Good news for Kyle Rittenhouse fans

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I never claimed they were peaceful protestors. All I said was Rittwnhouse murdered them.
The alternative was get viciously beaten or potentially "murdered" himself, you moron.

What would you have your kids do in that situation, if they were being pursued by a violent mob?

I'll wager that your liberal faux-outrage would disappear very quickly.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The alternative was get viciously beaten or potentially "murdered" himself, you moron.

What would you have your kids do in that situation, if they were being pursued by a violent mob?

I'll wager that your liberal faux-outrage would disappear very quickly.
This is the part where she tells you her son would never put himself in that situation to begin with and act like that's a win for her dismal failure of an argument

which is technically true.

Her son is far too much of cowardly self centered emo pussy to ever think about his neighbor enough to do what Kyle wanted to do that night. Help and protect innocent people from the mobs. Unfortunately those mobs were determined to not allow that to happen and two of them ended up paying the ultimate price for it. Good riddance.


Domestically feral
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United states
What was the dude doing there with a gun?

Why were rioters traveling to that town with guns they had illegally and burning down buildings?

Why is it on US....locals of our run and get out of the way for mobs to destroy our communities and beat or kill us? Why do these rioters get a free pass to go wherever they want and do whatever they want while innocent people get crucified in the media for not allowing themselves to be beaten or killed?


Put your glasses on!
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What was the dude doing there with a gun?

In Kyle's interview, before the shooting happened, he said he was there as a medic, and was offering assistance to anyone that needed it. When asked about the gun, he said it was for his defense.

Considering how hostile the pavement apes were, I'd say that was a smart move by Kyle, and now the world is a better place without a couple ped0 scumbags on this planet.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Protecting local businesses from being burned down by feral ANTIFA/BLM thugs.
Honestly tho? He could have went there with a gun and a sign that read "I am here with the intent to kill you fucking assholes" and still would be able to avail himself of the legal defense.

While that might have been the type of provocation the statue refers to (and even that is a fucking stretch) he still regained his right to self defense the moment he ran from his attackers.

The fucking kid did EVERYTHING right that night and any district attorney with a shred of decency and an ounce of integrity would have dropped those charges upon completion of discovery.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The Kyle Rttenhouse story is the perfect testament to why liberals should be hated as the vile and loathsome vermin they are

You simply cannot coexist and reason with people who can look at that kid and what happened that night and say to themselves "put him away for the remainder of his life" -- it just shows there are no redeemable qualities left in these subhuman pieces of shit.


Domestically feral
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United states
Honestly tho? He could have went there with a gun and a sign that read "I am here with the intent to kill you fucking assholes" and still would be able to avail himself of the legal defense.

While that might have been the type of provocation the statue refers to (and even that is a fucking stretch) he still regained his right to self defense the moment he ran from his attackers.

The fucking kid did EVERYTHING right that night and any district attorney with a shred of decency and an ounce of integrity would have dropped those charges upon completion of discovery.


There never should have been charges. I tried many times to explain this to Joe actually. He views this as a politcal issue right vs left. It never was. There is nothing politcal about this case. The judge was irritated because these charges never should have been brought.

When a person shoots someone and claims self defense, the police investigate the matter and if it checks out....its fine. No charges are brought and no arrests are made. This is how it's always worked. And in this case the entire incident is on video from several angles. This the clearest case of self defense we have ever seen and there never should have been any charges at all.

The fact charges were brought despite the entire incident being on video....THAT was politcal theater. It never should have seem a court room. Kyle didn't break a single law. The rioters did.

And now Joe thinks this set some nationwide precedent where we can just shoot people and call it self defense now....and that is completely false and unhinged and not how any of this works. But when people get some shit in their heads and they want to stick to it no matter how false it is...they arent going to hear anyone or accept any info that contradicts what they want to believe.

People with heavy biases just dont ever change their view with information. They just dismiss information instead.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
There never should have been charges. I tried many times to explain this to Joe actually. He views this as a politcal issue right vs left. It never was. There is nothing politcal about this case. The judge was irritated because these charges never should have been brought.

