Does anybody here work in the medical industry?



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.

So you’re a user and a cheater as well as a snitch and snake... I just wanna know why in fucks name you would show your autistic kid the oic of his console in the dunny for? Are you that shit of a father that you don’t protect him from seeing these sites?
Hold on, luv.

I'm eating my girls pussy rn


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.

So you’re a user and a cheater as well as a snitch and snake... I just wanna know why in fucks name you would show your autistic kid the oic of his console in the dunny for? Are you that shit of a father that you don’t protect him from seeing these sites?
Hold on, luv.

I'm eating my girls pussy rn


Site Supporter
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.

So you’re a user and a cheater as well as a snitch and snake... I just wanna know why in fucks name you would show your autistic kid the oic of his console in the dunny for? Are you that shit of a father that you don’t protect him from seeing these sites?
Hold on, luv.

I'm eating my girls pussy rn
...if course you are ...that's why you have 'cold sores' and foul death breath ...


Domestically feral
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United states
Here comes the Dovey Victim Train...

You have four failed marriages, how in the fuck do you know what love is?

As for L**, I made that all up so you didn't stalk her like you did me. And even then, you still did.

See, I saw thru your bullshit. This obviously is fucking with you. I wouldn't let you manipulate me the way you have manipulated every one else.

But hey, I love my kids enough not to do stupid shit against an oath I took, amirite?

I have had a GF for two years. You were a kick. Just deal with it and move on. I wasn't that into you.

I feel sorry for you. I really do. I feel sorry for your kids, too. They deserve better. Even the one you haven't seen in years because of your drug problems.

Let it alone, Dovey. Deal with what you have, not me. You don't have me. You never did.

So you’re a user and a cheater as well as a snitch and snake... I just wanna know why in fucks name you would show your autistic kid the oic of his console in the dunny for? Are you that shit of a father that you don’t protect him from seeing these sites?

According to him, his kids have been terrorized by me running a back ground check on him after we met in real life.

His son was "devasted" after reading my posts on SG, an adult board.

He is shit parent who exposes his kids to adult content and blames the adult content for upsetting his kids. He is too stupid and psycho to understand his bullshit excuses make him look even more fucking monsterous.

Oh good for you asshole, so you saying you targetted a single mother, costs her money, pushed a relationship i didnt even fucking want and attacked my job...for kicks, while you have another furture court case you call a girlfriend in the background. You inhuman peice of fucking shit, learn when to shut the fuck up. This is how a "father" treats women. Thank God he isnt raising his kids.

He uses his kids to manipulate and control people by thinking throwing his kids in the middle of adult problems will keep you in check.

According to his kids mother, none of his kids have autism. None of them knew the switch had even been pawned by him, none of them were even upset or cared very much. This asshole just brings lies upon lies upon lies.

But he does that. Claims his kids see shit they really shouldnt even be seeing and they cry. He expects you to blame yourself for posting and feel like shit, rather than realizing what a peice of fucking shit "father" he is for using them like human meat sheilds.

He doesnt give a fuck about his kids beyond using them as tools, so its no shocker he didnt think twice about the impact losing my job would have on mine. Thank God i didnt put my kids on insurance through my employer or he would have ripped medical care from them as well as food and our home.

I am so enraged. This little fucking disgusting pissant keeps blaming everyone else but his cowardly dirtbag self for every fucked up thing he does. He shows his kids adult posts on the internet and they get upset? Its the posters fault. Nothing is his fault.

110 percent narcisstic abuser. I feel horrible for his kids.

All you gotta do to see what a lying, gaslighting abusing and obsessive shit bag this demon is is read his own fucked up words. All that shit he accuses everyone else of? Thats what HE does. Thats how his fucked up mind works.

Everyone asked me if he does meth. He probably fucking does and thats why he says things like "deeerrr im eatin teh pusseh rn".

This is a 47 year old so called father(dead beat abuser). In the time it took him to harrass my job and put my children at risk of losing their home, he could have called about the gotdamn black mold and filth in his bathroom so his kids could at least have a safe fucking place to piss. But God forbid this waste of fucking flesh does fuck all for anyone but make them miserable. Probably waiting for an adult to come clean while he pretends to have "gold grillz" on the internet while all the real adults cringe.

