I'll get the shot when Biden takes off the mask


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land



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Then don't get it you fucking dramatic wench
you'll sit there unable to do fuck all except with your tard crew of non vaxcers lolol


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Brekfall won't be able to arouse another penis while poking holes in it without a shot


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
There are no working vaccines for coronaviruses yet. There's just novel injections which don't prevent us from acquiring and transmitting coronaviruses, but may stop us from getting seriously ill or dying, unless (as we're seeing) the injections maim or kill us in the meantime, for a coronavirus basically akin to a seasonal influenza virus.

I've tried to see the logic in this and when I tried to search out why I may be illogical about this, I've come to some possible conclusions a sane and logical mind could come to.


1. It's a slow burn depopulation method. There's all types of neurological and immunological events with these injections...in the short term. People develop paralysis conditions, freak thrombosis events, menstrual anomalies, and whatnot, but our authorities say it's unproven so far and to do our part after they token freeze distribution for a few weeks at a go. They seem to think the risks of a 99+% survival rate necessitates all of us doing our part by plodding along into a long term they never tested for while their short term has a number of immeasurable potholes which should have shut down the roads permanently.

That's the "frog in a pot of cold water" versus boiling water adage. Don't allow them (ie. us) to spook and jump out before they're cooked. But why? (Reason unknown option)

2. There's a higher intelligence at work whether by the amassing of world mainframes, Quantum computers and applications we're not privy to, or an alien agenda which could yet might not fold into if ever.

I won't bog the point down further with anymore conjecture...

..but it could be altruistic in a roundabout evil way.

3. There's a lower emotional intelligence at work and elitist leaders in both the governments and corporations have a secret fraternity akin to the Masons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Vatican, Skull and Bones, The Grove, et cetera which view us billions as useless eaters as they've bought up huge swathes of land in the meantime over the decades. Just as sustainably strong power grows slowly over time, great power seized quickly crumbles. Power brokers play the long game always...

4. The world system is imploding quietly, no is able to or willing to honour their debts. World War is imminent again, but this time it wipes us back tens of thousands of years. Reducing the ability of your own populations to get upset, overthrow you, mount a resistance to a foreign adversary actually DOESN'T paint a target on your own back... assuming there is some modeled algorithms to gauge what your adversaries are also doing themselves to alleviate the same things... AI is in there waiting patiently for everyone to enter their next ANY moves and spit out a number of course suggestions.

It's unemotional chess by emotionally damaged egomaniacs.

5. We live in a computer simulation and none of this moronic COVID crap is really happening.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
There are no working vaccines for coronaviruses yet. There's just novel injections which don't prevent us from acquiring and transmitting coronaviruses, but may stop us from getting seriously ill or dying, unless (as we're seeing) the injections maim or kill us in the meantime, for a coronavirus basically akin to a seasonal influenza virus.

I've tried to see the logic in this and when I tried to search out why I may be illogical about this, I've come to some possible conclusions a sane and logical mind could come to.


1. It's a slow burn depopulation method. There's all types of neurological and immunological events with these injections...in the short term. People develop paralysis conditions, freak thrombosis events, menstrual anomalies, and whatnot, but our authorities say it's unproven so far and to do our part after they token freeze distribution for a few weeks at a go. They seem to think the risks of a 99+% survival rate necessitates all of us doing our part by plodding along into a long term they never tested for while their short term has a number of immeasurable potholes which should have shut down the roads permanently.

That's the "frog in a pot of cold water" versus boiling water adage. Don't allow them (ie. us) to spook and jump out before they're cooked. But why? (Reason unknown option)

2. There's a higher intelligence at work whether by the amassing of world mainframes, Quantum computers and applications we're not privy to, or an alien agenda which could yet might not fold into if ever.

I won't bog the point down further with anymore conjecture...

..but it could be altruistic in a roundabout evil way.

3. There's a lower emotional intelligence at work and elitist leaders in both the governments and corporations have a secret fraternity akin to the Masons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Vatican, Skull and Bones, The Grove, et cetera which view us billions as useless eaters as they've bought up huge swathes of land in the meantime over the decades. Just as sustainably strong power grows slowly over time, great power seized quickly crumbles. Power brokers play the long game always...

4. The world system is imploding quietly, no is able to or willing to honour their debts. World War is imminent again, but this time it wipes us back tens of thousands of years. Reducing the ability of your own populations to get upset, overthrow you, mount a resistance to a foreign adversary actually DOESN'T paint a target on your own back... assuming there is some modeled algorithms to gauge what your adversaries are also doing themselves to alleviate the same things... AI is in there waiting patiently for everyone to enter their next ANY moves and spit out a number of course suggestions.

It's unemotional chess by emotionally damaged egomaniacs.

5. We live in a computer simulation and none of this moronic COVID crap is really happening.
Interesting adage, “the frog in a pot of cold water”. This is happening in South Africa with regard to the terrorist government ANC...a very corrupt and vile party of the late Mandela legacy.

