If the likes of Aidsmin, Lotusberg, Swallow4pay etc start randomly disappearing later in the year...

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
.... we may know why. I didn't write this but thought it was an interesting theory which could potentially become a reality...


We will have 2-3 months of relative peace, as the government swarms to get as many people vaccinated as possible.

The fall will come, and the vaccinated will begin to die to new ‘variants,’ which are of course deaths from the vaccine.

This will be played up in the media, to establish the narrative that the unvaccinated / counter-revolutionaries are to blame for the coming pain.

During this time, we will see an increasing number of hacks and outages; sliding into the public’s consciousness that cyberattacks are the hot new seasonal threat.

So, it will make sense when the internet and power shut down once these narratives are engrained, and once people got a brief taste of freedom.

You can imagine what comes with these outages when coupled with illness - mass chaos and death.

The outcome of the cyber-pandemic will conveniently be a total forfeiture of your right to digital privacy, and the right to spread certain opinions, all in the name of reducing the risk of terrorism and creating a more secure or ‘robust’ system to prevent future cyber-attacks.

One might also expect that you will be required to be vaccinated to receive any food or aid from the government that may be reachable.

>What can I do to prepare

>Buy food
>Weapons and ammunition
>portable generator
>Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, (Ivermectin and HCQ if you can) in case you get sick with any of this shit

shill this incessantly to anyone with half a brain. They may look at you like you are crazy now, but will have a change of tune when they see it happen in real time. Tell them who is to blame for it, so they will stop believing bullshit once they see that the elites are all untouched despite the crisis.

The vaccinated are fucked, and most will probably remain in denial as this all transpired - it is difficult to face reality after your brainwashing has led you to inject yourself with poison, and indirectly led to setting the world on fire.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
As the new variants spread, these senseless clowns would need to keep injecting to essentially keep up to date if that’s where their mindset is at. It’s ludicrous to imagine that they’ll be subjecting themselves to so many unknowns. They’re no better than a junkie getting a fix not knowing what the fuck is in the poison. To bring back the word “sheeple” at this point would be politically correct and most apt to describe the aforementioned stooges of doofusism. Crackers!


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
The pro Vaxx enthousiasts do tend to be leftists, which says it all really.
I’ve been listening to some of the idiot radio presenters on morning radio here and they make my blood boil. The government is actually allowing them to spread their uneducated propaganda about everyone needing vaccinating. This one bloke actually started shouting and having a hissy fit about anti-vaxxers! Then get this...in the next segment, totally unrelated, he’s laughing and telling everyone that the colour of the “Pearly Gates” in “heaven” is a mottled blue because of The Mother Of Pearl abalone shell I shit you not! And this was in response to someone else saying that the gates were black. Dafuq?? Do they even know what colour pearl is? Maybe daddy should’ve given mommy a Pearl necklace instead of impregnating her and breeding fucktards like these into the world.

The world is full of idiots...that will never change unfortunately.

Leftists should all be neutered...take @LotusBud for example:



Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
@Omnipotent ...I think
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:
Three irritating leftards. It’s not what you say (I don’t read uneducated waffle), it’s thinking that you can persist and change the dynamic here. It was a lot more fun and entertaining before you and your try-hards wafted in.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
@Omnipotent ...I think
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:
Three irritating leftards. It’s not what you say (I don’t read uneducated waffle), it’s thinking that you can persist and change the dynamic here. It was a lot more fun and entertaining before you and your try-hards wafted in.

Oh, god, stfu you whinging little princess.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
@Omnipotent ...I think
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:
Three irritating leftards. It’s not what you say (I don’t read uneducated waffle), it’s thinking that you can persist and change the dynamic here. It was a lot more fun and entertaining before you and your try-hards wafted in.

Oh, god, stfu you whinging little princess.
I’ll commend you for being the “alpha” over the other two dismal nerds! Watch out for Aidsman, he’s nipping at your heels!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
@Omnipotent ...I think
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:
Three irritating leftards. It’s not what you say (I don’t read uneducated waffle), it’s thinking that you can persist and change the dynamic here. It was a lot more fun and entertaining before you and your try-hards wafted in.

