How do we Fascism? let me count the ways.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard


Factory Bastard
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The solution is getting corruption out of government.

There will always be corruption in government. That is a given.

The solution is to limit the powers of the government.

There will always be corporate corruption, and corporations have more power than governments. You'd rather be under the thumb of a corporate master, apparently.

I am not under anyone's thumb, you clueless twat.

That shows just how low IQ you really are. LMAO

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
But there's one thing you don't take into account, Prowler.

<proceeds to address things I was not even talking about>

I was not talking about all that stuff, Joe. If there is something I said that you disagree with, say so.

If you want to talk about something I was not even talking about, go ahead, but do not start by saying "But there's one thing you don't take into account".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The solution is getting corruption out of government.

There will always be corruption in government. That is a given.

The solution is to limit the powers of the government.

There will always be corporate corruption, and corporations have more power than governments. You'd rather be under the thumb of a corporate master, apparently.

I am not under anyone's thumb, you clueless twat.

That shows just how low IQ you really are. LMAO

Not everyone is a miserable fucktard, LettuceButt.

Should I run through the main points?

Semi-retired before the age of 50. Work about 20 minutes to 4 hours in a week when I want to. Wife is fully retired. Own a large 4-bedroom house. Own a muscle car, an SUV, a travel trailer, a motorcycle. Play organized baseball and organized hockey. Play guitar in a duet with another guitarist/singer. Sit on two Executive Boards of Not-For-Profits. Involved in several volunteer organizations. Have regular games nights with friends. Have a great dog. Am close to my family and wife's family. It would take a long time to list all my, droning, disc golf, golf, tennis, hiking, jogging, plinking, archery, etc. etc.

Everyday I wake up and spend close to the entire day doing fun shit.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
The solution is getting corruption out of government.

There will always be corruption in government. That is a given.

The solution is to limit the powers of the government.

There will always be corporate corruption, and corporations have more power than governments. You'd rather be under the thumb of a corporate master, apparently.

I am not under anyone's thumb, you clueless twat.

That shows just how low IQ you really are. LMAO

Not everyone is a miserable fucktard, LettuceButt.

Should I run through the main points?

Semi-retired before the age of 50. Work about 20 minutes to 4 hours in a week when I want to. Wife is fully retired. Own a large 4-bedroom house. Own a muscle car, an SUV, a travel trailer, a motorcycle. Play organized baseball and organized hockey. Play guitar in a duet with another guitarist/singer. Sit on two Executive Boards of Not-For-Profits. Involved in several volunteer organizations. Have regular games nights with friends. Have a great dog. Am close to my family and wife's family. It would take a long time to list all my, droning, disc golf, golf, tennis, hiking, jogging, plinking, archery, etc. etc.

Everyday I wake up and spend close to the entire day doing fun shit.

OMG. Another man on BF listing his possessions and supposed accomplishments. You guys wear your insecurities on your sleeves.

And shooting at road signs is your idea of fun, Jethro? Oh, I wish I could be you.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
But there's one thing you don't take into account, Prowler.

<proceeds to address things I was not even talking about>

I was not talking about all that stuff, Joe. If there is something I said that you disagree with, say so.

If you want to talk about something I was not even talking about, go ahead, but do not start by saying "But there's one thing you don't take into account".

But to address your point, that's exactly why the poor & 3rd world immigrants flock to low paying jobs like that. Because Uber Lyft have created unnatural market conditions that wouldn't be allowed in similar industries. The ridesharing companies dont allow them to go anywhere else. Uber & Lyft have created this duopoly where they're the only game in town. So the immigrants who sign up for them get trapped by low wages and unreasonable working conditions.

And when they're trapped, it's too late. Like a pimp Uber got em by the you know what.

And this the result of drivers who realize how they've been sucked in:

Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb but if they have a wife kids and a family to support they probably do anything they can to bring home the bacon.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
OMG. Another man on BF listing his possessions and supposed accomplishments. You guys wear your insecurities on your sleeves.

