
Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?
Society is defo suffering with violent crime waaay out of proportion and white women are suffering by being raped everyday...

I asked you how you're personally suffering and you complain about white women being raped? Am I to understand that you're a white woman that was raped?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?
Society is defo suffering with violent crime waaay out of proportion and white women are suffering by being raped everyday...

I asked you how you're personally suffering and you give statistics about white women being raped? Am I to understand that you're a white woman that was raped?
What kind of logic is that? I'm in Scotland and there's no negroes here, maybe two or three but I stand with my burgerbros and feel their pain! England has a problem too... Fuckin soldiers getting their heads cut off in London city centre in broad daylight etc...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.
Bitch, I've never denied being racist. The bonus is it bugs you fuckers to death that I have no white guilt. Fact is, everyone is racist and racism is a perfectly normal state for all of humanity. This makes you a liar.

That's crap. Racism is taught through the home and through is
Is it better to be a black man in America or a black man in Somalia ?

Why Somalia? There is more than one African country. Maybe it's better to be a black man in Ghana. I don't know, do you?
Oh yea? Funny thing, my parents tried to teach me that tolerating faggits was good and we see how they've destroyed society. They also tried to teach me not to be judgmental or racist. Well, a few bad interactions with blacks including armed robbery coupled with all the violence we see from them day to day resolved that!

I don't find American society "destroyed" because of gay people. They have always existed. So, if you've been a victim of a crime, you automatically hate the race of the people that victimized you? Interesting, I wasn't aware of how that works.

Your parents neglected to activate your noggin apparently.
Simple case of learned behavior...FROM BLAX!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?
Society is defo suffering with violent crime waaay out of proportion and white women are suffering by being raped everyday...

I asked you how you're personally suffering and you give statistics about white women being raped? Am I to understand that you're a white woman that was raped?
What kind of logic is that? I'm in Scotland and there's no negroes here, maybe two or three but I stand with my burgerbros and feel their pain! England has a problem too... Fuckin soldiers getting their heads cut off in London city centre in broad daylight etc...

Why complain about people that aren't doing anything to you, or it sounds like, your entire country? You're admitting that blacks aren't a problem in Scotland. Your anger is disproportionate to the problem in your country. Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to hate blacks.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.
Bitch, I've never denied being racist. The bonus is it bugs you fuckers to death that I have no white guilt. Fact is, everyone is racist and racism is a perfectly normal state for all of humanity. This makes you a liar.

She is not a liar, more the result of at least 40 years of social engineering, having said that, there are people with children of mixed races here who are sick of the continual slurs. Why don't you keep your bias but tone it down and make a stronger case for your views?
Because I'm living with the constant crying in spite of all the programs and hundreds of billions handed to them for nothing. Blacks show the most extreme racism of any group in the entire country and people, including all the asians who are constantly getting beat down and murdered by niggers are fuking sick of it. But what do we hear on the news? A narrative that tries to project that whites are beating asians! This dumb bitch in particular, has tried to blame whites for niggers acting like crazed monkeys! Thats major league bullshit! She is a liar! As I said, I dont deny being racist and I'm damn well not going to be held hostage to anyone elses guilt projections.

So ineffect, you were driven to your valid views... now stand strong, cut the bitterness and turn it into delivering the truth through strength and courage.

There is no greater virtue than courage imo although the Bible says kindness is the greatest virtue, so maybe they are good partners.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?
Society is defo suffering with violent crime waaay out of proportion and white women are suffering by being raped everyday...

I asked you how you're personally suffering and you give statistics about white women being raped? Am I to understand that you're a white woman that was raped?
What kind of logic is that? I'm in Scotland and there's no negroes here, maybe two or three but I stand with my burgerbros and feel their pain! England has a problem too... Fuckin soldiers getting their heads cut off in London city centre in broad daylight etc...

Why complain about people that aren't doing anything to you, or it sounds like, your entire country? You're admitting that blacks aren't a problem in Scotland. Your anger is disproportionate to the problem in your country. Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to hate blacks.
No need to look for excuses they provide them on their own... Do you think I just hate colours? C'mon now lmao


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.
Nobody should have to live with crime or move away from crime. The criminals should be executed. End of.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.

Not exactly true. These days abos and most people who have welfare and the Labor party in my state put welfare and state housing people evenly through ALL the suburbs including the wealthiest as NOT to have gettos but an even society. So petty theft is probably the result of DRASTICALLY increasing cigarettes ($50 a pack) and alcohol and abos on welfare have gambling problems so they commit petty theft because welfare doesn't pay for people's vices.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.
Nobody should have to live with crime or move away from crime. The criminals should be executed. End of.

I couldn't agree more. And I forgot to mention, my son's mountain bike was stolen, fortunately we got it back.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.

Not exactly true. These days abos and most people have welfare and the Labor party in my state put welfare in state housing people evenly through ALL the suburbs including the wealthiest as NOT to have gettos but an even society. So petty theft is probably the result of DRASTICALLY increasing cigarettes ($50 a pack) and alcohol and abos on welfare have gambling problems so they commit petty theft because doesn't pay people's vices.

