George Floyd Died of Heart Disease

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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Veteran officer Derek Chauvin wasn't on his neck that bad if you really watch closely. That's why the cop didn't react to the calls of the people on the curb. HE KNEW HE WAS NOT applying that much pressure as people thought. George was resisting and passed out due to the summer heat and stress. He had underlying health conditions, including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.

The fact that the cops were around him at that particular time was simply a coincidence. This is why the others haven't been charged and the cops haven't been arrested. Don't be sheep.

Ill let you know when we get the GoFundMe page set up for his legal defense. In the meantime, the
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petition will be circulating in your inboxes within hours.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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This whole bag of BS is just people who like to riot and loot and should send in some Combat hard ass troops and shoot up some ass holes who are out after the curfew and as far as Joe goes should put his ass in a old folks home and his son in jail - - - - - - -

PS - All Floyd had to do was get in the police car when told to !


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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News flash >>> There was rioting and looting in downtown Sacramento Ca last night - - - - - -


Put your glasses on!
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The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

Oh man I been so pissed off! What state you in Scott, I'll meet up with ya and we shall march on these fuckers!



Put your glasses on!
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The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

You too Oliver! Fuck this motherfucking bullshit! March with me!!! hahaha, though I doubt y'all near me.

The whole fucking world sees it as not right!

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

You too Oliver! Fuck this motherfucking bullshit! March with me!!! hahaha, though I doubt y'all near me.

The whole fucking world sees it as not right!
It's unfortunate what happened yes but I don't believe the cops caused his death. This whole rioting thing is just an exuse for these animals to act like animals. The cops across USA should go on strike and let these idiots tear down the cities the way they want to.
Also their welfare should be cut off and when they get hungry and there's nothing left to steal maybe they'll kill each other


Put your glasses on!
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The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

You too Oliver! Fuck this motherfucking bullshit! March with me!!! hahaha, though I doubt y'all near me.

The whole fucking world sees it as not right!
It's unfortunate what happened yes but I don't believe the cops caused his death. This whole rioting thing is just an exuse for these animals to act like animals. The cops across USA should go on strike and let these idiots tear down the cities the way they want to.
Also their welfare should be cut off and when they get hungry and there's nothing left to steal maybe they'll kill each other

Hell yeah Oliver, you shall be my vice president when I run for office. Scott shall be my head of the defense department.

Serious though, yes its fucked up what happened to him, but he did have other conditions, I mean hell he pissed his pants minutes before even dying. I totally agree on the rioting, its an excuse to loot. I dont mind the peaceful fuckers though. Thats the thing, all of em being paid to stay home right now! Fuck, I'd like to be able to leave work and protest the removal of the General Lee, the man who never owned slaves and defended Virginia from an invasion! An honorable man! Not a drugged out motherfucker in the middle of a crime that dies at the hands of the police and gets memorialized for 6 days while other motherfuckers cant even have a funeral for their own families!


Factory Bastard
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These leftist degenerates are really poking the tiger with this, making a lot of noise with the MSM supporting their narrative, magnifying their voice as if it reflected this nation when it doesn't.
You can feel that pressure like a balloon getting ready to pop, all of us ready to come out swinging in numbers that'll drown them.. we are SO CLOSE.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

Oh man I been so pissed off! What state you in Scott, I'll meet up with ya and we shall march on these fuckers!

I'm in NYC so sadly I'll be too busy filling sandbags fighting off the zulus here.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
These leftist degenerates are really poking the tiger with this, making a lot of noise with the MSM supporting their narrative, magnifying their voice as if it reflected this nation when it doesn't.
You can feel that pressure like a balloon getting ready to pop, all of us ready to come out swinging in numbers that'll drown them.. we are SO CLOSE.

Dude you are so right! The only ones Im seeing agreeing on all this shit is beta leftist cucks, and they are in the minority. I've never seen it come this close before in my lifetime, it IS about to pop.

