Got Refused Entry to a Restaurant because I didn't have a Vaccine Passport


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.
Dont worry bitch, I wont. Hopefully, I mass murder billions to boot!!!!! I hear people with fake vax cards carry a variant thats 99.4% lethal!!!! WOOT!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

I don't condone violence against anyone. It should be noted there is violence in the other direction as well. I have a US friend who almost got beat up because he told a guy he should be wearing a mask.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

I disagree with that. I think its selfish to force other people to change their behavior to accommodate me.

I'm fully capable of taking my own measures. So are you. So is everyone.

Why is it hard to take responsibility for oneself and leave others alone?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

I don't condone violence against anyone. It should be noted there is violence in the other direction as well. I have a US friend who almost got beat up because he told a guy he should be wearing a mask.
Good. He should have kept his fucking mouth shut.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

I don't condone violence against anyone. It should be noted there is violence in the other direction as well. I have a US friend who almost got beat up because he told a guy he should be wearing a mask.

And there is violence that has been launched on people for not wearing a mask.

This could all be solved by people taking responsibility for themselves and leaving others alone.....I'm js.

We chose deep political division and a cold civil war. It's a fool's endeavor expecting "team work"

Mandates made that impossible


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.
Dont worry bitch, I wont. Hopefully, I mass murder billions to boot!!!!! I hear people with fake vax cards carry a variant thats 99.4% lethal!!!! WOOT!

Ahhhhh… I can smell the lawsuits that will be filed if this comes to actual fruition….


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.
Dont worry bitch, I wont. Hopefully, I mass murder billions to boot!!!!! I hear people with fake vax cards carry a variant thats 99.4% lethal!!!! WOOT!

Ahhhhh… I can smell the lawsuits that will be filed if this comes to actual fruition….
I hope they dont sue me for my AR-15!!!!!!!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.
Dont worry bitch, I wont. Hopefully, I mass murder billions to boot!!!!! I hear people with fake vax cards carry a variant thats 99.4% lethal!!!! WOOT!

Ahhhhh… I can smell the lawsuits that will be filed if this comes to actual fruition….
I hope they dont sue me for my AR-15!!!!!!!

you have the right to remain fucktarded…


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

I don't condone violence against anyone. It should be noted there is violence in the other direction as well. I have a US friend who almost got beat up because he told a guy he should be wearing a mask.
Exactly, tread with caution... I'm all about freedom of choice unless of course it is paramount that someones does something to keep others safe, mask wearing doesn't fall into that category for me I just think abled people who are capableand don't are a bit selfish...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.
Dont worry bitch, I wont. Hopefully, I mass murder billions to boot!!!!! I hear people with fake vax cards carry a variant thats 99.4% lethal!!!! WOOT!

Ahhhhh… I can smell the lawsuits that will be filed if this comes to actual fruition….
I hope they dont sue me for my AR-15!!!!!!!

you have the right to remain fucktarded…
Whew!!!!!! You had me worried for a millisecond, bimbo!!!!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while indoors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
Look, if you're in a retardraunt with a bazillion other people, and you wear a mask while entering but not for the 1.5 hours you're eating and drinking, you think the 2 minutes you had that damned mask on protected anyone? Please, continue in your own absurdity.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol
Oh, by all means, tell us all how Florida managed lower covid numbers than Commiefornia!!!!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

They do warm up your face. Added bonus when it's 2 degrees F outside.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol
Oh, by all means, tell us all how Florida managed lower covid numbers than Commiefornia!!!!

because Californians don’t like to be told what to do… we have resisted the most out of all of the states when it comes to the lockdown and closing

maybe it has something to do with the fact that our population is greater than all of Canada….

Or maybe it has something to do with tourism here that is nonstop…

Who knows? Who cares???? This is a global pandemic and there is no end in sight…

You’re so “me me me me” it’s redick… selfish AF.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

I'll wear one if I'm sick or have been exposed to something.

But I did that before Covid.

Dems/progs jumping on this to make it political and all the hysterical manipulation tactics and GovCo mandates have been the reason people are saying "fuck this".

If the states just led their own states and gave guidelines and info and offered resources to help out the citizens things would have been smoother. The forced lockdowns and the mandates did a lot of unessesary damage and dem/progs are so controling they wont take responsibility for anything. It's always other peoples fault.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol
Oh, by all means, tell us all how Florida managed lower covid numbers than Commiefornia!!!!

because Californians don’t like to be told what to do… we have resisted the most out of all of the states when it comes to the lockdown and closing

maybe it has something to do with the fact that our population is greater than all of Canada….

Or maybe it has something to do with tourism here that is nonstop…

Who knows? Who cares???? This is a global pandemic and there is no end in sight…

You’re so “me me me me” it’s redick… selfish AF.
Oh, so you think Floridians listened to the mask mandates better then Californians? Seriously?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
Look, if you're in a retardraunt with a bazillion other people, and you wear a mask while entering but not for the 1.5 hours you're eating and drinking, you think the 2 minutes you had that damned mask on protected anyone? Please, continue in your own absurdity.

did you suck on the tailpipe of your 1972 Chevy nova while it warmed up this morning?

You’re only allowed to be sitting unmasked in a restaurant while at a table with people who live in your household… and you’re supposed to be masked while the waiter is taking your order…. so AGAIN, your arguments are asinine.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol
Oh, by all means, tell us all how Florida managed lower covid numbers than Commiefornia!!!!

because Californians don’t like to be told what to do… we have resisted the most out of all of the states when it comes to the lockdown and closing

maybe it has something to do with the fact that our population is greater than all of Canada….

