Uhh yeah, I do know. Unfortunately. Not cuz I wanted to read it either.
No, you clearly DONT. But sure, go wonder about it while you destroy your body to feel better about YOU.
Tearing down other peoples lives, that you dont know a fucking thing about is something miserable people do. You are constantly childish and vapid.
Which is the REAL reason why ignoring me doesn't work. You CANT. You are a nasty shit person who can't get past your personal dramas, cant take responsibility for your negativity and its pathetic.
Go fix your own fucking life and stop assuming others are as miserable as you. I clearly dont give a shit what you think of me, and no one does either, so go talk your stupid mess with the rest of the shitbag misery crew and keep your negative bullshit at bay if you want to complain so damn much.