When a person shoots someone and claims self defense, the police investigate the matter and if it checks out....its fine. No charges are brought and no arrests are made. This is how it's always worked. And in this case the entire incident is on video from several angles. This the clearest case of self defense we have ever seen and there never should have been any charges at all.

The fact charges were brought despite the entire incident being on video....THAT was politcal theater. It never should have seem a court room. Kyle didn't break a single law. The rioters did.

And now Joe thinks this set some nationwide precedent where we can just shoot people and call it self defense now....and that is completely false and unhinged and not how any of this works. But when people get some shit in their heads and they want to stick to it no matter how false it is...they arent going to hear anyone or accept any info that contradicts what they want to believe.

People with heavy biases just dont ever change their view with information. They just dismiss information instead.
Here in Florida a great and honorable sheriff like Grady Judd (whom I am friends with personally) would have taken this kid out to a steak dinner and fast tracked his entry into the ranks of law enforcement.

Anywhere in the streets he drove people would be honking their horns and waving at him with ultimate respect. He's adored down here in the land of the free. That much I can tell you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What was the dude doing there with a gun?

It was perfectly legal to do so plus given that there had already been two days of violence and arson it was a logical step to take. He was there, as was perfectly proven at the trial, to protect local businesses, at the request of the business owners, as well as to provide first aid to all who needed it. He did indeed provide first aid to a number of people most of whom were rioters.

If you had bothered to learn anything about the case you would have already known all this. It was extensively covered in the thread we had here at the time on this very subject after all. I can only conclude you and your fellow ideologically possessed partisans simply ignored those facts as it was not what you wanted to hear.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It was perfectly legal to do so plus given that there had already been two days of violence and arson it was a logical step to take. He was there, as was perfectly proven at the trial, to protect local businesses, at the request of the business owners, as well as to provide first aid to all who needed it. He did indeed provide first aid to a number of people most of whom were rioters.

If you had bothered to learn anything about the case you would have already known all this. It was extensively covered in the thread we had here at the time on this very subject after all. I can only conclude you and your fellow ideologically possessed partisans simply ignored those facts as it was not what you wanted to hear.
the whole idea that one loses their right to self defense based on what can be perceived an initial poor decision is about as fucking silly as telling a woman she was raped because she went to a sketchy nightclub late at night known for harboring degenerates capable of such depravity.

No she was raped because the scumbag who raped her has just as little respect for others as he has for himself. End of story.

I couldn't care less why he was there that night. If I were on the jury and it was revealed he was there fully intent on killing people with an AR-15 I'd still pronounce him innocent in this context because, and here's the clincher, HE TRIED TO RUN AWAY. Period. That single fact alone ties clearly to what is outlined in the statue and regains him the right to self defense with deadly force EVEN if I had felt he lost it previously through provocation.

But don't expect these idiots to have enough depth to understand that as they are the same buffoons who claim Trump was guilty of collusion with Russia because a special prosecutor did not operate contrary to his charter and look for evidence proving Trump's innocence.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The alternative was get viciously beaten or potentially "murdered" himself, you moron.

What would you have your kids do in that situation, if they were being pursued by a violent mob?

I'll wager that your liberal faux-outrage would disappear very quickly.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Were they chasing him with weapons to give him a big bear hug, Lotus?

These scum bags have murdered and beaten innocent people

Knock it the fuck off. You are so wrong on this and your refusal to admit that JUST because you dont like us is lowering you.
You know what lotusmoron's real problem is? Aside from the fact that someone managed to convince her that she's intelligent?

California is such a failure scholastically that they let someone like her become a teacher and the idiot has gotten used to speaking to a classroom filled with kids who are too afraid for one reason or the next to question her. Couple that with a cuckold sissy emo wuss of husband and you have a dumb woman who's never been properly challenged and therefore thinks this means she's smarter than everyone else.

She can try to spin around this salient diagnosis all she wants but this is indeed the root of the problem with her


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know what lotusmoron's real problem is? Aside from the fact that someone managed to convince her that she's intelligent?