"In his brutal honesty, Ramaphosa told me of the ANC's 25-year strategy to deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. Being cold-blooded, the frog does not notice the slow temperature increase, but if the temperature is raised suddenly, the frog will jump out of the water. He meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land, and economic power from white to black slowly and incrementally, until the whites lost all they had gained in South Africa, but without taking too much from them at any given time to cause them to rebel or fight."

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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
There are no working vaccines for coronaviruses yet. There's just novel injections which don't prevent us from acquiring and transmitting coronaviruses, but may stop us from getting seriously ill or dying, unless (as we're seeing) the injections maim or kill us in the meantime, for a coronavirus basically akin to a seasonal influenza virus.

I've tried to see the logic in this and when I tried to search out why I may be illogical about this, I've come to some possible conclusions a sane and logical mind could come to.


1. It's a slow burn depopulation method. There's all types of neurological and immunological events with these injections...in the short term. People develop paralysis conditions, freak thrombosis events, menstrual anomalies, and whatnot, but our authorities say it's unproven so far and to do our part after they token freeze distribution for a few weeks at a go. They seem to think the risks of a 99+% survival rate necessitates all of us doing our part by plodding along into a long term they never tested for while their short term has a number of immeasurable potholes which should have shut down the roads permanently.

That's the "frog in a pot of cold water" versus boiling water adage. Don't allow them (ie. us) to spook and jump out before they're cooked. But why? (Reason unknown option)

2. There's a higher intelligence at work whether by the amassing of world mainframes, Quantum computers and applications we're not privy to, or an alien agenda which could yet might not fold into if ever.

I won't bog the point down further with anymore conjecture...

..but it could be altruistic in a roundabout evil way.

3. There's a lower emotional intelligence at work and elitist leaders in both the governments and corporations have a secret fraternity akin to the Masons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Vatican, Skull and Bones, The Grove, et cetera which view us billions as useless eaters as they've bought up huge swathes of land in the meantime over the decades. Just as sustainably strong power grows slowly over time, great power seized quickly crumbles. Power brokers play the long game always...

4. The world system is imploding quietly, no is able to or willing to honour their debts. World War is imminent again, but this time it wipes us back tens of thousands of years. Reducing the ability of your own populations to get upset, overthrow you, mount a resistance to a foreign adversary actually DOESN'T paint a target on your own back... assuming there is some modeled algorithms to gauge what your adversaries are also doing themselves to alleviate the same things... AI is in there waiting patiently for everyone to enter their next ANY moves and spit out a number of course suggestions.

It's unemotional chess by emotionally damaged egomaniacs.

5. We live in a computer simulation and none of this moronic COVID crap is really happening.
Interesting adage, “the frog in a pot of cold water”. This is happening in South Africa with regard to the terrorist government ANC...a very corrupt and vile party of the late Mandela legacy.

"In his brutal honesty, Ramaphosa told me of the ANC's 25-year strategy to deal with the whites: it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is done by raising the temperature very slowly. Being cold-blooded, the frog does not notice the slow temperature increase, but if the temperature is raised suddenly, the frog will jump out of the water. He meant that the black majority would pass laws transferring wealth, land, and economic power from white to black slowly and incrementally, until the whites lost all they had gained in South Africa, but without taking too much from them at any given time to cause them to rebel or fight."

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It's called the paradox of the heap (sorites paradox)... akin to the frog being heated slowly or a mound of sand being removed grain by grain.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The mask keeps you from getting covid. The vaccine doesn't actually do anything

The common masks do nothing for viruses....only bacteria.

Unless you don't regularly change your masks or you keep touching your face and mask.....then the masks do little for bacteria.


Factory Bastard
I've gotten the shots and I still wear the mask in stores or when going in a restaurant to avoid conflict.
I'm sure that mask wearing is a psychological thing more that preventive.
IE if all the rest of the people are masked up, the few outliers will feel compelled to mask up and to be wary of closeness with strangers.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.
Last edited:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

It's a global great reset agenda.

That's not a conspiracy theory. It's a legit thing. And there isnt fuck all we can do about it.

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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

It's a global great reset agenda.

That's not a conspiracy theory. It's a legit thing. And there isnt fuck all we can do about it.

We can prepare the best we can and hope for much luck. I'm not a religious man but it helped one time. You'll be fine.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

It's a global great reset agenda.

That's not a conspiracy theory. It's a legit thing. And there isnt fuck all we can do about it.

We can prepare the best we can and hope for much luck. I'm not a religious man but it helped one time. You'll be fine.


God already told me the world is a cesspool of evil and lies.


Factory Bastard

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
My dad helped build the Atlantic City casino for him. My dad used to tell me how many minorities Trump employed because it was noticeable to my dad and wasn't the normal mode. My dad and his company would approach him directly if Trump's people ever REALLY fucked up, I mean if really they did anything unscrupulous, and Trump always sorted it out and apologised if it was his fault. My dad died in 2004 thinking Trump was a great leader.