Nostradamus predicted a race war in 2000, I figured it was the lalalalala fuckers since 9/11 happened, but yet here we are. The "higher ups" had been hoping on a race war for a long time, hence all the underground D.U.M.B.s, its coming, I see it.


Put your glasses on!
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The floyd bloke had just come out of prison for a violent armed robbery, poor innocent little cunt...
now come the floyd streets and statues with halos over his head lol
Their martyred messiah.. They're pulling down a statue of General Lee in Va as I type and will likely erect one of him in its place.

Oh man I been so pissed off! What state you in Scott, I'll meet up with ya and we shall march on these fuckers!

I'm in NYC so sadly I'll be too busy filling sandbags fighting off the zulus here.

Fuck you got it bad up there lol. But not far! If there is a march on Richmond you should join me lol. Richmond was the capitol of the Confederacy, once those statues come down, it all ends. Everything will come down, and be banished. Its the end of the truth. What things were really fought for.

I know you are military. But Im sure you are woke to the Confederate cause. Those that had to fight the Confederacy, mostly fought against their will.... with the first ever draft and all.


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What was tha about Scoot giving head to the Defence Dept ??


Put your glasses on!
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What was tha about Scoot giving head to the Defence Dept ??


You son of a bitch! I'd even hug you right now, fuck Corona!

What position would you like? Transportation department? I know someone on a bike knows their way around the city better than someone on a cell phone in a prissy Prius.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.

Big time!

Now its all about the "likes", no matter the truth.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.

Big time!

Now its all about the "likes", no matter the truth.
Truth don't mean shit now, it's all "relative". Just wait, some virtue signalling twat will suggest the numeral 4 resembles a white man beating a jig, then "2+2=3" signs.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.
Imagine lumping us Brits with China and Russia as parasites lmao fuck you! Just remember most of the signatures on your Declaration of Independence were by Scottish hands... :Grin3:


Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.

So did Fahggots like you ..demanding equel rights as though your dick pussy was anything special :LMAO: I just LOVE whiney little NYC bitches who have no problem fellating a flag pole lolol



Whenever you open that putrid trap of yours this is what I see

:LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: What's that Scoot ? the blacks ? you're a soldier ?? :LOL2:

Last edited:


Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.

Big time!

Now its all about the "likes", no matter the truth.

Yeh right ..where else could you make the pics you do without getting kicked in your pussah ?? :LMAO:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
The only position he seeks is bent over a desk and if you assign him anything but a bullet I'll put a 155 though your oval office window.

Just think though, a civil war today would be one hell of a Pandora's box once opened. Our first was bad enough but at least we had clearly defined borders between north and south, but this one?
It wouldn't be a bunch of niggers yelling world star alongside a sea of white hacky-sack SJW college brats in bandanas rushing the line to get shot to pieces while laughing about it, it would be complicated with a national map speckled with blue and red dots.

Then come the known sympathizers in your own state, imagine having to drag a blunderbuss like Damaged Maven out for execution while holding your nose while the Goddess protesting, slapping you in futility with her skinny arms the whole way.. Good heavens.

Then you can't trust anyone of color, right in the bin they go or you risk getting shot in the back if you give 'em a pass. That includes the Bingo lady at church and the friendly Mr. Jones at the general store who let you slide when short a nickel. Or whatever.

So much, "yeah but.." when it comes to the enemy.

Overseas only your back hurt, never your conscience.

And then while we were in turmoil the parasites would show up as friends to whatever side, i.e. China, Russia, Brits, etc. Even the faggoty French will make a play.


Man you are so right though, its not North and South these days, its all over the place.
Social media fucked up everything.

Big time!

Now its all about the "likes", no matter the truth.
Truth don't mean shit now, it's all "relative". Just wait, some virtue signalling twat will suggest the numeral 4 resembles a white man beating a jig, then "2+2=3" signs.

Or white men cant have shaved heads anymore cause it reminds them of racist skinheads.