I call out SirSouthern


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Bend the knee loser your shtick is beyond lame

And here I thought our village idiot was known and confirmed with his last post in this thread. But no, it's Vile_Pile. She always posts in my threads with some shit about being bored. Now she blurts something out about her being tired of being bored of me.

Vile, you're now calling me lame after contributing to each of my threads, claiming I was boring. And here you are again, merely judging another's work while creating absolutely nothing yourself.

Why are you even down here? Have you been known to openly attack anyone any time over anything, which is what this board is for? You make yourself look so foolish without needing any outside help to make you look like you've already done for yourself...

- dear God that woman hates herself

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter


Bend the knee loser your shtick is beyond lame

And here I thought our village idiot was known and confirmed with his last post in this thread. But no, it's Vile_Pile. She always posts in my threads with some shit about being bored. Now she blurts something out about her being tired of being bored of me.

Vile, you're now calling me lame after contributing to each of my threads, claiming I was boring. And here you are again, merely judging another's work while creating absolutely nothing yourself.

Why are you even down here? Have you been known to openly attack anyone any time over anything, which is what this board is for? You make yourself look so foolish without needing any outside help to make you look like you've already done for yourself...

- dear God that woman hates herself


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You posted old gore pics that I and half of the internet have been sittin' on. Now, you finally have a tragic reason to use them by aping my style after being slapped somewhere into next week, you weak fucking echo. Why don't you head up to Montreal to mimic their street mimes? Certainly do not attempt to try your usual impersonation of your favorite comedian, the only material you have belongs in a Goodwill.

Toddle off now, lightweight, before I treat you like I did Vile_Pile when she snuck through my window to wake me up with a blowjob:


I prefer the dead so that I don't have to drive them home afterwards, or roll over and hog my precious blankie that I cherish more than rich musical instrument collectors did the Red Violin.


You'll soon be impersonating her better than you try with me, parrot. I'll post the score you deserved right here, where everyone'll shrug and voice their complaints about how they thought it should've been lower - but I'm an honest salesman...


- honest!

YOu are not going into my points. Why do you scum and scancer sniffer avoid them? Are you a whoreson?

You post old GORE gifs, which is forbidden here you toddler fister.

Do you know my rank? My history? I am known world wide.

I will PARA CRUSH you only with this one. Try to top that you betamale simp mangina. You sex doll fucker!

Watch that video and then try to explain yourself you pond scum

Damn you pissed that old fella off!

LOL, that was my trolling masterpiece. haaaa

Wow..That was so fucking ghay .. what a fucking loser you've amounted to be .. lmfao

Can't even speak English hahahahahahahaaaaaaa

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
That necrophilia shit is just wrong though. That's someone's loved one that is dead. No matter how sexy they are you have to respect that.
I'd like to get my hands on Necro Lords sorry ass!

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
realgrimm is a piece of shit, too. But that's what this forum is all about. It encourages people to be assholes to each other.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
realgrimm is a piece of shit, too. But that's what this forum is all about. It encourages people to be assholes to each other.

Realgrimm I do know now 8 years. He never made someones live hard, beside of fraudulent assholes and criminals like you! YOu must be some pathetic scum! Realgrimm is legit and fair.

So fuck you and drink a glass of seniors semen! Scum!


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
What a POWER CRUSH!! That was easy. Sissy Southern was PARA CRUSHED very easy.

See? NO one can gets the winnneded from UncleDiLF®.

Thanks for your contribution.

Let's meAT...hehe!!!


Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
@knife wielder if your parents didn't love you then that's their loss not yours. You must overcome this as hard as it might be. You will find true love one day but first you have to love yourself. Your hatered of Jews and the police consumes you. That's who you are you can't help that but don't let it destroy you. A positive attitude will go a long way so keep your chin up things will get better if you want them to.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
What a POWER CRUSH!! That was easy. Sissy Southern was PARA CRUSHED very easy.

See? NO one can gets the winnneded from UncleDiLF®.

Thanks for your contribution.

Let's meAT...hehe!!!

Sirsuper won't go down so easy lol
I'm guessing he'll come back swinging


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
What a POWER CRUSH!! That was easy. Sissy Southern was PARA CRUSHED very easy.

See? NO one can gets the winnneded from UncleDiLF®.

Thanks for your contribution.

Let's meAT...hehe!!!

Sirsuper won't go down so easy lol
I'm guessing he'll come back swinging

It will be a desperate attempt. I heard that he is searching for google pics and copy posts from other forum for his comeback.

What a sad toddler fister.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
You dropped the dead cat out of your torn old sack, DunCE. You're just a troll who doesn't know what paragraphs are, or what flaming is, or take anything seriously at all. Not bad.

In my first thread here some guy said he was gonna come down to Austin to kill me so he could reunite with his parents in Heaven. He had to think about the mortal and eternal punishment he'd receive. Trolled that poor old guy into madness and he may never even show up here again. If he does, he'll know he shouldn't have.

That last part of the video you posted was funny. It was - good job. You just go right ahead and keep repeating the word "scum" in every post or comment you submit everywhere you go. You've discovered that writing something so small and insignificant can actually cause normal people to lose their loose tempers! You and "scum" are now legitimate homonyms, which means that you accomplished more at life than anybody ever expected of you...

- cheers