Canadians: Why is your PM such an imbecile?


Factory Bastard
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Lotusbud, remains a cretin. She thinks every state should spend money they don't have and that there are no negative consequences for that. You can tell she has no financial sense, at all, and probably has lived paycheck to paycheck her entire life

How can such a financially illiterate person be allowed to teach children?

I live mostly check to check and that's exactly why I know spending has negative consequences.

It'd be nice if we could have permanent socialism, a guaranteed income and generous social benefits for all.
But in the long run, it isn't sustainable.

I this election, The Liberal Party in Canada is promising an expansion of the welfare state here after the country ran up the largest deficit in history. $10 daycare for families, more housing, etc.

Nice idea. But eventually we'll probably go broke trying to pursue those lofty ideals.

I'm not really fond of the Conservative Party or its leader & his message. But I think the guy is just telling the truth.
They should probably cut spending soon after the election then having to do it later because it's inevitable at some point.

Massive spending cuts are probably coming to the USA and other Western nations one day as well.
And it will be painful no matter which party has to do it.

So the generous social supports and recent un up in debt, better enjoy it now cuz it may not be there in the future.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Even when I was 16 and made $4.15 per hour I saved 30% in long term savings because my father told me to do so and my grandparents who lived through the great depression said you must have savings or you shall surely die or fall into poverty.

I credit that with my life long savings and investment plan. Growing up it was always stressed that you needed to live below your means and save 30%. Then you invested that 30% to compound.

You were taught some valuable lessons.

I wasn't guided a lot by my parents regarding savings. They both lived through some lean times, but were never great savers. My dad had a really good company pension, and I think they counted on that. It was a different mindset when you worked for a company with a good "defined benefit" pension.

But my parents were good examples of people who lived within their means. I remember as a kid bringing the mortgage payment down the street to the man who sold us our house. By the time I was a teenager, the house was paid for. And my parents rarely went into debt. I never got the impression that they were trying to "keep up with The Jones."

I have varied my focus over the years. When I had a student loan and a car loan, I paid them off ASAP. When I bought my own place (a condo townhouse), I got a very flexible mortgage and paid it off within 5 years, but I balanced that with long term savings. In retrospect, I could have made a higher percentage in investments than my mortgage rate, but I tried to balance the risk.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Trudeau is a puppet. I am not sure who is pulling his strings. Sometimes it looks like The Elite. Sometimes it looks like China. And sometimes it just looks like he does whatever he thinks will give him the most public support.

Whatever it is, he is destroying this country. The need to fight our own government is growing by the day.


Factory Bastard
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That's not too far from where I live, Oerdin.

Surrey - a suburb of Vancouver. I think that's COVID Central right now.
High case count, eh.

More cases than everybody else combined.


Yeah, not the best time for any party to hold an election.
The Natives are grumpy these days.

Lockdowns, social distancing have a tendency to do that to people, eh.
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