Jews will not replace us!!!!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

GTFO Aidsman with your Commie shite.
Explanation please.

You basically just said that you don't respect borders, so therefore don't respect nation states.

This is a very common belief held among Antifa Commies.

Are you back-pedalling already?

It's why they oppose the electoral college, filibuster and every check and balance that respects states rights. M4A is another thing.

Their whole thing is to take over the federal government and make it where the fed makes all the rules for all the states.
We oppose the Electoral College because we believe that the The American Ideal is not Minority Rule.

Ha the irony..... yet you're willing to let ethnic minorities slowly become the majority and displace the founders of the country.
Tell it to the Praetorian Guards fuckwit.

And who are these "praetorian guards"?

Those who want people thrown in prison as "insurrectionists" because they dissented against your emperors and did a naughty forbidden protest?

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I think we should consider using the term "latent homosexual" instead of "fag". It's most accurate for those types here in any case. It's definitely "civil".

No doubt you're on board with the term "obese" being branded racist and verboten. :LOL3:


When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I've never been a fag, Holly. Stop sniffing around for down low action.
You do realize that there could be no greater proof that you are than your repeated denial, FairyAnn.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I think we should consider using the term "latent homosexual" instead of "fag". It's most accurate for those types here in any case. It's definitely "civil".

No doubt you're on board with the term "obese" being branded racist and verboten. :LOL3:

Not at all. I'm not a snowflake like you and yours.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I've never been a fag, Holly. Stop sniffing around for down low action.
You do realize that there could be no greater proof than your repeated denial, FairyAnn.

Right..... presumably that rule doesn't apply to your 35 year long "life partner" Admin?

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I think we should consider using the term "latent homosexual" instead of "fag". It's most accurate for those types here in any case. It's definitely "civil".

No doubt you're on board with the term "obese" being branded racist and verboten. :LOL3:

Not at all. I'm not a snowflake like you and yours.

More like a shitflake.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I think we should consider using the term "latent homosexual" instead of "fag". It's most accurate for those types here in any case. It's definitely "civil".

No doubt you're on board with the term "obese" being branded racist and verboten. :LOL3:

Not at all. I'm not a snowflake like you and yours.

More like a shitflake.

It's all you have isn't it?


When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I've never been a fag, Holly. Stop sniffing around for down low action.
You do realize that there could be no greater proof than your repeated denial, FairyAnn.

Right..... presumably that rule doesn't apply to your 35 year long "life partner" Admin?
It would if he bothered, but he knows you're just a bunch of gasbags projecting your own latent tendencies. And when you do, everyone laughs at you, FairyAnn.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I've never been a fag, Holly. Stop sniffing around for down low action.
You do realize that there could be no greater proof than your repeated denial, FairyAnn.

Right..... presumably that rule doesn't apply to your 35 year long "life partner" Admin?
It would if he bothered, but he knows you're just a bunch of gasbags projecting your own latent tendencies. And when you do, everyone laughs at you, FairyAnn.

Sure, all "Cons" are secretly gay, while you liberal faggots openly pander to and champion the LGBT community, constantly promoting their lifestyle choices and denouncing those who take issue with it.

Do you not get tired of living in topsy turvy opposite world?


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
When you think of elite military men, you have homosexual feeling, FairyAnn?

..Do tell.

Aidsman is the ex navy fag, not me.
You're never an ex-fag, FairyAnn.

Well I guess you should know.

Thankfully I have never been inflicted with those kind of unnatural urges.
You're always a fag, never ex, FairyAnn. And yes, it would be unnatural for you to deny your gayness.

I've never been a fag, Holly. Stop sniffing around for down low action.
You do realize that there could be no greater proof than your repeated denial, FairyAnn.

Right..... presumably that rule doesn't apply to your 35 year long "life partner" Admin?
It would if he bothered, but he knows you're just a bunch of gasbags projecting your own latent tendencies. And when you do, everyone laughs at you, FairyAnn.

Sure, all "Cons" are secretly gay, while you liberal faggots openly pander to and champion the LGBT community, constantly promoting their lifestyle choices and denouncing those who take issue with it.

Do you not get tired of living in topsy turvy opposite world?



Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
^^The hog's level of intellect on full display.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
If it was a clenched fist black power salute you would drop your trousers and be waving your lily white ass at the nearest nigger in the vicinity.
What is this comment in reference too, or were you just sharing your tourettes with us this morning?

Now I remember why I stopped responding to you.
When the Roman Legionnaires come for you, it is better to just go along quietly.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
So you care more about the environment than our countrymen's survival?

And you're just dumb enough to not realise they're one and the same thing.

Example of the need for an aptitude test before being given the vote.

Typical non-answer with an air of moral superiority sprinkled on top for good measure.

I take it you went to some godforsaken Marxist university at some point in order to be indoctrinated with this kind of nonsense?