Sorry he found himself here, my sympathies to your forum.

FYI, he has a history of doxxing and harrassing posters. He brags about that and harvesting PI. Watch yourselves with this evil, vindictive, petty shitheap. He is a real life loser/dirtbag who lives online trying to pretend he aint a fucking loser/dirtbag. Nothing to lose and dangerous.
Last edited:


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Welp, I thought somebody was "done"?

See Dovey, you are obsessed. I was slowly going to back away from this shit but it's obvious you just can't. You really need to stop obsessing over all this with the delusions riding around in the fucking drug damaged mind you have.

Here, this is the truth;

Dovey isn't fired, and if she is, it's her own doing. They needed evidence to fire you, and if you gave it to them, that's on you. Not me.


I trusted you to do one thing, and you couldn't even do that. Weaponized your kids? You weaponized mine posting a picture of something that meant alot to my kids for the lolz, just like the disturbing pictures you sent me. You have a sickening sense of humor but it's ok if it doesn't involve you. Using my property as a prop for your bullshit wasn't funny, you thought it was, your little friends on these forums thought it was, what does that say about this community? Wait...they don't like me, right? Umm. Ok? Your not supposed to like ppl on these forums, it's a game. To you, it's your social circle.

You know who don't like you tho? Members of the line of work your in.


I also find it funny you keep up bring children. YOU sent those disturbing pictures. YOU thought they were so "hilarious" in your own words, you risked YOUR job sending them thru an outlet that wasn't encrypted and I had to send them thru the mail because of the concern. YOU did whatever it is to YOUR kids, not me. But, just like every other failure in your life, it's everyone's fault but your own.

You love this attention, Dovey. You love being the first thing on everyone's finger tips here and YOU won't move on from it.

If you really lost your job, why are you here posting instead of looking for another one? If your kids were really that important, how come you are on these forums 24/7 instead of with them? Do save the bullshit. I've been around you. You left that same toddler alone with teenagers for what, 12 hours to pick up a guy you met on the internet a month earlier? The same guy you were planning a fucking wedding with once you divod your husband? Pleeeeze. I could get into some bullshit about you that would make everyones stomach curl, but, unlike you, I don't find you interesting enough to even bother any more.

As for contacting my ex, you doxxd the shit out of me. You already had her addy. You bring up shit about her and I that clearly shows her addy. You didn't have to contact her. The cop you called stated to use the police station addy to ship it. I do not nor do I care where you live. I never want to communicate with you ever again. You are a piece of shit who suffers without my attention. I have become your fucking heroin and I know this. I told you I would give you the money to ship, I told you to ship it one way without your addy and I'd roll the dice with the post office. Nope, Dovey can't do that. I contacted Joo, he had no clue what I was talking about. I told you I'd give you money, you said no. I offered you $100 dollars, you said "keep my money". So stop with your pre-meditated drama. It must be yet another slow day in Dovey land.

And this is a cryptic as one can get- with all of your threats and veiled threats, I know, without a doubt, you will be the reason I end up dying. You will somehow have your hand in it. I've already accepted it. Because, no matter what you bleat on these forums about "walking away" you won't. You don't let this go.

You want me to leave? Simple- stop contacting the mother of my children. Leave her out of this and the situation YOU are in. If you don't think she doesn't tell me everything you say, you are just as stupid as you read. You have damaged our relationship the way you have damaged all your failed marriages because you are a complete nutjob.

And again, don't try and shame me for doing the right thing. If you never would have thought that shit was funny, if laughing at a person with special needs who can't control his bodily functions was oh so, again, in your own words "hilarious" you wouldn't be in the shit your in now. YOU did this to yourself.

I was fucking appalled, Dovey. Fucking sick to my stomach when I saw that. Did you stop? Fuck no you didn't. You kept sending more pics that made me upset, you know, the narcissist person you are desperately trying to portray me as? Was disgusted. But now your trying to play superwoman? Defending the poor soul YOU sent pictures of? Bitch plz.

I am huge in a few communities online to occupy my free time. I don't need this shit and have been willing to leave since I was actually on good terms with you.

Stop contacting the BM, and I won't come back.

(Drops mic)


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
And since this idiot likes to add shit on because her brain only works in waves instead of normally;

If I have "black mold" in my home, do call the village, since you know where I live, public servant. See what happens when making a false claim against somebody while being investigated for the things you did.