And shooting at road signs is your idea of fun, Jethro? Oh, I wish I could be you.

Just letting you know the deal. You saying that I am under someone's thumb is way off.

Who shoots are road signs? You retard.


That doe remind me of a road sign I saw in New Brunswick. My wife and I were driving around and decided to go through some rural areas. There was a sign at the side of the road that gave us a chuckle...

Look Before You Shoot

Fuck, where I come from, we always look before we shoot. Life in the city, I guess.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb

Yup. Because they are.

I was offered a job once. Small programming shop. One guy with two junior programmers. I was new out of school with virtually no real-world experience. I was going to have an office all to myself. Same as the other junior programmer. About the size of a large closet. No windows. Coding low level functions (i.e. procedures or methods) 8 hours a day.

Hmmm....let me think....

"No, fucking, thank you."

Now, I get your point, Joe. Some people are in desperate situations. Broke. Wife and kids to feed. No prospects. They might take a job at Uber. They might not be qualified to do much else. They might not be physically fit enough to do manual labour. They might not have what it takes to take a commission sales job and do well. Whatever.

Is it a sign of intelligence to find yourself in this sort of predicament? Or is it a sign of being a dumb fucker?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb

Yup. Because they are.

I was offered a job once. Small programming shop. One guy with two junior programmers. I was new out of school with virtually no real-world experience. I was going to have an office all to myself. Same as the other junior programmer. About the size of a large closet. No windows. Coding low level functions (i.e. procedures or methods) 8 hours a day.

Hmmm....let me think....

"No, fucking, thank you."

Now, I get your point, Joe. Some people are in desperate situations. Broke. Wife and kids to feed. No prospects. They might take a job at Uber. They might not be qualified to do much else. They might not be physically fit enough to do manual labour. They might not have what it takes to take a commission sales job and do well. Whatever.

Is it a sign of intelligence to find yourself in this sort of predicament? Or is it a sign of being a dumb fucker?

Yeah but what makes it difficult is that Uber cut out options for employment by destroying the competition thru unfair business practices.

It's be like that old office you worked in. Suddenly one day the boss walks in and announces the company is under new ownership but your wages have been cut in half and they put the competitor you were once interested in outta business.

So you have nowhere else to go given your qualifications. That's what Uber did to the passenger transportation industry. Killed the competition put them outta business and forced drivers to work for them.

It's similar to what happened during the industrial revolution when the factory owners destroyed the guilds and forced loom makers to work for them at reduced wages. And the ones who rebelled and didn't comply or fall in line were labled as backwards and called Ludites.

Similarly a driver who rebels against this arrangement would be put down as doing something illegal when the real crooks are Uber and Lyft.
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Such is life...
Great Southern Land
But there's one thing you don't take into account, Prowler.

<proceeds to address things I was not even talking about>

I was not talking about all that stuff, Joe. If there is something I said that you disagree with, say so.

If you want to talk about something I was not even talking about, go ahead, but do not start by saying "But there's one thing you don't take into account".

But to address your point, that's exactly why the poor & 3rd world immigrants flock to low paying jobs like that. Because Uber Lyft have created unnatural market conditions that wouldn't be allowed in similar industries. The ridesharing companies dont allow them to go anywhere else. Uber & Lyft have created this duopoly where they're the only game in town. So the immigrants who sign up for them get trapped by low wages and unreasonable working conditions.

And when they're trapped, it's too late. Like a pimp Uber got em by the you know what.

And this the result of drivers who realize how they've been sucked in:

Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb but if they have a wife kids and a family to support they probably do anything they can to bring home the bacon.

There’s no “3rd world” Cold War terminology here Joe! You liberals need to WOKE the fuck up. Go trip on your lip!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It's be like that old office you worked in.

What "old office" are you talking about?

And about everything else....I will ask you anyone holding a gun to their head saying "You must work for Uber."?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
But there's one thing you don't take into account, Prowler.