California is such a failure scholastically that they let someone like her become a teacher and the idiot has gotten used to speaking to a classroom filled with kids who are too afraid for one reason or the next to question her. Couple that with a cuckold sissy emo wuss of husband and you have a dumb woman who's never been properly challenged and therefore thinks this means she's smarter than everyone else.

She can try to spin around this salient diagnosis all she wants but this is indeed the root of the problem with her

She is doubling down because she doesnt like us and the disgusting fucking shit show made Kyle some right wing front man so shes not gonna ever look at this objectively.

This is how authoritarian regimes take over. Get the people on board with giving up their rights.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
She is doubling down because she doesnt like us and the disgusting fucking shit show made Kyle some right wing front man so shes not gonna ever look at this objectively.

This is how authoritarian regimes take over. Get the people on board with giving up their rights.
You provide way too much latitude to these cretins. I extend them no such quarter as I am fully cognizant that they are both stupid and vile in equal proportions. Their selfish good for thee not for me attitude is what makes them vile and their stupidity is what makes them dutiful lemmings willing to parrot a narrative because people like her are too fucking stupid to look at all the facets of the case and compare what happened to what is written in the statue.

The fact that she doesn't like conservatives is merely a side show to the rather obvious fact that her own stupidity is responsible for the blockage which is preventing consumption of all the facts in this case.

Any normal minded person would be highly concerned with the precedent which would be set if all the facts of this case were examined and a guilty verdict were returned none the less. It would be even more concerning a precedent if it then went to appeals and the guilty verdict remained undisturbed.

It's no secret that I completely despise people like lotus and her cohorts but if it were HER in Kyle's shoes or her son or any of these other subhuman mongs that I loathe with every fiber of my being; and every facet of the case remained consistent but only in reverse I'd fight tooth and nail to see any one of them acquitted . Not because I give a shit about any of them as I would be absolutely trilled if, upon their acquittal, they fell face first down an open staircase and died right there on the landing below; but because I would be highly vested in preserving the process which which affords fair and unbiased trials. Trials free from emotion, blind to bias or corrupted influence, propaganda etc etc. Trials with integrity which focus on the finding of fact and how those facts map back individually to each section of the governing statue. Period.

We have laws and provisions which allow a depature from said laws under very specific circumstances for a reason and we need to preserve them. At the end of it all, with all the relevant facts and the clear and concise proof supporting those facts if Kyle's case is not a case of self defense then there is no longer a provision of self defense in this country.

Discussion ends there.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
You know what lotusmoron's real problem is? Aside from the fact that someone managed to convince her that she's intelligent?

California is such a failure scholastically that they let someone like her become a teacher and the idiot has gotten used to speaking to a classroom filled with kids who are too afraid for one reason or the next to question her. Couple that with a cuckold sissy emo wuss of husband and you have a dumb woman who's never been properly challenged and therefore thinks this means she's smarter than everyone else.

She can try to spin around this salient diagnosis all she wants but this is indeed the root of the problem with her
Oh a teacher. So she would be the type to cry every time a school shooter is put down like a rabid animal and claim the police murders school shooters.
Same logic

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh a teacher. So she would be the type to cry every time a school shooter is put down like a rabid animal and claim the police murders school shooters.
Same logic
A teacher in California. The absolute worst of the worst.

And mind you, a person who lived the vast majority of her sordid existence in San Francisco and now hates the US & had to abandon it for much greener pastures (or so she claims) based largely on her own experiences -- which-- ironically -- are in the most liberal state in the entire country

hows that for utterly fucking stupid ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Lotusbutt loves to lie. As if the pedophile who explicitly said he was going to murder Kyle for putting out a dumpster fire, who ran at Kyle while his friend fired multiple shots including three at Kyle, and who was shot while he had his right hand on the barrel of Kyle's rifle wasn't a reasonable threat. Or the guy who beat him on the head until he fell down. Or the felon with an illegal pistol who was trying to shoot Kyle in the head and testified as much at the trial... As if those three were not trying to murder their victim.