What does "abos and most people have welfare" mean? And "these days"? How long have you lived in this area?
I don't believe that the wealthy in your country haven't figured out how to insulate themselves from poverty and crime. It's not credible. They do it everywhere.


Factory Bastard
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.

Racism has been with us since the ape walked upright. It is worldwide.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.

Racism has been with us since the ape walked upright. It is worldwide.

Tribalism, yes. Racism, not really.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?

There are feral abos in my street. They get evicted and a new crop gets plonked in there..... The rule is to dump at least one family of Abos per street. It's their land land after all. The English stole it remember? It's open season on Poms and their descendants.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?

There are feral abos in my street. They get evicted and a new crop gets plonked in there..... The rule is to dump at least one family of Abos per street. It's their land land after all. The English stole it remember? It's open season on Poms and their ancestors.

Do you mean descendants?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?
Always an excuse with you.

What excuse? If I chose to live in a place where there is lots of crime, I would expect that at some time I could be a victim. If I lived in Baton Rouge, I might have an idea that I might live through a terrible hurricane. What kind of person lives in a hurricane zone and expects no hurricanes?

If you live in or near an impoverished community, you're likely to be a victim or a witness to a crime. This isn't physics, it's common sense.

Not exactly true. These days abos and most people have welfare and the Labor party in my state put welfare in state housing people evenly through ALL the suburbs including the wealthiest as NOT to have gettos but an even society. So petty theft is probably the result of DRASTICALLY increasing cigarettes ($50 a pack) and alcohol and abos on welfare have gambling problems so they commit petty theft because doesn't pay people's vices.

What does "abos and most people have welfare" mean? And "these days"? How long have you lived in this area?
I don't believe that the wealthy in your country haven't figured out how to insulate themselves from poverty and crime. It's not credible. They do it everywhere.

I'm getting tired. I have been missing words out of sentences. That should say, "abos and most people WHO have welfare."

I have lived in my area for 36-37 years... my husband 65 years.

Lol at you thinking the wealthy can't be victims of petty crime... I'm still laughing at that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?
I think you'll find it's common everywhere these days because whites are growing tired of being kicked around in our own lands! We're nice until we aren't...

We have Europe as our own lands. Everything else was taken. However, even Europeans came from somewhere else if you go back far enough in time.

How are you suffering in your own land because of blacks? Can you cite on concrete example of how you personally suffer?

I can. I have had 2 cars stolen, my husband stabbed with a screwdriver, my house burned down along with precious pets killed and 2 years ago my jewelry stolen in burgarly while I was at home... All complmentary of Abos.

Sounds like you live in a crime infested area and yet expect not to be a victim of crime. Perhaps you need to move or align your expectations. I'm guessing those "Abos" are committing crimes against other "Abos"?

There are feral abos in my street. They get evicted and a new crop gets plonked in there..... The rule is to dump at least one family of Abos per street. It's their land land after all. The English stole it remember? It's open season on Poms and their ancestors.

Do you mean descendants?

yes I do,.. thank you..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why I am talking about welfare is this... welfare didn't come along until Germany invented it in 1890s.. The UK didn't have it so unemployed UK people and orphans to, had no other choice than to steal, get themselves caught, then deported to the USA and later Australia.

There is no excuse to steal THESE DAYS when hard working tax payers give you a handout between jobs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.
I would say this Lightfoot woman is insane if she did what you claim, but, of course, you people are lying again. She said for ONE DAY, on the anniversary of her inauguration, she would only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. FOR ONE FUCKING DAY, you moronic and entitled, whinging fucking snowflakes. Get over yourselves, and stop lying so much. SMDH
So if, say, TRUMP had held a white journalist day, you'd be ok with it.

If the US had a history of robbing whites of their rights and bringing them from Europe to enslave them, yes. What do you not understand about the concept of blowback? Come on, Deport, you are smarter than this. Stop being a racist. It's very unbecoming.

They did procure white slaves from the UK... they called them convicts. You can look up UK deported criminals to the USA. It is in Wikipedia.

Yes, I know. But ALL white people from the UK were not slaves, only a very tiny percentage. ALL black Africans in the US went there as slaves, and they had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They weren't treated like humans until very, very recently. Look up PTSD and try to develop a modicum of compassion regarding what they went through FOR CENTURIES. Stop expecting people to pretend it never happened.

I have extreme compassion for the global poor who suffered before our current era of plenty. I am amazed that you think the fair skinned races escaped any of that abuse. They didn't. ALL THOSE PEOPLE, are dead and gone now and thus paid for their sins.

I don't know who you really are so I am guessing you grew up under the USA education system and mainly learned American history and its tough past. My history is of the European and UK history and absolutely know for a fact white slavery went on and still survives in the sex slave trade today. The dark skins, like Arabs, want blondes. They steal them from Russia and the Ukraine and all over Europe infact.