<proceeds to address things I was not even talking about>

I was not talking about all that stuff, Joe. If there is something I said that you disagree with, say so.

If you want to talk about something I was not even talking about, go ahead, but do not start by saying "But there's one thing you don't take into account".

But to address your point, that's exactly why the poor & 3rd world immigrants flock to low paying jobs like that. Because Uber Lyft have created unnatural market conditions that wouldn't be allowed in similar industries. The ridesharing companies dont allow them to go anywhere else. Uber & Lyft have created this duopoly where they're the only game in town. So the immigrants who sign up for them get trapped by low wages and unreasonable working conditions.

And when they're trapped, it's too late. Like a pimp Uber got em by the you know what.

And this the result of drivers who realize how they've been sucked in:

Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb but if they have a wife kids and a family to support they probably do anything they can to bring home the bacon.

There’s no “3rd world” Cold War terminology here Joe! You liberals need to WOKE the fuck up. Go trip on your lip!


People are beginnin' ta see thru these companies, Breakfall!

Pretty soon nobody's gonna wanna work for these companies!

Everybody's gonna work from home hiring themselves out, eh.

Capitalism's gotta reinvent itself give the worker a better deal!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It's be like that old office you worked in.

What "old office" are you talking about?

And about everything else....I will ask you anyone holding a gun to their head saying "You must work for Uber."?

I think what offends you about this story is any idea that the 'Free Enterprise' Capitalist system in North America is less free than you thought. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Well if you don't like that example, how about Big Pharma manipulating governments and controlling national health agencies and systems? They're far from operating on a Free Enterprise Model as they collude with governments to deny the public access to alternative treatments & impede vaccines of other competitors from reaching the market.

Do you think you currently have free choice and access to all the possible treatments for COVID?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The solution is getting corruption out of government.

There will always be corruption in government. That is a given.

The solution is to limit the powers of the government.

There will always be corporate corruption, and corporations have more power than governments. You'd rather be under the thumb of a corporate master, apparently.

The more limited the power of government is, the less power corps can flex over the people.

How many wouldnt even BE as big today if they didnt get bailed out? While the little guys go under?

Pfizer is able to force vaccines on people now with government mandates. You think the gov gives a shit about our health?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's be like that old office you worked in.

What "old office" are you talking about?

And about everything else....I will ask you anyone holding a gun to their head saying "You must work for Uber."?

I think what offends you about this story is any idea that the 'Free Enterprise' Capitalist system in North America is less free than you thought. Sorry to burst your bubble.

We have been arguing it's not actually a free market for a while, Joe.

While we want less government involvement in our market, our opposition wants more. That's pretty much the issue.

If we we were a free market we wouldnt be seeing this fascism we have where the corporate media and elites are all enmeshed with our government and these attempts to further centralize everything and chipping away state rights.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But there's one thing you don't take into account, Prowler.

<proceeds to address things I was not even talking about>

I was not talking about all that stuff, Joe. If there is something I said that you disagree with, say so.

If you want to talk about something I was not even talking about, go ahead, but do not start by saying "But there's one thing you don't take into account".

Anyways it's easy ta say they are dumb but if they have a wife kids and a family to support they probably do anything they can to bring home the bacon.

Not always.

When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

So i declined the offer. They sent another. Still too low. This went on for a week back and forth until they asked how much i feel is fair and we can negotiate from there.

So I requested more than I wanted and accepted a dollar less. (I figured if I over shot, and went down they would feel like they "won" and I would get the pay I wanted worked).

CNAs make shit because they accept shit. If you refuse a job offer due to the pay being low....they will start sweetening the deal(if they dont, you dont wanna work there) I started at the pay I wanted with a dollar extra shift pay on weekends and if I covered midnight's, and when I left I was making 3.75 more than my starting wage 2 and a half years later.

I NEVER tell people what I make because I think its trashy. I'm not going to say what I make now working per diem because it doesnt matter. I work like, 3 to 4 times a month. It's worth my while, though.

