the City of New York is as bad as it is out there.

Actually, it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be when I came back. The freeway underpasses are where they dwell and a long strip of wetlands combing out of Playa Del Rey is flanked with RVs since the pandemic… we were just down there last night…. but it’s not everywhere.

Venice has an encamp of them, but they always have. When I was younger they had a section of the parking lot off Ocean and that’s still there… you get some stragglers walking, but it’s nothing compared to what was going on in downtown Seattle.

But Santa Monica, where I’m at, is squeaky clean until you hit the 3rd freeway on ramp closest to the 405.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
perinatal substance abuse

now there's a field of study easily reconcilable with your political views, Oak

Study after study demonstrates all types of unsavory consequence for expecting mothers who engage in substance abuse.

But feel free to turn your child's brain into a Pina Colada via a one inch drill bore to the neurocranium whenever you feel it becomes an inconvenience to continue with this pregnancy

lmao does the courseware come with a free hanger? Just in case?

That just doesn't make sense.
I know!!!

so why would you engage in such a field of study?

I didn't "study" it. I taught some coursework to women that were either pregnant or just delivered babies. Abortion had nothing to do with my job.

I'm sorry you are so dumb. I really am.
"Coursework." Lovely euphamism.

Is that a spelling error from a Professor?

Oh, got me. I'm not a professor, How could I be?

You know James Joyce was a terrible speller? Do you know who he was?

People who correct grammar and spelling on the internet in the context of trying to make someone feel or look stupid?

Those people are actually low intelligence narcissists who are trying to make themselves look smarter. It's an actual sign of low intelligence and narcissism. Flynn is probably the dumbest one I've seen to date.

There was a woman on a site called gloryb that I probably drove into the nuthouse who would have absolute psychotic rages correcting my spelling lol. It can be blatantly intentional and these types never catch on because they are so invested in their endeavor to look smarter than their opponent. They really think they "GOT YA!!"

That really should be on a mental health billboard. These types really feel proud of it, as well....all the while looking like utter fucking drooling morons.

So now it's everyones fault that you're a complete dumbass?

Tell me how it feels to have the same mental prowess as a bag of dicks?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
perinatal substance abuse

now there's a field of study easily reconcilable with your political views, Oak

Study after study demonstrates all types of unsavory consequence for expecting mothers who engage in substance abuse.

But feel free to turn your child's brain into a Pina Colada via a one inch drill bore to the neurocranium whenever you feel it becomes an inconvenience to continue with this pregnancy

lmao does the courseware come with a free hanger? Just in case?

That just doesn't make sense.
I know!!!

so why would you engage in such a field of study?

I didn't "study" it. I taught some coursework to women that were either pregnant or just delivered babies. Abortion had nothing to do with my job.

I'm sorry you are so dumb. I really am.
"Coursework." Lovely euphamism.

Is that a spelling error from a Professor?

Oh, got me. I'm not a professor, How could I be?

You know James Joyce was a terrible speller? Do you know who he was?

People who correct grammar and spelling on the internet in the context of trying to make someone feel or look stupid?

Those people are actually low intelligence narcissists who are trying to make themselves look smarter. It's an actual sign of low intelligence and narcissism. Flynn is probably the dumbest one I've seen to date.

There was a woman on a site called gloryb that I probably drove into the nuthouse who would have absolute psychotic rages correcting my spelling lol. It can be blatantly intentional and these types never catch on because they are so invested in their endeavor to look smarter than their opponent. They really think they "GOT YA!!"

That really should be on a mental health billboard. These types really feel proud of it, as well....all the while looking like utter fucking drooling morons.

So now it's everyones fault that you're a complete dumbass?

Tell me how it feels to have the same mental prowess as a bag of dicks?

Relax Flynn.. it's really your fault for getting so emotional over it.

Remember......the content you consume is ur responsibility. NORMAL intelligent people do not freak out over posts on message boards, do they?

Your emotions are not MY responsibility.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Perhaps we can go ahead and list this as one of Newsom's more memorable accomplishments?

"SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- According to the California Retailer's Association three cities in our state are among the top 10 in the country when it comes to organized retail crime--Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento.

Already we are seeing the negative impact it is having in San Francisco with stores permanently shutting down or closing early. It has become one of the most pressing issues in our city today.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Target has now acknowledged that San Francisco is the only city in America where they have decided to close some stores early because of the escalating retail crime.

For more than a month, we've been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco Stores, similar to reports from other retailers in the area. "

No worries tho, right? Once Newsom is done with his masterplan you'll be buying everything from Milk to mattresses off of Amazon anyway.

Any wonder why good ole Jeff pumps so hard for these democrats? :LOL3:


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
if the vaccine actually worked

Personally, I think the vaccines work to some degree.

But my issue has always been the short term, mid term, and possible long term side effects.

The pro-vaxx people have repeatedly made it about whether or not they work against Covid in the short term; they have pretty effectively silenced people like me who have other concerns.

vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones

The propaganda that has driven this is interesting. As you said, it really makes no sense for vaccinated people to fear non-vaccinated people. But logic has been tossed out the window.

The MSM and the government have worked well together to foster anger and resentment and blame all towards non-vaccinated people from the vaccinated people. The questions are "Who is controlling the government and the MSM?", "Is it the same entity?", and "Why do it? What is the big picture plan?"

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
if the vaccine actually worked

Personally, I think the vaccines work to some degree.

But my issue has always been the short term, mid term, and possible long term side effects.

The pro-vaxx people have repeatedly made it about whether or not they work against Covid in the short term; they have pretty effectively silenced people like me who have other concerns.

vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones

The propaganda that has driven this is interesting. As you said, it really makes no sense for vaccinated people to fear non-vaccinated people. But logic has been tossed out the window.