The only people I'm personally interested in are artists of all kinds and tree huggers of all kinds and backgrounds. I think this absolute BS over "racism," is a manufactured problem made up to shut people up. The good people here know this to.

I don't see how anyone who has ever set foot in the USA could possibly believe racism is a manufactured problem. Many of the "good people" here are straight up racists, and they know it. They just refuse to admit it to anyone who has their number.

Racism has been with us since the ape walked upright. It is worldwide.

Tribalism, yes. Racism, not really.

It is the same thing.

Bibal says (OT) Man dominates man, to man's injury...

It has always been that way.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Why I am talking about welfare is this... welfare didn't come along until Germany invented it in 1890s.. The UK didn't have it so unemployed UK people and orphans to, had no other choice than to steal, get themselves caught, then deported to the USA and later Australia.

There is no excuse to steal THESE DAYS when hard working tax payers give you a handout between jobs.

Not everyone gets a "handout," and often those that do don't get enough to pay rent, utilies, and eat.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This forum seems to have a pronounced conservative slant overall. This forum also has a lot of bigots/racists. Why do you think those two seem to come together?

Probably 2 reasons. 1 being leftists tend to label everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Regardless if its true.

And 2.....not even racists are dumb enough to support democrat policies

And a 3rd I know to be true. Actual white real kkk idiots, will publically endorse candidates they WANT to lose. They want establishment politicains that will keep black Americans poor in ghettos and unable to attend decent schools. That's just a simple truth no one wants to talk about.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why I am talking about welfare is this... welfare didn't come along until Germany invented it in 1890s.. The UK didn't have it so unemployed UK people and orphans to, had no other choice than to steal, get themselves caught, then deported to the USA and later Australia.

There is no excuse to steal THESE DAYS when hard working tax payers give you a handout between jobs.

Not everyone gets a "handout," and often those that do don't get enough to pay rent, utilies, and eat.

we actually call welfare, 'social security,' and indeed it's an amount below the poverty line and it's just not adequate.

I would hate to be young now starting off in life with nothing. Omg, the rents here alone in OZ are $500 upwards a week.

It's getting out of hand in major cities.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why I am talking about welfare is this... welfare didn't come along until Germany invented it in 1890s.. The UK didn't have it so unemployed UK people and orphans to, had no other choice than to steal, get themselves caught, then deported to the USA and later Australia.

There is no excuse to steal THESE DAYS when hard working tax payers give you a handout between jobs.

Not everyone gets a "handout," and often those that do don't get enough to pay rent, utilies, and eat.

Shes talking about Australia.

Here in America they certainly DO get enough to pay rent, eat, for child care and medical costs.

The problem is they are forced to stay single and poor because so much as a dollar raise will result in them losing so much of their benefits that they will be thrown right in the gutter. It's a viscious cycle and holds poor people hostage to the state.

This is why women often wont marry the father of their child and why women will continue having children. So they dont end up in the streets over a 50 cent raise.

I grew up poor and I've watched this happen. My grandmother was passionately opposed to welfare and refused it on the basis that it was state slavery. In my early 20s when I got pregnant I had to go on Medicaid(our state funded insurance program that was destroyed by Obama care). I also took food benefits and WIC. As soon as I started making "too much" to qualify, the benefits were pulled and shit became insanely harder. I wasnt making nearly enough to live in any sort of area where I was comfortable having a child. But I had too much to get any sort of meaningful help. You can bet I still had taxes taken out of my wages though.

I never touched the shit again. It's a horrible cycle designed to keep people poor as fuck. This is where many young women like I was resort to some level of the sex industry. I'm glad I dont have to explain to you how NOT empowering that is. How its NOT a real "choice" that "empowers" any woman.

If we actually had decent oversight and "weaned" people off according to their income....allowed people to obtain skills and make more money without losing we should be doing IF we are gonna do anything....we wouldnt have the problems we have. We would have less people scamming it as well. We should be supporting FAMILIES as well, and not refusing to help couples with children. People have gotten divorced JUST to get food and insurance.

You have no idea how many people sell their food benefits so they can buy drugs or some other bullshit. Our socialized systems are fucked and mismanaged and do harm.

My mother is on disability and SS....and she gets spousal support. Shes not allowed to have more than 2k in her bank account at the end of the month. Shes gotta have 1,999 at the MOST. She cannot have any assets. Its ridiculous. Its just crazy to me that she cant save anything over that amount. So she cant have a squirrel fund.....she was legit spending her "excess" on bullshit just to meet that state imposed standard. My mother never used welfare either. She was mentally ill poor kid who fell through the cracks and marinated there for decades.

We can judge people until the cows come home for everything from laziness to entitlement to calloused selfishness, whatever. But at the end of the day, people of all status are gonna do whatever they need to do to survive, so none of that matters. Politicains and government knows this and exploits it through power grabby socailist programs that do more to make the rich richer and keep the poor and working scratching and voting and hoping.

It would be a great start to start truly listening to eachother and uniting enough to overthrow a system that doesnt at all serve ANY of us.....but rather benefits itself off the backs of human suffering and ego.
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