If more CNAs were willing to refuse shit paying jobs, employers would have to offer more. The ONLY pull I had was because I'm able to work in hospitals and I can do blood draws, start IVs, do wound care and give caths. Not every CNA has liscences beyond CNA.

Otherwise they could have just let me go and offered it to another CNA who would have accepted it....because they all will, and then they work shit tons of hours while complaining about thier wages and nothing ever changes.

They will pay LPNs shit as well, and many LPNs will accept that when they should be making close to what an RN makes.

I think it's because many women who go the CNA or LPN route do so because they struggling. It's a fast skill set to learn. So when they get these liscences and get offered like 11 to 12 bucks an hour they think that's a good starting wage and they are afraid to reject it.

Me though? I'm a master at poverty. I'll happily live in my van and be a nomad, so I'll hold out until it's fair. I'm not ever gonna scrape feces and necrotic tissue out of a stage 4 pressure ulcer or get punched in the titty for 11 bucks an hour. I want more than 17 or it's just not gonna happen. Because I KNOW I'm going to be working for 13 hours and doing ALL the "grunt stuff" the nurses can pass to me while they have to deal with doctors and all this other bullshit nurses have to do on top of patient care. Getting offered low pay is an insult. They may as well say "Hey! Why dont you sign on as a doormat? We already do not value any of your time. We want the most but we want it for nothing. Welcome to the team!"

If RNs are paid close to 30 an hour to start, LPNs should be starting around 25. And CNAs should be starting close to 20. That's JMHO. I straight up wont work if I know I'm being taken advantage of.

People just need some balls, you know? Just because you are a "low wage" worker doesnt mean you have no right to be treated fairly and treated with dignity and properly compensated for your time and labor. Work is work. My position isnt the highest, but my position IS a sort of luxury for the nurses because when I'm there, I can take away a lot of the stress the nurses experience not having enough time to do thier jobs well. I have skills I paid learn and invested in, not everyone can offer what I can offer. And luxuries cost money. And I'm not afraid to demand what I think is fair.

You dont NEED someone to come in and clean your house......but it sure is fucking nice if you are busy to have someone do it. You better be willing to pay for that luxury. It's like that. The hospital doesnt NEED a CNA/Tech.. . But it sure is nice to have one. Better pay for that luxury if you want it. Its definately worth it to have a smoother running floor, happier nurses, and well cared for patients without having to pay a ton extra for more nurses. So I'm already more cost effective EVEN being hired on at the wage I want. It absolutely doesnt hurt THEM to pay properly and they will always try to pay shit. Because so many people will actually agree to do the job for shit. You know they probably see themselves as shit.

If more people saw thier jobs like that in a more positive light, they would probably be doing much better on every level. If you value yourself, others will know they have to value you as well. If they dont? Fuck em! Walk away. It's not worth it to be stuck in a shit job with shit pay with employers who dont value employees. Your kids will also be miserable when you are hardly around and when you are, you are stressed and miserable.

Perspective is a lot of it. Dumb AND desperate never works out well for anyone in any circumstance.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.

Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL. Working as an EMT they try to pay 13. Nope. Too low.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them. I demand that 18 to 20 and I get it. I encourage other CNAs to invest in some added skills and shoot for what they deserve. If they whine about low pay and lack of respect....they dont have to allow it.

Especailly these days.

And if a CNA is a glorified butt wiper, nurses are glorified drug dealers. JS. It's all in how you value yourself.

I also dont think a government enforced minimum wage is nessesary. Wages can be decided between employer and employee. No one HAS to work for shit.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.

Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them.
A lot of that is driven by the gubmints payments to the nursing homes. Like with most things, its the gubmints fault.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them.

Especailly these days.

I think there's a shortage of workers in extended care homes here because many of them quit their jobs because of the Pandemic. Even some nurses who made good money walked off the job because they didn't want to catch COVID.