The MSM and the government have worked well together to foster anger and resentment and blame all towards non-vaccinated people from the vaccinated people. The questions are "Who is controlling the government and the MSM?", "Is it the same entity?", and "Why do it? What is the big picture plan?"
What makes me laugh the most is the vax lemmings propagating the idea that it is white red necks who support trump that are refusing the Vaccine

when in fact, it is a significant portion of the black AMerican community who are hesitant to the vaccine. And rightly so considering what happened with the Tuskegee syphilis experiment

but then again, I'm not surprised ignorance would breed irrationality


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
perinatal substance abuse

now there's a field of study easily reconcilable with your political views, Oak

Study after study demonstrates all types of unsavory consequence for expecting mothers who engage in substance abuse.

But feel free to turn your child's brain into a Pina Colada via a one inch drill bore to the neurocranium whenever you feel it becomes an inconvenience to continue with this pregnancy

lmao does the courseware come with a free hanger? Just in case?

That just doesn't make sense.
I know!!!

so why would you engage in such a field of study?

I didn't "study" it. I taught some coursework to women that were either pregnant or just delivered babies. Abortion had nothing to do with my job.

I'm sorry you are so dumb. I really am.
"Coursework." Lovely euphamism.

Is that a spelling error from a Professor?

Oh, got me. I'm not a professor, How could I be?

You know James Joyce was a terrible speller? Do you know who he was?

People who correct grammar and spelling on the internet in the context of trying to make someone feel or look stupid?

Those people are actually low intelligence narcissists who are trying to make themselves look smarter. It's an actual sign of low intelligence and narcissism. Flynn is probably the dumbest one I've seen to date.

There was a woman on a site called gloryb that I probably drove into the nuthouse who would have absolute psychotic rages correcting my spelling lol. It can be blatantly intentional and these types never catch on because they are so invested in their endeavor to look smarter than their opponent. They really think they "GOT YA!!"

That really should be on a mental health billboard. These types really feel proud of it, as well....all the while looking like utter fucking drooling morons.

So now it's everyones fault that you're a complete dumbass?

Tell me how it feels to have the same mental prowess as a bag of dicks?

Relax Flynn.. it's really your fault for getting so emotional over it.

Remember......the content you consume is ur responsibility. NORMAL intelligent people do not freak out over posts on message boards, do they?

Your emotions are not MY responsibility.

With ALL that being said, do you think you can keep your sheer ignorance confined to the subjects you know? Like drug abuse and prostitution?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
perinatal substance abuse

now there's a field of study easily reconcilable with your political views, Oak

Study after study demonstrates all types of unsavory consequence for expecting mothers who engage in substance abuse.

But feel free to turn your child's brain into a Pina Colada via a one inch drill bore to the neurocranium whenever you feel it becomes an inconvenience to continue with this pregnancy

lmao does the courseware come with a free hanger? Just in case?

That just doesn't make sense.
I know!!!

so why would you engage in such a field of study?

I didn't "study" it. I taught some coursework to women that were either pregnant or just delivered babies. Abortion had nothing to do with my job.

I'm sorry you are so dumb. I really am.
"Coursework." Lovely euphamism.

Is that a spelling error from a Professor?

Oh, got me. I'm not a professor, How could I be?

You know James Joyce was a terrible speller? Do you know who he was?

People who correct grammar and spelling on the internet in the context of trying to make someone feel or look stupid?

Those people are actually low intelligence narcissists who are trying to make themselves look smarter. It's an actual sign of low intelligence and narcissism. Flynn is probably the dumbest one I've seen to date.

There was a woman on a site called gloryb that I probably drove into the nuthouse who would have absolute psychotic rages correcting my spelling lol. It can be blatantly intentional and these types never catch on because they are so invested in their endeavor to look smarter than their opponent. They really think they "GOT YA!!"

That really should be on a mental health billboard. These types really feel proud of it, as well....all the while looking like utter fucking drooling morons.

So now it's everyones fault that you're a complete dumbass?

Tell me how it feels to have the same mental prowess as a bag of dicks?

Relax Flynn.. it's really your fault for getting so emotional over it.

Remember......the content you consume is ur responsibility. NORMAL intelligent people do not freak out over posts on message boards, do they?

Your emotions are not MY responsibility.

With ALL that being said, do you think you can keep your sheer ignorance confined to the subjects you know? Like drug abuse and prostitution?

Surely better than you can keep your emotional mewling tirades confined to the sites outhouse for people to read when they chose, right?

Do you have an opinion on the recall? Or are you just swinging by to cry about how dumb you are?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
if the vaccine actually worked

Personally, I think the vaccines work to some degree.

But my issue has always been the short term, mid term, and possible long term side effects.

The pro-vaxx people have repeatedly made it about whether or not they work against Covid in the short term; they have pretty effectively silenced people like me who have other concerns.

vaccinated people feel so threatened by non vaccinated ones

The propaganda that has driven this is interesting. As you said, it really makes no sense for vaccinated people to fear non-vaccinated people. But logic has been tossed out the window.

The MSM and the government have worked well together to foster anger and resentment and blame all towards non-vaccinated people from the vaccinated people. The questions are "Who is controlling the government and the MSM?", "Is it the same entity?", and "Why do it? What is the big picture plan?"
What makes me laugh the most is the vax lemmings propagating the idea that it is white red necks who support trump that are refusing the Vaccine

when in fact, it is a significant portion of the black AMerican community who are hesitant to the vaccine. And rightly so considering what happened with the Tuskegee syphilis experiment

but then again, I'm not surprised ignorance would breed irrationality

They just straight up ignore that and just keep blathering establishment anti Trump propaganda.