January 6th, "gonna be wild"


Factory Bastard
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Proud Boys are confirmed for Wednesday. Are libs as ready to die for their cause? Or will their day be spent on Twitter.

Will you be joining them? Pretty sure you’ll be holding a spot in a food line somewhere, that day. Your over the weight limit anyway.


Factory Bastard
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The funny thing is the Democrats did pretty much the same thing. Why am I not surprised you were unable to see it? They both do that every single time.
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Factory Bastard
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Los Angeles
Sen. Romney (R-UT) has released a news statement about how he views Jan. 6. Reed it and gnash your teeth, friends.

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SALT LAKE CITY– U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) released the following statement in response to an announcement that several Republican senators plan to oppose certification of the presidential election results:

“The egregious ploy to reject electors may enhance the political ambition of some, but dangerously threatens our Democratic Republic. The congressional power to reject electors is reserved for the most extreme and unusual circumstances. These are far from it. More Americans participated in this election than ever before, and they made their choice. President Trump’s lawyers made their case before scores of courts; in every instance, they failed. The Justice Department found no evidence of irregularity sufficient to overturn the election. The Presidential Voter Fraud Commission disbanded without finding such evidence.

“My fellow Senator Ted Cruz and the co-signers of his statement argue that rejection of electors or an election audit directed by Congress would restore trust in the election. Nonsense. This argument ignores the widely perceived reality that Congress is an overwhelmingly partisan body; the American people wisely place greater trust in the federal courts where judges serve for life. Members of Congress who would substitute their own partisan judgement for that of the courts do not enhance public trust, they imperil it.

“Were Congress to actually reject state electors, partisans would inevitably demand the same any time their candidate had lost. Congress, not voters in the respective states, would choose our presidents.

“Adding to this ill-conceived endeavor by some in Congress is the President’s call for his supporters to come to the Capitol on the day when this matter is to be debated and decided. This has the predictable potential to lead to disruption, and worse.

“I could never have imagined seeing these things in the greatest democracy in the world. Has ambition so eclipsed principle?”


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
There's video proof of dems massive cheating, dozens of affidavits, and ballot drops where a statistically impossibly 95%+ of ballot drops went to biden. Your cheating couldnt be anymore blatant, obvious, or exposed. I love how you retards keep defending biden's mental capacity in light of the years of video evidence showing him in full on drooling retard mode! LMFAO!
If that was "evidence", then onny had not LOST all the lawsuits. Think about it.... Why did none of hiw lawyers think of using it?
Hey retard, its fukin VIDEO documented. You cant run away from it or deny it effectively.
How many judges did not take that "evidence" into account?
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Factory Bastard
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"I knows Trump really won, because I read it in a blog post!"
First off, Grant would have seen trash like you executed in the streets. Second, a video showing that cheating is irrefutable, no matter how many times whopie goldberg declars "dey din doo nuffins!".


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
There's video proof of dems massive cheating, dozens of affidavits, and ballot drops where a statistically impossibly 95%+ of ballot drops went to biden. Your cheating couldnt be anymore blatant, obvious, or exposed. I love how you retards keep defending biden's mental capacity in light of the years of video evidence showing him in full on drooling retard mode! LMFAO!
If that was "evidence", then onny had not LOST all the lawsuits. Think about it.... Why did none of hiw lawyers think of using it?
Hey retard, its fukin VIDEO documented. You cant run away from it or deny it effectively.
FYI.. The creepy fucker Q, is from the Netherlands and spews his progressive diarrhea in every thread. Most ignore the stupid MF'r. He was banished to the ASSBOX for being a total fuckup.. Until Holligay bailed his stupid ass out.( thinking it was a gift for the dick pics that Q sent him) He is worse than any soy boi we have in the states, has zero knowledge of U.S. politics and likes to hang on the skirts of the other libtards here. :)
Thanks! We all know you still love me :Lovin1:

I accept your surrender
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Factory Bastard
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Spare me the bullshit capt meme meister. All you cunts have been running round the ENTIRE YEAR, smashing up shit, burning things down, murdering people in the streets, crying and wailing when you tried it with Hero Kyle and he turned you into pink mist. REAP IT motherfucker! PWN3D! :Welcome8:


Factory Bastard
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I always did like that song about Sherman's March through Georgia to the sea.


Factory Bastard
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Why Lokmuppet, you sound positively distraught can I get you a tissue?
LMAO! Nice imagination meme clown! Its so fukin easy to burn down your bullshit! Sounds like I mighta pimp slapped your stupid ass a bit too hard this time! ENJOY!