I walked by this Seniors home and they posted a Help Wanted sign.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
A lot of that is driven by the gubmints payments to the nursing homes. Like with most things, its the gubmints fault.

Basically, We live in a Socialist Country...Lokmeer.

Heck ifya stub yer toe, you can just about collect disability fer life, Bud!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.

Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them.
A lot of that is driven by the gubmints payments to the nursing homes. Like with most things, its the gubmints fault.

I agree.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them.

Especailly these days.

I think there's a shortage of workers in extended care homes here because many of them quit their jobs because of the Pandemic. Even some nurses who made good money walked off the job because they didn't want to catch COVID.

I walked by this Seniors home and they posted a Help Wanted sign.

There is a pretty good turn over rate. Shit pay, over worked, two many residents per 1 cna.

Nursing will pay you absolute shit and staff like they want people to die. You'll have 1 CNA per 25 residents. Its honestly disgusting. And then abuse starts....whether its intentional or just neglect due to poor staffing.

I would NEVER work in a nursing home because of those conditions. And if something happens to a resident? They throw the CNA under the bus.

CNAs should unite and stop taking these jobs.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.

Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL. Working as an EMT they try to pay 13. Nope. Too low.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them. I demand that 18 to 20 and I get it. I encourage other CNAs to invest in some added skills and shoot for what they deserve. If they whine about low pay and lack of respect....they dont have to allow it.

Especailly these days.

And if a CNA is a glorified butt wiper, nurses are glorified drug dealers. JS. It's all in how you value yourself.

I also dont think a government enforced minimum wage is nessesary. Wages can be decided between employer and employee. No one HAS to work for shit.

With the aging population everywhere they'll likely need more CMAS I'm sure. It often takes 4 or 5 people to take care of 1 old person.

So if you decide to stay in that line of work it should remain steady until you retire.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I think what offends you

Who said I am offended?

The only thing offending me is your inability to comprehend what I am very clearly typing in black and white. With some smattering of red.

Do not try to read into what I type, Joe. Just read exactly what I type. I have at least 50 IQ points on you and I try to feed you information at a rate that you can process.

Apparently I am not going slowly enough.

I think what offends you about this story is any idea that the 'Free Enterprise' Capitalist system in North America is less free than you thought. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Fuck off, you stooge. The system in North America is far from being free enterprise. Point to one place where I actually typed something that would indicate what you are suggesting.

Well if you don't like that example, how about Big Pharma manipulating governments and controlling national health agencies and systems? They're far from operating on a Free Enterprise Model as they collude with governments to deny the public access to alternative treatments & impede vaccines of other competitors from reaching the market.

Do you think you currently have free choice and access to all the possible treatments for COVID?

Honestly, you stupid cunt, we were talking about Uber. I am not going to entertain your ignorance and stupidity as you try to draw parallels between Uber and Pfizer.

You do not have the intellectual capacity to understand that these should be separate discussions. Everything seems to be clouded in your tiny brain.

Did your parents ever look at you are say "You are such a smart little man!"?

I am not saying they were lying. They were probably also too fuckin' stupid to realize they were wrong.

And this message might seem a little mean-spirited. But if you check back, I have asked you several times over the past few months to address what I actually say, not what your little pea-brain might think it implies or might be leading to.

For the sake of everyone spending time here, trying to have decent discussion, show some fuckin' respect and take the time to read and understand what is being typed.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I think what offends you

Who said I am offended?

The only thing offending me is your inability to comprehend what I am very clearly typing in black and white. With some smattering of red.

Do not try to read into what I type, Joe. Just read exactly what I type. I have at least 50 IQ points on you and I try to feed you information at a rate that you can process.

Apparently I am not going slowly enough.

I think what offends you about this story is any idea that the 'Free Enterprise' Capitalist system in North America is less free than you thought. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Fuck off, you stooge. The system in North America is far from being free enterprise. Point to one place where I actually typed something that would indicate what you are suggesting.

