Daily reminder


Domestically feral
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United states
That child marriage is legal in CA

"With an OK from a parent and a judge, it’s estimated that a couple thousand minors get married in California each year — most often a younger girl wedding an older man. But weak data collection laws mean we don’t know exactly how many minors get married, or their ages, or the ages of their spouses. And activists who want to curb child marriage say that lack of data has helped sink previous efforts to ban the practice in California. With no hard numbers, opponents can simply insist it’s not a real problem.

A new bill from Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, D-Laguna Beach, aims to fix that by requiring more regular, thorough and public reporting on underage marriages in California.

“This data will help substantiate what we know to be true — child marriage is a persistent and pervasive problem in California,” Petrie-Norris said.

Survivors of child marriage say it’s a message they’ve tried to tell lawmakers"

Also Planned Parenthood "pushed back" against putting an age limit on marriage. GO FIGURE, RIGHT?

"Sitton wrote a letter to California legislators, detailing her story, four years ago, when lawmakers were considering a statewide ban on all marriages involving people under 18. But the age limit was stripped from Senate Bill 273 — which added some rules to marriages involving minors — after pushback from, among others, the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood. Those groups argued that imposing an age limit would also limit a fundamental right to marriage. Neither organization responded to a request to speak for this story."

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WHERE is the OUTRAGE?! Oh yeah. Dems/progs are fine with literally anything done by blue lawmakers and politicians. Stripping women's rights and allowing child marriage. Voting for a man who sexually assaults women.

One has to wonder, at what point will the left realize theyve become and are everything they accuse their opposition of being? Fascist authoritarians who are stomping our peoples rights and ignoring rape and assault.


Domestically feral
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United states
"Conservative State of Georgia is now stronger than the protections we give children in the state of California. In January 2020, Child Marriage was banned in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In May 2020, Pennsylvania and Minnesota passed laws to end Child Marriage. In June and July of 2021, Rhode Island and New York passed laws to end Child Marriage under 18, No Exceptions. As of today, six states have ended Child Marriage with no exceptions and the practice remains legal in 44 states"

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I dont see how this is funny. Calling the left sociopaths is proving to be very accurate.


Domestically feral
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United states
The current version of SB 273 would continue to allow a child of any age to marry, and would erect meaningless barriers that are insufficient to protect children from forced marriage or from the harms of early marriage.

In addition, the current version of SB 273 would continue to undermine statutory-rape laws and give rapists a “get out of jail free” card. The age of consent to have sex in California is 18, and someone who has sex with a child under 18 can be charged with a felony or misdemeanor, depending on the parties’ age difference. However, those protections disappear as soon as a marriage license is issued, because the
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A full rebuttal of the current version of SB 273 is
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, in the form of the opposition letter we submitted to the California legislature on August 9.

Earlier this year, we got Delaware and New Jersey to end all child marriage – the first two U.S. states to do so. Other states are moving to do the same. Why is California lagging behind?"

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Its lagging behind because the leftwing corporate media isnt throwing a fit and CA is a dem/prog state so dealing with this isnt a priority at all. Tribal politics have convinced blue state voters that Republicans are (falsely btw) trying to do everything democrats ALREADY fucking do.

And they thinks it's funny and dont care when it's their own "side". We would all be stuck suffering through various human rights violations and tyranny to the max if the dems/progs take over the country.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Florida has much better laws on marriage

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It's really sad that because people in CA are so brainwashed to hate politcal opposition that they will straight up ignore evil things being allowed because they somehow believe if they acknowledge it, it gives "teh right" ammo.

It's even more ammo when you see this shit happening and they just fucking allow it because they will support fucking anything their "side" does.

When you hate people so much that you'll sacrifice vulnerable people and allow rights to be stripped you really need to pull back and examine yourself. The left is disconnected from humanity and lacks normal levels of empathy. To the extent of turning their eyes from abuse and rape.

This is why people really need to vote them out on a federal level to make sure the people still have a say in federal government. They want to get rid of checks and balances like the electoral college and filibuster. They wont correct any rights violations because they wont criticize their own government.

Really there should be a federal law banning child marriage across the board.