Fuck the Police


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
I began life as a shining example of what flamegels look like:


Then joined the Army to save America: old ladies open doors for me and keep 'em that way without even getting any acknowledgment from me, though they're intently looking up with innocent smiles. Fuck old people stink.


I've recently been charged with a bogus PI. One must be there at 7:30am to begin their stint in order to erase that pencil dick scribble charge against me: PI (public intoxication).

Now watch this bullshit:



So yeah... I awoke in time to do some shit I was supposed to have completed by now *shrug* It's Sunday, and pretty nice outside, so I wore some of my best clothes just to make the little people know they'll be doing what they're supposed to do while I relax in the covered lot, smoking a cigar.

Closed. Police stations actually fucking CLOSED on Sundays after their literature, as you just saw, proudly claims it's on 7 days a week, "Including Sundays! That deserves a huge public announcement so all the niggers here can run around doing what they do when they can...

YOU know what to do with this one and the middle one. Pass the glass dick


- Fuck the whole goddamn system
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
The longer I live, the more I give. That's as right as your asshole is tight! How and why does a G like me even bless you provincial lowlifes with my immeasurable character? Who is more than willing to make America a better place than it would be, otherwise, had I not violently burst out of my mother screaming bloody hell wearing my terrifying infant war face.


That's right, you just keep your rank sewer drains all rusted shut - that all stink far worse than your somewhat admirable lingering garlic farts. You floss nightly? Didn't fucking think so you unlucky bastards...

- mortal monument of Honor
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Site Supporter
Is that you ? ffs looks like you stole someones bald testicle and placed it on yer neck hahahaaaa

rT and you should have a kid lmfao



It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
I actually now understand why women let their unsightly body hair grow out for a couple or more days. Shaving my white newscaster's hairdo so often, it must be an on-going pain in their cunts and assholes because few women can resist my new look.

I have been in the toupe market for months, but can't find any blond power-mullets. That would be kew. Maybe scalp some nigger and wear his/her hair for a "different look". I may start a huge new trend with that - I do it all the time.

Yo Larfarama, how and where do you get ahold of laughing gas? I mean, you either ridiculously pretend to laugh at bland statements, or you put the mask on like the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors...

- shoulda been a priest, for many reasons

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Avoiding Sharks

"We are told – lectured – about the dangers of being an armed government worker (AGW). This is like the shark complaining about the danger posed by the scuba diver.

About 1,000 people are killed each year in this country by AGWs.

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this year already.

Some of these departed under less-than-savory circumstances.

Contrast this body count with the 35 AGWs who’ve died – some from natural causes such as heart attack – in the “line of duty” (it’s just a job, actually; duty being some action one is morally obligated to perform, such as caring for ones children. Mulcting motorists for not wearing a seatbelt is a job – in the manner of a meter maid, except empowered with lethal enforcement powers)
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knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Avoiding Sharks

"We are told – lectured – about the dangers of being an armed government worker (AGW). This is like the shark complaining about the danger posed by the scuba diver.

About 1,000 people are killed each year in this country by AGWs.

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this year already.

Some of these departed under less-than-savory circumstances.

Contrast this body count with the 35 AGWs who’ve died – some from natural causes such as heart attack – in the “line of duty” (it’s just a job, actually; duty being some action one is morally obligated to perform, such as caring for ones children. Mulcting motorists for not wearing a seatbelt is a job – in the manner of a meter maid, except empowered with lethal enforcement powers)
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"It is far more dangerous to deal with an AGW than to be an AGW – the ridiculous mewling about the “danger” faced by AGWs notwithstanding.

Therefore, the logical policy is to avoid dealing with them whenever possible – and to the extent feasible."

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Avoiding Sharks

"We are told – lectured – about the dangers of being an armed government worker (AGW). This is like the shark complaining about the danger posed by the scuba diver.

About 1,000 people are killed each year in this country by AGWs.

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this year already.

Some of these departed under less-than-savory circumstances.

Contrast this body count with the 35 AGWs who’ve died – some from natural causes such as heart attack – in the “line of duty” (it’s just a job, actually; duty being some action one is morally obligated to perform, such as caring for ones children. Mulcting motorists for not wearing a seatbelt is a job – in the manner of a meter maid, except empowered with lethal enforcement powers)
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"At some point, dealing with an AGW will be unavoidable. We live in a police state, after all. One can hardly swing a dead cat by the tail without splattering an AGW with it. Even if you never do anything “suspicious,” you may have to prove you’ve done nothing illegal – as at a “safety” checkpoint.

The thing to do here is balance the importance of protecting your legal rights – and your dignity – without triggering the AGW’s authoritarian impulses.

So, roll down your window, provide your papers – but don’t answer his leading questions. All AGW questions are designed to lead you to giving an answer that will serve his purposes, not yours. “I’d rather not answer any questions” is all you should say – because you’re not required to say anything more.

But say it in an even-toned, businesslike manner."

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
I don't know of any other job or career where someone can get away with so much lawlessness and crime.


Factory Bastard
Did you know morons tend to post the exact same meme in several different threads?

Or is that trolls.....


Rest In Peace Boyd
Bayou counrty
Even worse - MORON TROLLS.

KW is a good example! Just check out his last 6000 or so posts... pure bullshit drivel fueled by a child's tiny, underdeveloped! brain!
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