Again, stop contacting the BM, and I leave.

Damaged Maven

A little older and a little stupider than most.
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37.27, -76.7
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this exchange sounds like (1) someone is talking to himself, or (B) someone is making a poor attempt to sell a bad Lifetime movie script.


Factory Bastard
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And since this idiot likes to add shit on because her brain only works in waves instead of normally;

If I have "black mold" in my home, do call the village, since you know where I live, public servant. See what happens when making a false claim against somebody while being investigated for the things you did.

Again, stop contacting the BM, and I leave.

speaking of BM, did u pass that doll yet?

Val Gina

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
I love Dove speak.. This must be what formerly known as was singing bout..Her points are the most concerning since boths priorities seem to be way different and I don't even know whats up with this fortnite ..seems to be tearing families apart herb... are games like these really worth destroying a childs joyful pastimes ..I believe I also heard summat about autism... I'm not the most compassionate sort but your coming off as a callous dick...I really havrn't been paying to much attention to the saga though...

Your still a GOOF for swapping internet to reality and someone should choke you out..but .. just another killjoy I suppose..

and Dove I see your frustration and I hope this hiccup,just makes you learn and not judge all who are sincere...

I hope using this outlet brings a common understanding and maybe a resolve...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I love Dove speak.. This must be what formerly known as was singing bout..Her points are the most concerning since boths priorities seem to be way different and I don't even know whats up with this fortnite ..seems to be tearing families apart herb... are games like these really worth destroying a childs joyful pastimes ..I believe I also heard summat about autism... I'm not the most compassionate sort but your coming off as a callous dick...I really havrn't been paying to much attention to the saga though...

Your still a GOOF for swapping internet to reality and someone should choke you out..but .. just another killjoy I suppose..

and Dove I see your frustration and I hope this hiccup,just makes you learn and not judge all who are sincere...

I hope using this outlet brings a common understanding and maybe a resolve...
She's an idiot attention whore.

She just jelly I fucked somebody else on these forums and they can confirm all the shit she's saying is shit.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
is it true you called her place of employment with malicious intent hoping the result would have her struggling to feed her family.. Was this even committed both of yous have stated to having someone else for years... gaming system ,so what grab another but to cripple her financially is kinda low..Did you know she was this tight financially..Still trying to wrap my head round this


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
is it true you called her place of employment with malicious intent hoping the result would have her struggling to feed her family.. Was this even committed both of yous have stated to having someone else for years... gaming system ,so what grab another but to cripple her financially is kinda low..Did you know she was this tight financially..Still trying to wrap my head round this
None of it's true. It's all a fantasy being played out by her for attention.

She sent me disturbing photos. Truth
She pulled stupid shit over a console. Truth
I wanted to know if me having these photos was legal. Truth
I was told to contact the hospital it happened at. Truth

Everything else is whatever anybody wants to think it is.

Val Gina

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)

How sadly delusional you are. She is only following you to defend herself because you cant stop blabbing bout what a hero you think you are everywhere you go. Maybe you should get offline and go take your kids to the park seeing as they are so distressed about your online activities affecting them.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
is it true you called her place of employment with malicious intent hoping the result would have her struggling to feed her family.. Was this even committed both of yous have stated to having someone else for years... gaming system ,so what grab another but to cripple her financially is kinda low..Did you know she was this tight financially..Still trying to wrap my head round this
None of it's true. It's all a fantasy being played out by her for attention.

She sent me disturbing photos. Truth
She pulled stupid shit over a console. Truth
I wanted to know if me having these photos was legal. Truth
I was told to contact the hospital it happened at. Truth

Everything else is whatever anybody wants to think it is.

but this was all brought here by you on the sly with catchy thread titles..

Val Gina

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A man who lets his kids see these types of forums in the first place is no man at all. Most fathers would want to protect their kids from the shit on these sites, but not iron man... He wants to throw his kids to the wolves and then sit back and be the one who gets the sympathy for them being hurt...


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)

How sadly delusional you are. She is only following you to defend herself because you cant stop blabbing bout what a hero you think you are everywhere you go. Maybe you should get offline and go take your kids to the park seeing as they are so distressed about your online activities affecting them.