You can't make this shit up. Facts and reality no longer mean anything to ideologically possessed shit stains like Lotusbutt.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You provide way too much latitude to these cretins. I extend them no such quarter as I am fully cognizant that they are both stupid and vile in equal proportions. Their selfish good for thee not for me attitude is what makes them vile and their stupidity is what makes them dutiful lemmings willing to parrot a narrative because people like her are too fucking stupid to look at all the facets of the case and compare what happened to what is written in the statue.

The fact that she doesn't like conservatives is merely a side show to the rather obvious fact that her own stupidity is responsible for the blockage which is preventing consumption of all the facts in this case.

Any normal minded person would be highly concerned with the precedent which would be set if all the facts of this case were examined and a guilty verdict were returned none the less. It would be even more concerning a precedent if it then went to appeals and the guilty verdict remained undisturbed.

It's no secret that I completely despise people like lotus and her cohorts but if it were HER in Kyle's shoes or her son or any of these other subhuman mongs that I loathe with every fiber of my being; and every facet of the case remained consistent but only in reverse I'd fight tooth and nail to see any one of them acquitted . Not because I give a shit about any of them as I would be absolutely trilled if, upon their acquittal, they fell face first down an open staircase and died right there on the landing below; but because I would be highly vested in preserving the process which which affords fair and unbiased trials. Trials free from emotion, blind to bias or corrupted influence, propaganda etc etc. Trials with integrity which focus on the finding of fact and how those facts map back individually to each section of the governing statue. Period.

We have laws and provisions which allow a depature from said laws under very specific circumstances for a reason and we need to preserve them. At the end of it all, with all the relevant facts and the clear and concise proof supporting those facts if Kyle's case is not a case of self defense then there is no longer a provision of self defense in this country.

Discussion ends there.

She has been ideologically subverted. Not only does she refuse to look honestly at facts but she is unable to make any sense of facts even if all the information is put right in front of her. She is what Yuri Bezmenov spoke about.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Were they chasing him with weapons to give him a big bear hug, Lotus?

These scum bags have murdered and beaten innocent people

Knock it the fuck off. You are so wrong on this and your refusal to admit that JUST because you dont like us is lowering you.
She's beyond pathetic at this point, too stubborn and high and mighty to admit when she is wrong.

Disgusting individual. No wonder her hub fucked her off.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
A teacher in California. The absolute worst of the worst.

And mind you, a person who lived the vast majority of her sordid existence in San Francisco and now hates the US & had to abandon it for much greener pastures (or so she claims) based largely on her own experiences -- which-- ironically -- are in the most liberal state in the entire country

hows that for utterly fucking stupid ?
Another one from San Fagdisco? Ha too funny. Interesting how both former residents who post on here have left that SJW shithole.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
What was the dude doing there with a gun?
The dude was actually looking for your leftarded geriatric arse to take a potshot at. Stay out of politics dipshit….you’re on death’s fucking door as it is. Go fucking play BINGO and allow us younger folk to enjoy the common sense of self defence and the right to bear qualms over militant indiscretion.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
A teacher in California. The absolute worst of the worst.

And mind you, a person who lived the vast majority of her sordid existence in San Francisco and now hates the US & had to abandon it for much greener pastures (or so she claims) based largely on her own experiences -- which-- ironically -- are in the most liberal state in the entire country

hows that for utterly fucking stupid ?
Well authoritarian left. I refuse to call those jackasses liberals.
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Here is why

However, they generally support
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individual rights (including
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, and
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They don't believe an any of the underlined, but they do believe in this
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Marxism–Leninism holds that a
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is needed to replace
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. A
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, organized through
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, would seize power on behalf of the
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(The poor/working class) and establish a
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socialist state, called the
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. The state would control the
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, suppress
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, and the
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(the rich), and promote
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, to pave the way for an eventual
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that would be
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Now that sounds like the modern "liberal"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Were they chasing him with weapons to give him a big bear hug, Lotus?

These scum bags have murdered and beaten innocent people

Knock it the fuck off. You are so wrong on this and your refusal to admit that JUST because you dont like us is lowering you.
A skateboard is a weapon in your world? And what is a gun?