You'd think that after 8 years of a black president normal people would want to highlight the progress America has made as a whole since the dark ages of segregation
but no, it seems like it's only getting worse. It's almost as if the democrat war planners huddled together and noticed the dream of Martin Luther King beginning to materialize in a tangible way and became enraged at the prospect.
Again, dems will apply the utmost pressure on the black community to believe they are targets of some overarching secret society which is out to enslave them because they are fully aware that the black community as a whole consists of some of the most morally upright people in the country and their depravity won't fly with these people unless they present them with a bigger and bolder enemy to worry about.
And the most ironic thing of it all? The democrat party IS the overarching society that is out to enslave them.
How else do you explain abject poverty and dismal scholastic levels in black communities which have been controlled by democrats for decades? Why does Baltimore, a city which has been under the influence of democratic leadership at every level from the head of state to the local school board for ,what, 30 years now show ZERO progress? And why is it that under 8 years of the first black president who is himself a democrat have conditions only steadily declined?
In the 1700's black people were prohibited from attending school. Nowadays democrats simply make sure their schools, while technically there and available to them, don't actually teach their children. Net effect? The same. Illiteracy
And not a single one of the leftist rodents who pontificate constantly about racism around here will address these points I make in a clear and concise manner. That's how you know what I say is the truth.
*spits -- you fucking democrats disgust me in every way imaginable