Oh, god, stfu you whinging little princess.
I’ll commend you for being the “alpha” over the other two dismal nerds! Watch out for Aidsman, he’s nipping at your heels!

Lotus has bigger hairy swingers than those 2 effeminate soy-sippers for sure.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
@Omnipotent ...I think
I hope Swampduck/Jak is ok, she got vaxxed and I haven't seen her post in months.
Yeah I’m a bit worried. She was joking about stealing something again...hope that it’s a short stint and not any health issues. Either that or she needed a hiatus from the three leftarded fuckers of wit!

You people are such snowflakes that THREE liberals can drive you undergroud??????? Wow. :Frustration1:
Three irritating leftards. It’s not what you say (I don’t read uneducated waffle), it’s thinking that you can persist and change the dynamic here. It was a lot more fun and entertaining before you and your try-hards wafted in.

Oh, god, stfu you whinging little princess.
I’ll commend you for being the “alpha” over the other two dismal nerds! Watch out for Aidsman, he’s nipping at your heels!

Lotus has bigger hairy swingers than those 2 effeminate soy-sippers for sure.
She has some brass balls for true! :OMGLOL:


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I cried when my husband home vaccinated.
You didn’t vaxx though did you?

nah... when Novavax is offered I might,...maybe.
It’s not worth it. The virus and it’s continual variants are here to stay and escalate in numbers over the coming months and years. Just ride it out. You haven’t a susceptible blood type or condition to viruses have you?

I live in fortess WA where Prem Mark McGowan erradicates the virus not like dopey fucking Gladys that wants to, "learn to live with the virus." AstraZeneca is not a good vaccine.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I cried when my husband home vaccinated.
You didn’t vaxx though did you?

nah... when Novavax is offered I might,...maybe.
It’s not worth it. The virus and it’s continual variants are here to stay and escalate in numbers over the coming months and years. Just ride it out. You haven’t a susceptible blood type or condition to viruses have you?

I live in fortess WA where Prem Mark McGowan erradicates the virus not like dopey fucking Gladys that wants to, "learn to live with the virus." AstraZeneca is not a good vaccine.
The people love Gladys this side...hahahahaha. Another week of lockdown here, but luckily the surf is within the 10km radius limit! Oi...just remembered...have you been seeing the whale migration this season? They have really been putting on a show over here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I cried when my husband home vaccinated.
You didn’t vaxx though did you?

nah... when Novavax is offered I might,...maybe.
It’s not worth it. The virus and it’s continual variants are here to stay and escalate in numbers over the coming months and years. Just ride it out. You haven’t a susceptible blood type or condition to viruses have you?

I live in fortess WA where Prem Mark McGowan erradicates the virus not like dopey fucking Gladys that wants to, "learn to live with the virus." AstraZeneca is not a good vaccine.
The people love Gladys this side...hahahahaha. Another week of lockdown here, but luckily the surf is within the 10km radius limit! Oi...just remembered...have you been seeing the whale migration this season? They have really been putting on a show over here.

No I haven't seen any whales... I'll go to my pc and post pictues in the environment thread... about 10 mins from now.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I cried when my husband home vaccinated.
You didn’t vaxx though did you?

nah... when Novavax is offered I might,...maybe.
It’s not worth it. The virus and it’s continual variants are here to stay and escalate in numbers over the coming months and years. Just ride it out. You haven’t a susceptible blood type or condition to viruses have you?

I live in fortess WA where Prem Mark McGowan erradicates the virus not like dopey fucking Gladys that wants to, "learn to live with the virus." AstraZeneca is not a good vaccine.
The people love Gladys this side...hahahahaha. Another week of lockdown here, but luckily the surf is within the 10km radius limit! Oi...just remembered...have you been seeing the whale migration this season? They have really been putting on a show over here.

No I haven't seen any whales... I'll go to my pc and post pictues in the environment thread... about 10 mins from now.
I’ve been watching heaps as the krill and bait fish is so abundant this time of year. I’ve also been watching some awesome Sea Eagles fishing. Just binoculars as my camera shat itself!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No NSW person will be allowed in WA... for like, forever. it's actually quite funny.
Gladys and the arseholes that were responsible for letting Indians with the Indian virus into Oz should flogged within an inch of their sorry arsed lives.

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