I knew two different guys with mail order brides


Have kink will travel.
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The mail order bride thing is disgusting. I know a guy who did this with a woman from the Philippines. A guy who was in the same rehab program my husband and I were in.

He has always been a creepy guy, too. He used to post pictures of women in bikinis on his facebook lol. We call him Lurch.

He once gave me a dirty look at church because I was breastfeeding. I was just sitting there in the lobby area, surrounded by friends talking and I was nursing my baby(I never used a cover either, but the set up I had.....you couldnt see anything at all, i had a breastfeeding dress on) and he was staring from across the lobby all horrified. My friends husband noticed first and started shooting him a dirty look back.

Maybe the issue with the kind of men who go the mail order route is they really objectify and dehumanize women? It would make sense. Then when that poor woman becomes a mother and her body is doing something besides pleasing him he just gets repulsed? You really gotta wonder why a man would just "order" a whole ass human if there wasnt something really wrong with his brain.

It's common here in Australia. Older gentlemen and some youngins too look around at woke feminism and pick average looking mail order wives from traditional values cultures...


Have kink will travel.
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I've seen the older guys marry middle aged and the young ones their own age...


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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I bet that moron has been a sucker his whole life !