CRT: Once again, a comedian explains it better than the talking heads


Domestically feral
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United states
I literally directly dealt with the last "comedian" who "explained" the bathroom issue and my points about the "gender equality legislation" have remained unacknowledged.

We have posted info coming directly from CRT/Equity sources. Not "talking heads". Do you know who Kimberle Crenshaw is? She literally wrote the book that teaches this narrative. We have shown info directly from the sources that teach CRT/equity. HOW is that "talking heads"?

Are these people getting it wrong as well? The information we are using is information directly from PRO CRT/Equity teaching sources. From the actual books that teach it.


Factory Bastard
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I literally directly dealt with the last "comedian" who "explained" the bathroom issue and my points about the "gender equality legislation" have remained unacknowledged.

We have posted info coming directly from CRT/Equity sources. Not "talking heads". Do you know who Kimberle Crenshaw is? She literally wrote the book that teaches this narrative. We have shown info directly from the sources that teach CRT/equity. HOW is that "talking heads"?

Are these people getting it wrong as well?

After you watch the video I'll discuss it with you. Oliver happens to do extensive research and uses a team a lawyers to check his facts. I am a professor, Dove. I worked in academia. The vast majority of what you people claim about CRT is pure bullshit. Oliver addresses this aspect -- you people finding examples of bad actors, which are in every area of society.


Factory Bastard
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CRT is total bullshit indoctrination and teachers and faculty that push it should have their skulls crushed in the streets.


Domestically feral
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United states
I literally directly dealt with the last "comedian" who "explained" the bathroom issue and my points about the "gender equality legislation" have remained unacknowledged.

We have posted info coming directly from CRT/Equity sources. Not "talking heads". Do you know who Kimberle Crenshaw is? She literally wrote the book that teaches this narrative. We have shown info directly from the sources that teach CRT/equity. HOW is that "talking heads"?

Are these people getting it wrong as well?

After you watch the video I'll discuss it with you. Oliver happens to do extensive research and uses a team a lawyers to check his facts. I am a professor, Dove. I worked in academia. The vast majority of what you people claim about CRT is pure bullshit. Oliver addresses this aspect -- you people finding examples of bad actors, which are in every area of society.

Lotus the stuff we claim about CRT comes right from the book Kimberle Crenshaw wrote, it comes right from people who teach it, and it comes directly from materials parents have brought to school boards.

I showed you a video of a man who explained it as its presented using a list of books that teach CRT. And he cited all his sources. You can literally read the books he took the info from.

You are professor but you are also extremely politically bias and you'll dismiss people based on how they align politically.

This is the frustrating thing. I've come with info right from the books and sources that teach this and you are calling it bullshit.

I watched half of the video and I'll finish it and why dont you watch the one I posted and tell me what you think is wrong in that video and why. Because I posted one who has a woman who teaches the topic, this video is pro CRT discussing what it is.

He even cites Kimberle Crenshaw and I literally posted a video where her book was explained. How is that bullshit?

Once again this comedian is just repeating the gaslighting narrative that dismissed the problems people are seeing. Do you really think parents just up and decided "hey....let's make a up a lie and go after school boards for the fuck of it"?
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Domestically feral
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United states
Ryan Chapman directly addresses the way this comedian presents the issue.

He cites facts and where he gets his info. This comedian did not. He cherry picked and repeated claims. He didnt actually address the issue.

The comedian also kinda claimed that history isnt being taught in schools.....that's just blatantly wrong. And CRT isnt history. It's a narrative that history gets repeated through. It would be like going to a religious school and every topic is taught through the lense of that religion.

His source

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction - Richard Delgado & Jean Stefaninc

And Economist/Yougov poll
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Domestically feral
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United states
Here is a video where he breaks down CRT and uses legitimate CRT sources

A list of his sources. They are listed under his video. I didnt want to type them all out. This guy puts a lot of time into understanding the topics and lists all his sources so anyone can go read them and even check him. He really puts a lot of effort into making sure he is correct. He isnt a partisan or political channel....he just explains what things are.


I have a hard time believing the info that I have gotten directly from the CRT writers who teach and promote this theory is all bullshit but a comedian who is parroting a partisan twisted version of it (and even briefly showing ONE thing said by Kimberle of the author's of the book I got my info from) is dead on accurate.

This comedian is a talking head. He is spewing politics.