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
The economy will be fucked and you clowns will spend the next 4 years blaming biden. We've all seen this play out before. Fact is, while Trump has been President, my earnings went from about 70K/yr to over $200K. I've had the last 4 years to buy all kinds of shit and pay off debt so I'll be good. Watching the avalanche of mexcrements and other terd wurld scum flood into overpopulated liberal hell holes will be fun to watch! :LOL1:
The economy sucks because of Covid. Was not doing great even before due to Tariffs. Stock market is doing well because interest rates are low, and in anticipation of further stimulus.
Trump can at least take credit for harmful, failed foreign policy by starting a trade war.
Twenty days, man, thank christ.

The economy is indeed deeply impacted by covid. That said many states didn't lock down, they have far lower infection rates compared to CA, NY, or Izl, and yet their economies are doing far better than the locked down blue states. The lockdowns were a tragic mistake we shouldbhave protected the most vulnerable while keeping as much of the economy open as possible so we could still pay for things.
dnr, Valid Citations required for such blatantly puerile drivel.

Is it just me or does everything that comes out of that mouth of yours sound like runny shit falling out of someone's ass and splatting on the floor?


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
The economy will be fucked and you clowns will spend the next 4 years blaming biden. We've all seen this play out before. Fact is, while Trump has been President, my earnings went from about 70K/yr to over $200K. I've had the last 4 years to buy all kinds of shit and pay off debt so I'll be good. Watching the avalanche of mexcrements and other terd wurld scum flood into overpopulated liberal hell holes will be fun to watch! :LOL1:
The economy sucks because of Covid. Was not doing great even before due to Tariffs. Stock market is doing well because interest rates are low, and in anticipation of further stimulus.
Trump can at least take credit for harmful, failed foreign policy by starting a trade war.
Twenty days, man, thank christ.

The economy is indeed deeply impacted by covid. That said many states didn't lock down, they have far lower infection rates compared to CA, NY, or Izl, and yet their economies are doing far better than the locked down blue states. The lockdowns were a tragic mistake we shouldbhave protected the most vulnerable while keeping as much of the economy open as possible so we could still pay for things.
dnr, Valid Citations required for such blatantly puerile drivel.

Is it just me or does everything that comes out of that mouth of yours sound like runny shit falling out of someone's ass and splatting on the floor?
Is coprophilia your "thing"?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
The economy will be fucked and you clowns will spend the next 4 years blaming biden. We've all seen this play out before. Fact is, while Trump has been President, my earnings went from about 70K/yr to over $200K. I've had the last 4 years to buy all kinds of shit and pay off debt so I'll be good. Watching the avalanche of mexcrements and other terd wurld scum flood into overpopulated liberal hell holes will be fun to watch! :LOL1:
The economy sucks because of Covid. Was not doing great even before due to Tariffs. Stock market is doing well because interest rates are low, and in anticipation of further stimulus.
Trump can at least take credit for harmful, failed foreign policy by starting a trade war.
Twenty days, man, thank christ.

The economy is indeed deeply impacted by covid. That said many states didn't lock down, they have far lower infection rates compared to CA, NY, or Izl, and yet their economies are doing far better than the locked down blue states. The lockdowns were a tragic mistake we shouldbhave protected the most vulnerable while keeping as much of the economy open as possible so we could still pay for things.
dnr, Valid Citations required for such blatantly puerile drivel.

Is it just me or does everything that comes out of that mouth of yours sound like runny shit falling out of someone's ass and splatting on the floor?
Is coprophilia your "thing"?

Nope. That title suits you better.


Factory Bastard
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Los Angeles
Biden campaign manager Greg Schultz pointed out a telling note, “Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden’s victory has objected to their own wins on the same day on the same ballots using the same election systems.”


What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Biden campaign manager Greg Schultz pointed out a telling note, “Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden’s victory has objected to their own wins on the same day on the same ballots using the same election systems.”
"It's all the ballots I tell ya, there were ballots showing up everywhere!"



You know what's going to be really wild is when on January 5 Ossoff and Warnock win in Georgia and Dems own the WH and both chambers of congress.
Yep - Both leading in the polls.
..and yes - those ARE the same polls that had Biden winning.

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Factory Bastard
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You know what's going to be really wild is when on January 5 Ossoff and Warnock win in Georgia and Dems own the WH and both chambers of congress.
Yep - Both leading in the polls.
..and yes - those ARE the same polls that had Biden winning.

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Those the Dominion Polls?


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting for a single Prog Enemy of Liberty (i.e. Registered Democrat) to explain to me on what legal basis the vote counting was stopped, almost simultaneously, in five separate States that constitutionally run five separate and independent elections.

On what authority and upon who's direction did each of the five separate State entities decide to all stop counting votes within one hour of each other?

It's uncanny!

There is no historical precedent for such a thing.

... and this is aside from all the subsequent "Vote Dumps" in each of these five States that tallied astronomical and statistically improbable amounts of votes for the Dunce Joe Biden.

Any Prog loser traitor to liberty wanna jump in and defend what everyone with eyes to see saw on that night?