Or maybe it has something to do with tourism here that is nonstop…

Who knows? Who cares???? This is a global pandemic and there is no end in sight…

You’re so “me me me me” it’s redick… selfish AF.
Oh, so you think Floridians listened to the mask mandates better then Californians? Seriously?

Californians hate being told what to do. So they all vote for government over reach and authoritarian GovCo.

Just to violate what they voted for.

While blaming other parties for their issues because we wont vote for authoritarianism :LOL3:

And we are supposed to obey their demands and take their sanctimonious judgements to heart. Got it.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
...I forgot to get one even tho I got the shot.

So, I downloaded my record from a government website when I got home after my failed restaurant visit.

They had 2 types .... 1 for 'fully vaxxed' and 'partially vaxxed'

Maybe 2 shots gives a person more access privileges.

I guess this is the 'New Normal', eh?

Need a vaccine passport for everything ya do, everywhere ya go from now on.

Oh well.
Wow, thats pathetic. Thankfully, I've only been in one situation where I had to use my fake vax card. It worked.

you’ll be facing up to a year in prison if you get caught with that thing….

I hope every single person who has one does get caught. That's disgusting.

I get why they are enforcing them… this winter has been brutal and sitting on a patio freezing your ass off is not appealing to restaurant patrons or staff.
No problemo in Florida!!!!! Everyones runing around everywhere except DisneyWorld unmasked and free! You dumb asses are free to suffer through your self imposed idiocy tho!

I choose to responsibly participate in society. Stay home if you don’t want to do the bare minimum requirements.
No thanks. Fuck the rest of the world and its faux hysteria over a cold virus!

I guess God must like Florida more than California since Floridians dont mask and Florida STILL had lower covid numbers than California! KA-POWN3D!

you’re legit retarded lol
Oh, by all means, tell us all how Florida managed lower covid numbers than Commiefornia!!!!

because Californians don’t like to be told what to do… we have resisted the most out of all of the states when it comes to the lockdown and closing

maybe it has something to do with the fact that our population is greater than all of Canada….

Or maybe it has something to do with tourism here that is nonstop…

Who knows? Who cares???? This is a global pandemic and there is no end in sight…

You’re so “me me me me” it’s redick… selfish AF.
Oh, so you think Floridians listened to the mask mandates better then Californians? Seriously?

Californians hate being told what to do. So they all vote for government over reach and authoritarian GovCo.

Just to violate what they voted for.

While blaming other parties for their issues because we wont vote for authoritarianism :LOL3:

And we are supposed to obey their demands and take their sanctimonious judgements to heart. Got it.
Ad hom's are very hot right now!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I haven't contracted it yet, so I must be doing something right, Blurt ;)

Same here, Rave.

Physical distancing, vaccination, masking, avoiding crowds.

Hahahaha, I give hugs, I dont vax, I dont mask, I go to parties. I must be a walking miracle lol.

And giving others covid without knowing it.

Durp durp.

So being vaxxed prevents me from spreading it or getting it?


Do you think not being vaxxed AND not wearing a mask is good protection for OTHER people? You are very selfish.

So you think wearing a mask, and being vaxxed, protects you?

lolol, I've got news for ya, in case you hadnt heard. It does NEITHER!

No, Im not selfish, if Im sick, I stay home. Same thing I've always done, the rare time I am sick.

If Im not sick, Im out in the world, enjoying myself, and spreading hugs and smiles. Something you truly need in your life.... hugs and smiles.

You can have covid and have no symptoms. You can give it to somone else while running around thinking you are free of it. Not wearing a mask is selfish.
That's one of the rare times I agree with you BUT the violence I've seen towards elderly people and people not wearing one in general is disgusting, libtard loons who've no idea why that person isn't wearing one... Tread with caution and tbh if you've got your mask on and use anti-bac regularly why care about anybody else? I still wear one because I've no reson not to, hence why I agree if you can you should but it's nobodies fuckin business...

the argument that people need to be wearing one while outside and maintaining 6ft social distancing requirements is absurd…

and no one has the right to enforce wearing a mask on anyone

But I encourage everyone to wear one especially while in doors at a public establishments. This next wave of outbreak is hitting HARD.
I genuinely don't mind wearing one, it saves hassle and it's the right thing to do... The fucking things are great for beating the cold too, especially the neck warmer ones...

I'll wear one if I'm sick or have been exposed to something.

But I did that before Covid.

Dems/progs jumping on this to make it political and all the hysterical manipulation tactics and GovCo mandates have been the reason people are saying "fuck this".

If the states just led their own states and gave guidelines and info and offered resources to help out the citizens things would have been smoother. The forced lockdowns and the mandates did a lot of unessesary damage and dem/progs are so controling they wont take responsibility for anything. It's always other peoples fault.
Yeah there's been too much shit forced down peoples throats there's of course going to be a backlash but it's not that important to me, I'll keep wearing mine as long as I need to, each to their own and mind your own business...
I cracked up today when new rules about distancing were announced, when indoors in a public place you MUST respect social distancing of 1metre lol it used to be 2 so this new mutation must be pretty lazy, exactly half as lazy as the original lol I swear they make shit up as they go...