My dad would curse much of the shit Trump has had to go through since. My dad would have been happy to not have seen the bullshit I've seen about DJT. I'm glad my dad died in 2004... if only it shielded him and his career from the leftists that are now taking down society and order because they revere Marx or Lenin in their drug fucked hazes and paedophilia rings.

Leftists want to exterminate common sense...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I've gotten the shots and I still wear the mask in stores or when going in a restaurant to avoid conflict.
I'm sure that mask wearing is a psychological thing more that preventive.
IE if all the rest of the people are masked up, the few outliers will feel compelled to mask up and to be wary of closeness with strangers.

I got the vaccine and wear a mask, because A, the vaccine is not 100%, B, others don't know I'm vaccinated, and C, masks DO filter out some of the virus -- covid, flu, or whatever. It's nice to know I'm not breathing in all the junk people spew from their bodies.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's not even what he said.

He said it was a useful crisis. And it's not being wasted.....let's leave it at that.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I've gotten the shots and I still wear the mask in stores or when going in a restaurant to avoid conflict.
I'm sure that mask wearing is a psychological thing more that preventive.
IE if all the rest of the people are masked up, the few outliers will feel compelled to mask up and to be wary of closeness with strangers.

I got the vaccine and wear a mask, because A, the vaccine is not 100%, B, others don't know I'm vaccinated, and C, masks DO filter out some of the virus -- covid, flu, or whatever. It's nice to know I'm not breathing in all the junk people spew from their bodies.

It's not a vaccine. People still get the virus and transmit it. The masks are not a barrier for viruses. They only really work for bacteria, and even then, not so well. The masks inhibit oxygen flow and dirty masks infect the wearers.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I've gotten the shots and I still wear the mask in stores or when going in a restaurant to avoid conflict.
I'm sure that mask wearing is a psychological thing more that preventive.
IE if all the rest of the people are masked up, the few outliers will feel compelled to mask up and to be wary of closeness with strangers.

I got the vaccine and wear a mask, because A, the vaccine is not 100%, B, others don't know I'm vaccinated, and C, masks DO filter out some of the virus -- covid, flu, or whatever. It's nice to know I'm not breathing in all the junk people spew from their bodies.

You need an N95 to filter out the virus.

I still caught it, I always wore a mask. I was sick for a fucking month......but it's possible the mask cut the viral load I was exposed to.

I'm just saying you can still get sick.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I've gotten the shots and I still wear the mask in stores or when going in a restaurant to avoid conflict.
I'm sure that mask wearing is a psychological thing more that preventive.
IE if all the rest of the people are masked up, the few outliers will feel compelled to mask up and to be wary of closeness with strangers.

I got the vaccine and wear a mask, because A, the vaccine is not 100%, B, others don't know I'm vaccinated, and C, masks DO filter out some of the virus -- covid, flu, or whatever. It's nice to know I'm not breathing in all the junk people spew from their bodies.

You need an N95 to filter out the virus.

I still caught it, I always wore a mask. I was sick for a fucking month......but it's possible the mask cut the viral load I was exposed to.

I'm just saying you can still get sick.

What you say is true...

I wore specialised work masks to prevent my airways from not dying... they were not paper or woven masks but silicone fitted with cannisters disposed of each time.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.

There there, dont be afraid....



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.

There there, dont be afraid....


I have every reason to be afraid of alt-right loons. You people are nuts. Dangerously nuts.


Factory Bastard

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.

There there, dont be afraid....


I have every reason to be afraid of alt-right loons. You people are nuts. Dangerously nuts.

When the SHTF madam, we are the people that will protect you. The left snowflakes will be the ones inside the chain link fence bawling for mama.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.

There there, dont be afraid....


I have every reason to be afraid of alt-right loons. You people are nuts. Dangerously nuts.

That's how I view you Chardonnay Socialists... you're always looking to upgrade to Champaign and making the rest drink Miller Lite...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I hate how manipulative it all is.

Yeah avoid letting anything "negative" get out to the corporate media....as if anyone even trusts the media.....because the concern is "vaccine hesitation".

This is literally causing the vaccine hesitation. It's so much worse to just push it while ignoring all the negative info. This is the shit that causes conspiracy theories lol.

The left is all about force and coercion.

And we've all been subjected to a huge lie...

There is an agenda behind this and it's never been about protecting ourselves or our loved ones.

I 100% believe that. There is something else driving this fake pandemic and I'm not 100% sure we or myself personally would like to know why.

This is a dark ages styled really bad bad bad evil thing going on right now...and there is not or ever going to be disclosure in our lifetimes.

The NWO needed something catastrophic happen to unseat President Trump. Everyone knew child sniffer could never beat him without that.
That is the one conspiracy I believe.

OMG. Yeah. They started a virus in China in 2019 in order to unseat Trump in the USA a year later. That makes all kinds of sense.

There there, dont be afraid....


I have every reason to be afraid of alt-right loons. You people are nuts. Dangerously nuts.

When the SHTF madam, we are the people that will protect you. The left snowflakes will be the ones inside the chain link fence bawling for mama.

Oh, right. I'm counting on you lunatics to protect me. LMAO