Domestically feral
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United states
The first video I posted is Brittany Cooper talking about CRT

This is Brittany Cooper

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Has she got it all wrong? Is this activist professor who is considered an expert on this topic just a talking head spewing right wing talking points?


Domestically feral
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United states
Talking and reasoning with libtards is a waste of time.

What gets me is why open a discussion on it if you arent going to consider the oppositions points? Or even address them for the purpose of an honest convo?

I'm told my stance is based on bullshit. Okay. Prove it. Because I'm taking info directly from CRT sources from people regarded as experts in the "movement".

It's like she found this clip, decided this is what she agrees and wants to show us what she wants to believe on the topic and wont interact with any info beyond that.

Same thing with the "bathroom" bullshit.


Domestically feral
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United states
So we are supposed to believe all these parents in various states in the country are just......cons.....who are making things up for....reasons.

We shouldnt listen to them or look at the material they are concerned about because they are all "cons" who just want to start shit over nothing?


Factory Bastard
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A Jewish "comedian" explaining CRT, yeah I'm sure that's going to be an impartial and reliable take on the subject.

Did you watch? He happens to be a brilliant man, with, like I said, teams of quaified reserchers and lawyers. He's no Tucker Carlson.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No, he's just a typical Jewish American soyboy cuck who is endorsed by the MSM for parrotting the Cultural Marxist narrative.

Your take on CRT has been debunked several times by numerous people, but you refuse to listen.


Domestically feral
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United states
All he did was repeat a politcal narrative, Lotus.

He didnt address anything or even explain the CRT issues people are concerned about.

It was partisan gaslighting just like Pete blathering on as if the problem is transitioned people coming into the bathrooms when the real problem is men self identifying as women....trans or not....and accessing prisons and shelters and locker rooms and attacking women. You guys constantly dodge and ignore valid counter points. Or dismiss them entirely.

Its fucking horrifying watching people ignore this because they are more emotionally invested in being left than they are in human beings.


Philosopher King
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West Coast
Actually, @Aryan and @Dove, he's a very good comic poking fun at a bunch of dumbass evangelical racists, and killing it.
Nobody thinks those fuckwads have a valid "narrative" except the other mouth breathing fuckwads, and sadly they make up somewhere between 25 and 40 per cent of US adults. Plus a woman in Michigan and a faggot in Merseyside.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Actually, @Aryan and @Dove, he's a very good comic poking fun at a bunch of dumbass evangelical racists, and killing it.
Nobody thinks those fuckwads have a valid "narrative" except the other mouth breathing fuckwads, and sadly they make up somewhere between 25 and 40 per cent of US adults. Plus a woman in Michigan and a faggot in Merseyside.
Fuk off faggit. The One and Only God wants faggits dead. FACT!


Domestically feral
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United states
Actually, @Aryan and @Dove, he's a very good comic poking fun at a bunch of dumbass evangelical racists, and killing it.
Nobody thinks those fuckwads have a valid "narrative" except the other mouth breathing fuckwads, and sadly they make up somewhere between 25 and 40 per cent of US adults. Plus a woman in Michigan and a faggot in Merseyside.

I really dont know who these "dumbass evangelical racists" are. I see far more accusations of racism than I ever see of racism

BUT about what this comedian said... he isnt really addressing the actual problem. There is a "media version" of what parents and people are upset about and opposing. Than there is the actual problem they are upset about and opposing. This guy isnt addressing the real issue.

He is saying the typical "crt" is a college level legal topic response. The issue is, while schools are teaching a "CRT" or Equity class.....the entire curriculums are being formed through the presupposition that CRT narratives are TRUE. So the narrative that CRT asserts is being taught through the new teaching of history and other topics.

One parent brought material before the school that was flat out teaching kids that police were murderers. That they were formed during slavery to go round up escaped slaves. And that they target and kill black people. This is insane, false and irresponsible to teach children. You know what if kids end up needing police and are so poisoned against them they dont get help or call them. What if they are being kidnapped and see a cop and stay quite because they are black and afraid the cop will kill them? And none of this is true. That's just an example.

The videos I posted are explainations of CRT/Equity taken right from the sources its taught from. So I don't know why my videos get called "bullshit" or dont get addressed. (Not saying you are doing that...but Lotus and Admin) The only reason I can think of is that people are so bais against who they view as "The right"(because even democrat parents are opposing this material) that they refuse to listen or acknowledge the issue.

