Democrats lost ground in California

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
And another thing, so many Americans are blind-sided by propaganda that it’s not even funny. You elected Biden, a morally corrupt politician and a bloody fool. Now live with it...
You're cute when your emotions are running hot.
Hey...some Americans are really in a world of their own. Their politics doesn’t extend too far out of the States. Just know what y’all have got yourselves into. I give Biden less than 6 months to make a serious fuck-up in office. The bloke is a cancer...

We've had cancer since 1980.
That may be true...but then the people “elected” Biden, the biggest idiot in politics other than those in Africa.

No one is dumber than Trump was. He ruined our party.
It’s amazing that people make that assumption when the bloke’s net worth is over US$ 2.5 billion!!! You’re fired...

So, dumb people can't be rich? Interesting. Don't let me catch you calling a wealthy lefty stupid. I'll remember our exchange.
It’s getting too cliche and bandwagonistic to call Trump dumb. You are new yeah? Bring us a new flavour or gtfo!

The truth doesn't age.
What do you know about actual truth? All you’ve done is rehash mistruths and misconstrued fake news. You’re just another society puppet or a muppet for that matter. Chin up!

The truth is that if my father left me $400 million dollars, I'd be wealthier than Trump. Gates was an upper middle class kid that dropped out of Harvard. Bezos started his business in a garage. Trump was wealthy and didn't do much but fail over and over again.

There are smart wealthy people and there are dumb wealthy people. Trump is dumb. He just held up signing a bill for a week that he signed anyway and won nothing. I'm sorry you can't identify a dumbass. I'm happy that I can.
Trump failed 9 times to be more or less exact. And of course a good accountant and financial advisor could steer him in the right direction. But Trump isn’t stupid, he became the American president for fuck sakes. Astounded the whole world for that matter.

And yes, all those successful businessmen that supposedly started out from nothing, often had daddy’s money or someone to stand surety for them. They’re not impressive.

Do you think Biden is dumb?
I know he’s dumb. He’s been plagiarising other politicians for absolute decades and talks out of his arse from his own account. The cunt is a worthless piece of shit and people are dumb enough to allow him to make a career of it.

Damn, I just gave you credit for being smart enough to avoid answering. That was a mistake. It seems you implied that Trump was smart because he became president. By that logic, Biden is smart too.

This is all your logic, not mine.