Jews will not replace us!!!!


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Here's another thread that needs to be moved into politics. What a big fucking surprise!

I started it there lol. Some whiny lil bitch got it moved evidently. Pussies.
The JEEEEEWS got it moved, Blasértard.
They see all.
They control all.

They are watching you.

The Goyim know!!!!! Shut it down!!!


He really thinks that is what you are saying. As much as I dont agree with the jew thing, I do understand what you are saying.

This is why the left cant meme. You have to be able to mock what's real. Take a truth and comically show the absurdity.

They dont even get that first part. They dont even grasp their own party.

I swear, I started this thread as a troll lol.

BUT, it really is true that a good majority of those in power are Jews. Im not saying its all Jews. And Im not saying that all Jews are in on it.

@Aryan knows this too, but when he brings it up, he says the Jews. So people think he means all Jews and shit. But I've talked to him, and hes more in line with what I see, he just doesnt say the right words, and it hurts folks feelz lol. Thats why I always say THEY and THEM.

I could say so much more. But then the black helicopters will be over my place :GiggleBitch:

People are so fucking sensitive over the JQ that at this point even if I didn't believe any of it I'd still talk about it just to piss people off. LOL

Many Right wing Americans are particularly brainwashed with the pro-Juden shite, what with their Israel worship. It's very annoying.

You are just the other extreme. My thing is, I seek truth. I know for a fact that Israeli policies are mostly very wrong. That doesn't mean all Jews are wrong. And it definitely doesn't mean they're trying to replace people in some sisnister plot. That's a crackers theory. Try just chasing the truth, instead of chasing information that fits into your already conceived of "truth."

So why do Jews overwhelmingly support mass immigration in European countries and the US, to the point where Whites are being displaced and overrun?

Nothing "crackers" about that statement, it's a fact.

You lefties know this, but either don't care or welcome it, due to being brainwashed about evil whitey supposedly oppressing the planet long before we were born.

Why worry about this shit. What will be, will be.

He's a fucking moron. He should "worry" about his next root canal on his last half tooth.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Factory Bastard
Happy Valley
Typical non-answer with an air of moral superiority sprinkled on top for good measure.

I take it you went to some godforsaken Marxist university at some point in order to be indoctrinated with this kind of nonsense?

The stated answer was that, country, economics and environmentalism are one and the same thing. Just because I overan my Dr Suess imposed 50 words doesn't make it less true. If that makes me superior then that's just hard gorgonzola.

Now a Marxist Clown accusing me of Marxism is one whole other level of dumbfuckery particularly when it's well known that I swerved traditional universities both redbrick and Oxbridge in favour of real life experience and only gained my degree via the OU in my early 30's. I also collect NVQ's and other vocational merits by the handful as I slowly cruise through this fun factory we call life. But that's because I know how to absorb and utilise information with a degree of dexterity that is as profound as it is unusual.

Now that's superiority.


Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Typical non-answer with an air of moral superiority sprinkled on top for good measure.

I take it you went to some godforsaken Marxist university at some point in order to be indoctrinated with this kind of nonsense?

The stated answer was that, country, economics and environmentalism are one and the same thing. Just because I overan my Dr Suess imposed 50 words doesn't make it less true. If that makes me superior then that's just hard gorgonzola.

Now a Marxist Clown accusing me of Marxism is one whole other level of dumbfuckery particularly when it's well known that I swerved traditional universities both redbrick and Oxbridge in favour of real life experience and only gained my degree via the OU in my early 30's. I also collect NVQ's and other vocational merits by the handful as I slowly cruise through this fun factory we call life. But that's because I know how to absorb and utilise information with a degree of dexterity that is as profound as it is unusual.

Now that's superiority.


Fascinating. However, none of this explains why you have abandoned your racial kin and subscribed to Globohomo ideology


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Eh? Jealous of what exactly?

So. Now you can't read either?

Is this a trend with people like yourself who post up fake pictures?

Weird on so many levels...

No wonder you hang around elderly homosexual Jewish men on here.

Yet you're posting pictures of Jewish looking gays and then swearing you're them.

Now that's weird.

O r'lly?

Almost as weird as you poasting 30 yr old pics of females with larger than life foreheads?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Eh? Jealous of what exactly?

So. Now you can't read either?

Is this a trend with people like yourself who post up fake pictures?

Weird on so many levels...

No wonder you hang around elderly homosexual Jewish men on here.

Yet you're posting pictures of Jewish looking gays and then swearing you're them.

Now that's weird.

O r'lly?

Almost as weird as you poasting 30 yr old pics of females with larger than life foreheads?

I've done a podcast. What have you done?

EVERYONE here has heard my voice. What about you? That's what I thought.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Thought not.

Fuck off, thankyou and goodnight.

Nice try bitch-meat but you don't get off that easy. What have you done? I ask that again.

How many times have you been caught out now?

How many times have you done a podcast? How many times have you been called out on your obvious fake pictures?

Don't be mad, be glad! That no one has to hear your sullen high pitched Jewish voice.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I'm saying that I mentioned names...what have you done?


Where did you mention names you fraudulent fuck?

Dove, Flea, Freud. There. I've mentioned names. There were others around but i've been high since then so fuck knows.

Are you still upset?

Seriously, you'll be alright as long as you don't have to prove you have a working penis.