Flynn you fucking panel abusing Transtard


> you
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Thank you for your report Netizen Aryan. Detective Snuggles from the Evidence Investigation Dept. has been assigned to your case...



Domestically feral
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United states
Then why, in all the "discussions" I've seen, do the anti- crowd never mention circumcisions which are very much an irreversible surgical procedure foisted on infants before they can evaluate their options or even say the word "No" for that matter?

If it's about consent why does circumcision get a pass unless it's because it's popular among a certain ideological community?

If someone is only against certain procedures when the people getting/promoting them are ideologically different from what one side considers "the norm" then that absolutely *is* a political issue, not an objective and reasoned position.

So where are all the rallies/bills/media analysis calling for banning circumcisions?

Unserious arguments are unserious.

I am VERY opposed to circumcision.

If my last baby was to be a boy he would have left in tact and he wanted to be cut later he can do that himself. My 14 year old son was left in tact.

I'm also against children getting pierced. Even ears.

Leave their bodies alone....let them make that decision when their brains are developed enough to grasp long term consequences. I agree with everything you've said here.

Destroying fertility and sexual function and inflicting life long severe medical issues due to halting the bodies natural puberty process (which is a critical stage of development not just sexual and reproductive, but also brain and bone development) is the worst and most psychotic level of human rights abuses I've seen embraced and allowed. It makes my blood boil.

I would argue that many MORE young people are severely harmed by the affirmation approach and thr medical interventions and that we need to recognize this disphoria as a mental health crisis and provide real support for them .....rather than altering the boundaries of reality and turning them into medical experiments. Dig deep into this, Vitty. You'll be absolutely horrified. And if these kids grow up and still have the disphoria, and still want to alter themselves....they can do so as informed adults who fully understand what it means.

I went through a sort of gender crisis as a kid. I shudder to think about what could have happened to me if everyone started affirming that I was a boy in a girls body and I needed to be physically fixed by destroying my female body.

I'm most definitely consistent on this. I'm down to see bills and fights to ban any sort of body altering procedures done to children that are not medically necessary for life. And if puberty blockers and surgeries were medically necessary for life we would have been seeing mass suicides of children and teens. Look at the amount of kids and teens transing....and we are to believe they all would kill themselves if they didn't get affirmed. Yet.....we see MORE suicides today with all that affirmation then we did 20 years ago when literally no one was transing.

It'd a new cash cow and way to exploit and abuse humans for profit.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Circumcisions are irreversible even if/when the kid "grows out" of the religion chosen for them by their parents.

Unserious arguments are unserious.

Please stop being nonsensical. I already covered that topic. The constitution won't let us ban circumcisions but we can legally ban the unproven, anti-science butchery and chemical castration of children. I 100% believe every person who carried these crimes against humanity or supported them or enabled them needs to be executed for crimes against humanity. It is medical experimentation on children who cannot consent; that is clearly defined as a crime against humanity in the Nuremberg code.


Bastard of the Century
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I'm a member of the Church of the Primordial Androgyne.

I want to "trans" my children for purely religious reasons.

Don't you dare trample on my religious freedoms!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Then why, in all the "discussions" I've seen, do the anti- crowd never mention circumcisions which are very much an irreversible surgical procedure foisted on infants before they can evaluate their options or even say the word "No" for that matter?

If it's about consent why does circumcision get a pass unless it's because it's popular among a certain ideological community?

If someone is only against certain procedures when the people getting/promoting them are ideologically different from what one side considers "the norm" then that absolutely *is* a political issue, not an objective and reasoned position.

So where are all the rallies/bills/media analysis calling for banning circumcisions?

Unserious arguments are unserious.

God told Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day when children release vit k, the blood clotting agent....

Men who aren't circumcised ejaculate too fast...and they grow cheese under their foreskins. Having foreskins is overrated and putrid.
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> you
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. o O
Inspector Furball uncovered a clue in the Moderator Logs...


and then he peed on it.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I'd say it's vice versa how you're always trying to get me to give you a picture of myself.
You mean by asking you to once and for all clear up the rumours about you being a cock in a frock?

Yes, how terrible. You clearly love the attention and thrive on your e-trannie status.