And there is this. A bunch of woke teachers talking on tic tok about how they push race and these left wing talking points onto their young students. Yeah the man doing the video is a right winger....but he is showing the tic toks of the teachers so you can see their own words.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Actually, @Aryan and @Dove, he's a very good comic poking fun at a bunch of dumbass evangelical racists, and killing it.
Nobody thinks those fuckwads have a valid "narrative" except the other mouth breathing fuckwads, and sadly they make up somewhere between 25 and 40 per cent of US adults. Plus a woman in Michigan and a faggot in Merseyside.

I really dont know who these "dumbass evangelical racists" are. I see far more accusations of racism than I ever see of racism

BUT about what this comedian said... he isnt really addressing the actual problem. There is a "media version" of what parents and people are upset about and opposing. Than there is the actual problem they are upset about and opposing. This guy isnt addressing the real issue.

He is saying the typical "crt" is a college level legal topic response. The issue is, while schools are teaching a "CRT" or Equity class.....the entire curriculums are being formed through the presupposition that CRT narratives are TRUE. So the narrative that CRT asserts is being taught through the new teaching of history and other topics.

One parent brought material before the school that was flat out teaching kids that police were murderers. That they were formed during slavery to go round up escaped slaves. And that they target and kill black people. This is insane, false and irresponsible to teach children. You know what if kids end up needing police and are so poisoned against them they dont get help or call them. What if they are being kidnapped and see a cop and stay quite because they are black and afraid the cop will kill them? And none of this is true. That's just an example.

The videos I posted are explainations of CRT/Equity taken right from the sources its taught from. So I don't know why my videos get called "bullshit" or dont get addressed. (Not saying you are doing that...but Lotus and Admin) The only reason I can think of is that people are so bais against who they view as "The right"(because even democrat parents are opposing this material) that they refuse to listen or acknowledge the issue.

And there is this. A bunch of woke teachers talking on tic tok about how they push race and these left wing talking points onto their young students. Yeah the man doing the video is a right winger....but he is showing the tic toks of the teachers so you can see their own words.

That shit makes me fucking sick.


Domestically feral
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United states

This is excellent and again....all his sources are cited under his video. You can clearly see how CRT and "anti racism" is just neo marxism by following the academic works on it.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Actually, @Aryan and @Dove, he's a very good comic poking fun at a bunch of dumbass evangelical racists, and killing it.
Nobody thinks those fuckwads have a valid "narrative" except the other mouth breathing fuckwads, and sadly they make up somewhere between 25 and 40 per cent of US adults. Plus a woman in Michigan and a faggot in Merseyside.

Sling it Preaches, you have no credibility on here, absolutely none.

Your woke lefty crap is much more suited to the degenerates and misfits on the trannie bored.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

This is excellent and again....all his sources are cited under his video. You can clearly see how CRT and "anti racism" is just neo marxism by following the academic works on it.

Quite simply, it's Cultural Marxism rebranded. We've already explained and illustrated this a thousand times for the resident soy brigade, they just refuse to listen.

The reason of course being they have been conditioned to hate whitey and how teaching kids that whiteness is inherently evil is "progression" and the morally correct mindset to have.

It's all the more hilarious when you realise that many of these brainwashed lemmings are white themselves...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

This is excellent and again....all his sources are cited under his video. You can clearly see how CRT and "anti racism" is just neo marxism by following the academic works on it.

Quite simply, it's Cultural Marxism rebranded. We've already explained and illustrated this a thousand times for the resident soy brigade, they just refuse to listen.

The reason of course being they have been conditioned to hate whitey and how teaching kids that whiteness is inherently evil is "progression" and the morally correct mindset to have.

It's all the more hilarious when you realise that many of these brainwashed lemmings are white themselves...

The entire idea of "whiteness" is inherently racist and toxic.

And what they teach is "whiteness" isnt even facts. Like you could say eating greens are part of blackness but you would be wrong and racist. Just saying thar Christianity is part of "whiteness".....oh and being on time is "whiteness" just factually wrong and racist.

Me and you are both white. But you are British and I'm of Irish and Scandinavian descent. So it's not like we are even the same kinda "white" lol. In fact there is history and conflict there England was enslaving Irish people.

People who buy into the marxist CRT race narratives pretend the world just started in 1700.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
We're the same race, it's our Nationalities and cultural background which vary. White people of different ethnicities usually share a lot more in common than with other races, particularly Africans and Asians.

I agree though that the modern day Marxists have transformed the whole subject of being white into a hateful, toxic mess.