Can I post the crazy Lily texts?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

If there were a baker's dozen of donuts down the rabbit hole, you'd get your mudguts jammed right in there.....

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

Nah, bitch. You don’t have any self respect or pride. Cuz if ya did, you wouldn’t be sitting there treating a petty mod job like it was your gawddamn life’s work.Embarrassing


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Are we still talking about The Summer of Poofer here?

Or is this the wrong thread?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

If there were a baker's dozen of donuts down the rabbit hole, you'd get your mudguts jammed right in there.....


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
All the Bastards really want is for the Bitches to show some nip.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Says the woman who approves of using private convos involving peoples kids to attack and lie about them.

This is why you arent taken seriously.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

Nah, bitch. You don’t have any self respect or pride. Cuz if ya did, you wouldn’t be sitting there treating a petty mod job like it was your gawddamn life’s work.Embarrassing

I'm not embarrassed. That fact is you are being caught up in a lie. A smart woman would walk away.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

Nah, bitch. You don’t have any self respect or pride. Cuz if ya did, you wouldn’t be sitting there treating a petty mod job like it was your gawddamn life’s work.Embarrassing

I'm not embarrassed. That fact is you are being caught up in a lie. A smart woman would walk away.

What lie? You mean the mistake I made and corrected, even after you rage texted me and demanded an apology? Grow the fuck up. It’s a damn troll board


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Oak always does this. She treats boards like her chest....

Mountains out of mole hills.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ok. Where
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

I told you I was hurt by what Joo and Dovey did. Yup, I sure did. I also told Dovey here directly to her.

Wanna keep going? Or shall we talk about other times you rage texted me?

I said white trailer trash. That is not Lotus, sorry you're too stupid to figure out "white trailer" trash is Duhv.

So you’re mad cuz I don’t fight with Dovey? Do you not understand that I don’t want to fight with anyone? Is that a hard idea for you to comprehend?

I'm angry for two reasons and let me make this very clear.

You threw me under the bus when modding is already difficult instead of remaining neutral.

You are choosing to create even more drama though you were the one that made a "mistake".

I am going to give you unsolicited advice. Since you seem to misinterpret most things and and seem to remember them badly, check with yourself to see if you could possibly be wrong.

You’re mad over messageboard drama and feel you are in any position to advise me?

You act like you never complained on SG when you whines so much, i wanted to pull my hair out. If that’s making your “job” harder, I suggest you find a new hobby.

The reason running a forum for you is hard is because you had rules you never intended on following for your friends because you have no integrity.

You shouldn't have had rules that you only intended on using with people you didn't like. And yes, I held you responsible for following your own rules.

I'm sorry that gave you a headache.

I have no integrity? Wtf is this, the Senate?

It’s a fucking online message board. You drove us INSANE with your whining and complaining. You were allowed to post there, no one had to be fair. I bet my right arm you’re driving BF insane at this moment.

Integrity is with you everywhere. I only wish I knew that you find integrity "situational" long before now.

Where was your integrity when you were rage texting me?

How was that a lack of integrity? FFS, look the god damn word up before you ask me stupid question.

Ok. Where the fuck was your pride or self respect when you were rage texting me about something I posted on a troll forum?

Did you but your goal posts on a conveyer belt?

Focus, dumbass. Answer the fucking question

I'm not following you down the rabbit hole. I'm done with you. You're dismissed.

There is no rabbit hole you certifiable fucking whack job.

It's not normal or appropriate to rage text a woman while shes offline and you are having a tantrum over something that DOESNT EVEN MATTER.

How do you not understand this?!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

She has to stop doing that,.... that is divisive and in 2022 wayyyyyy outta place.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

She has to stop doing that,.... that is divisive and in 2022 wayyyyyy outta place.

She felt bad for Flea because was mad and me and Big and she was venting.

We all got past it and are cool now.

But Flea OWES Oak now....because Oak blessed Flea by listening to her vent and she "felt bad" for her.

Oak feels bad for everyone and we are better off understanding that she is just full of sympathy and if shes gonna extend her sympathy we need to repay her by never ever calling her out for doing fucked up shit.

So Oak rage text bombs Flea while Flea is offline and its Fleas fault because FLEA made the "mod drama" worse.

It's this sort of thinking that created "mod drama".
Oak is sort to cause a car accident and blame the other cars for being out while she had to drive.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hi Kev and Aaron...

I am Catherine...

Catherine Anne....

ooops I said too much.
Harrow. My name is Stephen, but I prefer Steve.

My Mother was a big fan of Terrence Stephen 'Steve' McQueen, so I was named after him...

My brother...(next one down the line) is Stephen Edwin too....

My mother was Margaret Ada.... my dad, Edward Joseph...

My mothers name is Dorene, my grandmas was Delores.

I changed my name a few years to one my grandma wanted to name me....but my mom didnt let her out of some misguided rebellious streak.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My brother...(next one down the line) is Stephen Edwin too....

My mother was Margaret Ada.... my dad, Edward Joseph...
Stephen is a good name... The Jews hated Saint Stephen!

Only trouble is, some people pronounce it like 'Stefen' for some reason, so I tell them to just call me Steve... Makes it easier for everyone involved.

We pronounce it Steven as well... I tell you his surname one day... My brother has a famous name.


Have you considered blocking her on your phone and ignoring her here?

She never need worry about that. I will never trust her again.

Trust me?? YOU WERE THE ONE TEXTING ME ALL CRAZY. How are you the victim?? Lmao

Not a victim. You worked on the forum against me. Lying about me, at two forums, trying to make a difficult situation even worse for me as a mod.

@Bastard Factory

Yes, BF. Did I ever mention anything bad to you about Lily.

Old drunk ass Heffer. I kept Biggie from attacking you on my sub. Never said one word about you being a mod. Now that I know it means more than life itself, I’ll join in the party.

When I was getting shit here for being a mod, you want a posted a lie about me that only egged on the bullshit. That I melted down when LB was made a mod.

None of which ever happened. And you repeated that lie at BC. You know, where you have a sub without drama. The one where the busiest threads have been about this forum?

I was never a mod.

I know. It was all made up drama. Not at all your fault.

You’re such a fucking fake lmao

No, I'm real. How is any of this really about Lotus? It's not.

You're the fake ass bitch that talked all sorts of shit about Dove and Joo both. You went on and on and on. I felt bad for you because it was pretty clear that you were undermined at SG.

And the payback I get is getting back stabbed when you added drama to the already difficult mod drama that is happening here.

It is about Lotus! You texted me accusing me of kissing white peoples ass.

She has to stop doing that,.... that is divisive and in 2022 wayyyyyy outta place.

She felt bad for Flea because was mad and me and Big and she was venting.

We all got past it and are cool now.

But Flea OWES Oak now....because Oak blessed Flea by listening to her vent and she "felt bad" for her.

Oak feels bad for everyone and we are better off understanding that she is just full of sympathy and if shes gonna extend her sympathy we need to repay her by never ever calling her out for doing fucked up shit.

So Oak rage text bombs Flea while Flea is offline and its Fleas fault because FLEA made the "mod drama" worse.

It's this sort of thinking that created "mod drama".
Oak is sort to cause a car accident and blame the other cars for being out while she had to drive.
Definitely not the temperment needed to be a fair moderator...this is unhinged behaviour. And Flea wasn't even poasting here.