I bet Dopey's hubby regrets marrying the stitch like the others did. No doubt in my mind whatsoever.
He's only still with for the kids. If they're even still together. I mean what kind of loser husband would take Dovey back? He'd be the laughing stock at work if his coworkers knew that his wife cheated on him with two morons off the internet.
You see Caskur, people like Dovey will end up burning all their bridges and it will still be other people's fault. It just goes to show that Dovey thinks she's smarter than everyone, and just can't comprehend that using the internet to find "love" is a symptom of a deeper problem in her relationships.
I won't even go into not being able to keep a roof over her children's head. I won't go into detail about how Dovey is in fact a shitty mother that had had her kids almost taken away by CPS on more than one occasion. I won't go into the sordid situation where Dovey has been on Food Stamps for most of her life. Nor will I go into detail about the many times she's gone to treatment. As you can see, she has other issues offline she needs to handle.