It would appear that way from where I'm standing too.. Trying to hang dirty laundry and Dove felt it better to just beat him to it.. Don't know anything about this pic but I know I won't let it sit anywhere on these boards


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)

How sadly delusional you are. She is only following you to defend herself because you cant stop blabbing bout what a hero you think you are everywhere you go. Maybe you should get offline and go take your kids to the park seeing as they are so distressed about your online activities affecting them.
Keep buying her bullshit, dear.

Maybe she can pay her rent


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
is it true you called her place of employment with malicious intent hoping the result would have her struggling to feed her family.. Was this even committed both of yous have stated to having someone else for years... gaming system ,so what grab another but to cripple her financially is kinda low..Did you know she was this tight financially..Still trying to wrap my head round this
None of it's true. It's all a fantasy being played out by her for attention.

She sent me disturbing photos. Truth
She pulled stupid shit over a console. Truth
I wanted to know if me having these photos was legal. Truth
I was told to contact the hospital it happened at. Truth

Everything else is whatever anybody wants to think it is.

but this was all brought here by you on the sly with catchy thread titles..
And she's doing the same bullshit elsewhere


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
A man who lets his kids see these types of forums in the first place is no man at all. Most fathers would want to protect their kids from the shit on these sites, but not iron man... He wants to throw his kids to the wolves and then sit back and be the one who gets the sympathy for them being hurt...
My kids know this is a game.

Dovey made it rl


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)

How sadly delusional you are. She is only following you to defend herself because you cant stop blabbing bout what a hero you think you are everywhere you go. Maybe you should get offline and go take your kids to the park seeing as they are so distressed about your online activities affecting them.

It would appear that way from where I'm standing too.. Trying to hang dirty laundry and Dove felt it better to just beat him to it.. Don't know anything about this pic but I know I won't let it sit anywhere on these boards
Don't be manipulated.

Unlike Dovey, I wouldn't post pictures like the one she sent me anywhere.

I have a sense of decency, she doesn't.

But, I'm sure if you asked her for it, she would send it to you like she sent it to me, js

And I didn't ask her for it


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
is it true you called her place of employment with malicious intent hoping the result would have her struggling to feed her family.. Was this even committed both of yous have stated to having someone else for years... gaming system ,so what grab another but to cripple her financially is kinda low..Did you know she was this tight financially..Still trying to wrap my head round this
None of it's true. It's all a fantasy being played out by her for attention.

She sent me disturbing photos. Truth
She pulled stupid shit over a console. Truth
I wanted to know if me having these photos was legal. Truth
I was told to contact the hospital it happened at. Truth

Everything else is whatever anybody wants to think it is.

but this was all brought here by you on the sly with catchy thread titles..
And she's doing the same bullshit elsewhere

What?...again I didn't know any of this till you were trying to be coy and provoke her to respond by leaving cryptic thread titles ...This board holds veteran interwebbers give us some credit..I think Dove was justified and at least filled us in straight up instead of playing cat and

whatever dude.. Not my bag not my problem..


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
There’s nothing obsessive about dove defending herself. As for dropping the mic how’s about you shove it up your ass. Have you not noticed that nobody here supports your pathetic loser actions?
Dummy this bitch follows me around like a lonely stray dog.

She wants me to read her lies.

She needs me to respond to her.

Still waiting on how it was "fired" when the investigation hasn't even started. Did the moron fire herself?

I mean, I have a tracking number (Snickers)

How sadly delusional you are. She is only following you to defend herself because you cant stop blabbing bout what a hero you think you are everywhere you go. Maybe you should get offline and go take your kids to the park seeing as they are so distressed about your online activities affecting them.

It would appear that way from where I'm standing too.. Trying to hang dirty laundry and Dove felt it better to just beat him to it.. Don't know anything about this pic but I know I won't let it sit anywhere on these boards
Don't be manipulated.

I'm also on other forum boards and always investigate both sides..It's my OCD.. this isn't really interesting to me enough yet unless more visitors start to step up with more details and then its just me being a we only got a few rules and all is safe until those are violated ... but we do encourage community response as these members although misfits.. takes care of our own...

Good luck


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why don’t you take it to FaceTime or somewhere, we all joined bastard factory forums, not the fucking Gerry springer show.