Well if you don't like that example, how about Big Pharma manipulating governments and controlling national health agencies and systems? They're far from operating on a Free Enterprise Model as they collude with governments to deny the public access to alternative treatments & impede vaccines of other competitors from reaching the market.

Do you think you currently have free choice and access to all the possible treatments for COVID?

Honestly, you stupid cunt, we were talking about Uber. I am not going to entertain your ignorance and stupidity as you try to draw parallels between Uber and Pfizer.

You do not have the intellectual capacity to understand that these should be separate discussions. Everything seems to be clouded in your tiny brain.

Did your parents ever look at you are say "You are such a smart little man!"?

I am not saying they were lying. They were probably also too fuckin' stupid to realize they were wrong.

And this message might seem a little mean-spirited. But if you check back, I have asked you several times over the past few months to address what I actually say, not what your little pea-brain might think it implies or might be leading to.

For the sake of everyone spending time here, trying to have decent discussion, show some fuckin' respect and take the time to read and understand what is being typed.

Yes the corporate business models on which Big Pharma & the ridesharing industry operate are similar in North America in the manner in which they influence governments & push out their competitors. That's why I mention them both. Their practices are anti free market/ competition and undemocratic.

Hence the model they operate by, Corporate Fascism.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When I took a job as a CNA/tech they wanted to pay me 11 dollars an hour. When I have more skills than a regular CNA and a liscence to use them.

$11 an hour?

Geez the minimum wage where I live in Canada is $16 Canadian or after currency exchange $12 to 13 USD an hour.

I think healthcare workers here make at least $25 per hour here or around $18 to $20 USD after currency exchange.

Canadian dollar is around 75 to 80 cents to the US dollar, eh.

Yep. 11 an hour they tried to pay me.

Go to a nursing home where they staff mostly CNAs and LPNs? Theyll try to toss 10 dollars LOL. Working as an EMT they try to pay 13. Nope. Too low.

If CNAs united and rejected low pay, this would correct itself quick. They need us more than we need them. I demand that 18 to 20 and I get it. I encourage other CNAs to invest in some added skills and shoot for what they deserve. If they whine about low pay and lack of respect....they dont have to allow it.

Especailly these days.

And if a CNA is a glorified butt wiper, nurses are glorified drug dealers. JS. It's all in how you value yourself.

I also dont think a government enforced minimum wage is nessesary. Wages can be decided between employer and employee. No one HAS to work for shit.

With the aging population everywhere they'll likely need more CMAS I'm sure. It often takes 4 or 5 people to take care of 1 old person.

So if you decide to stay in that line of work it should remain steady until you retire.

I'll be a nurse by then. I'll never work in a nursing home.

I'd do traveling nursing before I did that.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The solution is getting corruption out of government.

There will always be corruption in government. That is a given.

The solution is to limit the powers of the government.

There will always be corporate corruption, and corporations have more power than governments. You'd rather be under the thumb of a corporate master, apparently.

I am not under anyone's thumb, you clueless twat.

That shows just how low IQ you really are. LMAO

Not everyone is a miserable fucktard, LettuceButt.

Should I run through the main points?

Semi-retired before the age of 50. Work about 20 minutes to 4 hours in a week when I want to. Wife is fully retired. Own a large 4-bedroom house. Own a muscle car, an SUV, a travel trailer, a motorcycle. Play organized baseball and organized hockey. Play guitar in a duet with another guitarist/singer. Sit on two Executive Boards of Not-For-Profits. Involved in several volunteer organizations. Have regular games nights with friends. Have a great dog. Am close to my family and wife's family. It would take a long time to list all my, droning, disc golf, golf, tennis, hiking, jogging, plinking, archery, etc. etc.

Everyday I wake up and spend close to the entire day doing fun shit.

OMG. Another man on BF listing his possessions and supposed accomplishments. You guys wear your insecurities on your sleeves.

And shooting at road signs is your idea of fun, Jethro? Oh, I wish I could be you.
Does it make you madz?