I had an older gf when I was just 18 that made me eat her pussy nearly everyday. When she bled I would also be expected to eat her pussy, which I did admirably and didn’t find unpleasant with her or any other women following her for that matter. One Friday night I had been studying for my college exams and opted not to go out to the club with her. She came home late well after midnight and I got ready to eat her out. She stopped me. I was confused because she had never done that before, and it must’ve showed on my face, because she suddenly changed her mind after a moment’s thought and grabbed my face grinding it hard into her pussy. I knew her smell very intimately, and it was then that I smelt condom latex and I had an alarming epiphany...
I had a semi regular lay like that in high school...
Picked her up in my ute one time and proceeded to spread the stems for a grafting....
...the air literally go sucked out of the cab and all that remained was day old unwashed gang bang fanny clouds.
...and she's going "What!? What!?!???"
I kicked the whore out in a blizzard 2k's from her house.