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Factory Bastard
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Portugal left those places a fucking mess though. Mozambique, Jesus Christ...the poverty and hunger is horrific for so very many.
Yes, of course they did. The difference I see between Portugal and colonial powers like the US and the UK is that Portugal fully admits to their egregious behaviors now and are trying at least to reach out and correct their bullshit in some way. Well, maybe not fully, but compared to the US and the UK, it seems like a lot.

Mainly, I get aggravated when people who don't know this country at all make grand and completely incorrect pronouncements about what the reality on the ground is. There is nowhere near the hatred, division, and racism here as there is in the US. Not that those things don't exist here, like everywhere, but Portugal is just different.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes, of course they did. The difference I see between Portugal and colonial powers like the US and the UK is that Portugal fully admits to their egregious behaviors now and are trying at least to reach out and correct their bullshit in some way. Well, maybe not fully, but compared to the US and the UK, it seems like a lot.

Mainly, I get aggravated when people who don't know this country at all make grand and completely incorrect pronouncements about what the reality on the ground is. There is nowhere near the hatred, division, and racism here as there is in the US. Not that those things don't exist here, like everywhere, but Portugal is just different.

Well, the racism is different for Portugal because the US had slaves brought in. Portugal took slaves across the Atlantic to the "New" World.

The Portuguese, until modern times, weren't surrounded by their colonialist past.

The US, as a nation, had to develop with the very people they dehumanized. The Portuguese evolved since the 15th century.

The truth of the matter is that this country didn't settle the race issue with the Civil War.

It's a war where the North won the military campaign and kept the Union together. However, the South won the American narrative for at least another 100 years. The Last Cause is a heinous story of racists romanticized...much to the detriment of this nation.

I don't know how or if this nation will ever truly close the book on our original sin. Things are better, but it doesn't take a lot to stir those embers does it?

I watch our country largely resigned to knowing large swaths of Americans will never let go of their hatreds.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
Well, the racism is different for Portugal because the US had slaves brought in. Portugal took slaves across the Atlantic to the "New" World.

The Portuguese, until modern times, weren't surrounded by their colonialist past.

The US, as a nation, had to develop with the very people they dehumanized. The Portuguese evolved since the 15th century.

The truth of the matter is that this country didn't settle the race issue with the Civil War.

It's a war where the North won the military campaign and kept the Union together. However, the South won the American narrative for at least another 100 years. The Last Cause is a heinous story of racists romanticized...much to the detriment of this nation.

I don't know how or if this nation will ever truly close the book on our original sin. Things are better, but it doesn't take a lot to stir those embers does it?

I watch our country largely resigned to knowing large swaths of Americans will never let go of their hatreds.
Watch and (probably don't) learn:



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
As predicted. And you are so tiresomely predictable. Surprise me by watching the entire video.

Why? Who is he? Just some random person on youtube?

I looked him up. He's an asshole with some equipment and a lot of bullshit to rant. You probably founding him by gaming, hmm?

That you want me to listen to this nobody jackass is funny.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
Why? Who is he? Just some random person on the youtube?
Someone presenting relevant information. Now, I'm well aware that relevant information is to you what arsenic is to everyone else; no doubt, you'd much prefer to wallow in your MSNBCPUSA spoonfed, ignorant little Narrative.

But if you've got the fortitude and the integrity to step out from the cozy confines of your confirmation bias, you just might learn something. Give it a try -- if only for the pure novelty of it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Someone presenting relevant information. Now, I'm well aware that relevant information is to you what arsenic is to everyone else; no doubt, you'd much prefer to wallow in your MSNBCPUSA spoonfed, ignorant little Narrative.

But if you've got the fortitude and the integrity to step out from the cozy confines of your confirmation bias, you just might learn something. Give it a try -- if only for the pure novelty of it.

I looked him up. He's a nobody with a mic and a lot of opinions who has most likely never read a book in his life.

Get f'ing real.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
I looked him up. He's a nobody with a mic and a lot of opinions who has most likely never read a book in his life.

Get f'ing real.
So that's a 'no', you're not going to educate yourself. Unsurprising. After all, if educating yourself were within your wheelhouse, you wouldn't be nearly as ignorant and dogmatic as you are.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So that's a 'no', you're not going to educate yourself. Unsurprising. After all, if educating yourself were within your wheelhouse, you wouldn't be nearly as ignorant and dogmatic as you are.

I educate myself all the time. I don't listen to people that started off their careers on Discord in the gaming world.

I'm not STUPID, clown.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
I educate myself all the time. I don't listen to people that started off their careers on Discord in the gaming world.

I'm not STUPID, clown.
Yes, clearly, you are. Starting with the fact that you don't understand the difference between 'ignorant' and 'stupid'. Or, most likely, even that there is a difference between the two concepts.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes, clearly, you are. Starting with the fact that you don't understand the difference between 'ignorant' and 'stupid'. Or, most likely, even that there is a difference between the two concepts.

You've pivoted to a complete nonsense response.

I am not going to spend my time on a clown on the internet that calls himself The Rageaholic, not when there are historians who have actually done the research and scholarship.

His opinions aren't important to me. Everyone has an opinion. That you value some jackass on the intertubes tells me all I need to know about you.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
To lend you a little assistance:

Uninformed = suffering from an information deficit.
Ignorant = The persistent personal policy of ignoring information based on an incapacity or refusal to analyze and apply that information.
Stupidity = The intellectual incapacity to process information which one possesses.

I'm not claiming that you're stupid. But you are blatantly ignorant, which certainly alludes to stupidity.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
To lend you a little assistance:

Uninformed = suffering from an information deficit.
Ignorant = The persistent personal policy of ignoring information based on an incapacity or refusal to analyze and apply that information.
Stupidity = The intellectual incapacity to process information which one possesses.

I'm not claiming that you're stupid. But you are blatantly ignorant, which certainly alludes to stupidity.

And you're full of shit. You listen to clowns calling themselves "rageaholic" on the internet.

While I listen to academics like Pinker and Mearsheimer debating the Enlightenment.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
And you're full of shit. You listen to clowns calling themselves "rageaholic" on the internet.

While I listen to academics like Pinker and Mearsheimer debating the Enlightenment.
And the video in question is exhaustively researched, with citations. You're just being a shallow little turd while making a grand pretense of academic rigor.

Do you think you're fooling anybody with that pretense? Or is this yet another in the endless litany of instances where a leftist kook cherry-picks only those sources which reinforce her pre-existing bias? Because, spoiler alert, little one, that's still Ignorance.


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And the video in question is exhaustively researched, with citations. You're just being a shallow little turd while making a grand pretense of academic rigor.

Do you think you're fooling anybody with that pretense?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
And the video in question is exhaustively researched, with citations. You're just being a shallow little turd while making a grand pretense of academic rigor.

Do you think you're fooling anybody with that pretense? Or is this yet another in the endless litany of instances where a leftist kook cherry-picks only those sources which reinforce her pre-existing bias?

Researched by whom? And was it peer reviewed?

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
I haven't moved the goal posts, dumb dumb. I've been saying all along he's just a nobody on yt and don't find him credible.
And I'm saying that you not finding him credible is hilarious, since you obviously haven't reviewed the claims or the sources he's basing them on. You do not know whether he's credible or not. Not beyond shallow grade-school apprehensions, you don't.

Present one of his claims and tell me why it's wrong.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And I'm saying that you not finding him credible is hilarious, since you obviously haven't reviewed the claims or the sources he's basing them on. You do not know whether he's credible or not. Not beyond shallow grade-school apprehensions, you don't.

Present one of his claims and tell me why it's wrong.

I'm not apprehensive whatsoever. I'm uninterested. Now, you can call me stupid for not liking your vacuous, bloviating, screaming hero...but well, who cares?

I find bellicose delivery to be nothing but a cover for clownishness. Sorry, he's not at all credible.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
The guy presents sources for every one of his claims, all throughout the video, including direct primary-source quotes, and you -- who haven't even watched the video, and don't even know what claims he's making -- are going to hand down some kind of fucking verdict from atop your uninformed and ignorant fucking high horse, without reviewing any of what you're passing judgment on?

Pull the one in the middle so at least it'll feel good.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
The guy presents sources for every one of his claims, all throughout the video, including direct primary-source quotes, and you -- who haven't even watched the video, and don't even know what claims he's making -- are going to hand down some kind of fucking verdict from atop your uninformed and ignorant fucking high horse, without reviewing any of what you're passing judgment on?

Pull the one in the middle so at least it'll feel good.

You seem angry.

Courier Six

"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."
Factory Bastard
Wishing for a nuclear winter.
I'm not apprehensive whatsoever. I'm uninterested. Now, you can call me stupid for not liking your vacuous, bloviating, screaming hero...but well, who cares?

I find bellicose delivery to be nothing but a cover for clownishness. Sorry, he's not at all credible.
Style over substance fallacy. But who would expect anything more evolved than that from you.