Just Curious Re: The Situation in Gaza


peace through anarchy
..How many of you agree with Hamas that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state and must be destroyed even at the expense of thousands of non-combatants on either side of the border?

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Jews were majority first.

Poor Islam following Palestinians have no place to go in a region surrounded by Islam following countries. Me = not sad. Hamas is fucking their future. Not a Jewish state.

Here's a clue. Jews were there from the beginning so... JEWS ARE ALSO ARABIC. Or as Kramer in Seinfeld.... did I just blow your fucking mind? If Indians in North America are Native Americans then Jews in Israel are Native Arabians. See if you can condradict that but history is not on the side of "feelings & emotions". The truth doesn't give fucks. As it should not.

Treat fellow human beings as fellow human beings and we'll all get along. ANY division by religion, country, race, creed, color of skin, sexual orientaton, etc... is in open invitation to destruction of us all. Simple as that. Go along to get along or pick apart and die divided and alone.

Do you or fellow progressives have any answer as to what you would do for the Jewish people after WWII when they didn't (for some STRANGE reason!) want to return to where six million of them were eliminated via genocide? I.e.ALL OF EUROPE. Shocker I know. I mean, if I were Jew, I'd just move back to Berlin and start a glass factory so this time instead of Nazis throwing rocks through my glass it could be retard communists.

I don't want to see Palestinians suffer but in order to progress as fellow human beings then HAMAS must suffer same as I don't want to see Americans suffer but in order to progress as fellow humam beings then racist nationalists must suffer.

If being progressive means excusing bullshit instead of confronting the backwards thinking which would end us all then I'd rather call out the fucking bullshit... thanks.


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peace through anarchy
..How many of you agree with Hamas that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state and must be destroyed even at the expense of thousands of non-combatants on either side of the border?

How many of you agree that America has no right to exist and should only be Native Americans?

And Canada has no right to exist and should only be Native... um more Indians too?

How many of you agree that human beings have no right to exist as humankind and evolution should have stopped at the monkey?

Agree? Good. End yourself. Simple. Progress... progressive. Moving forward is fantastic, but please remember when as a progressive you are making fun of traditional conservatives who aren't fond of change you are also making fun of Native Americans (and native Palestinians via current events) who weren't/aren't fond of change either.

You defend Native Americans/Palestinains with traditional views who were not progressing fast enough while attacking modern conservative Americans with traditional views who aren't progressing fast enough. Woopsies.

If patience is a virtue, you have none of it.

Neo is the answer to what human beings CAN BE. Believe in yourself. Believe in humankind.

Agent Smith is evolution's way of making us so smart, we become so "progressive" as to delegitimize our very own existence as failure rather than celebration.

Evolution is challenging us to exist by allowing us to think for ourselves long enough to become "progressive" enough with too much free time to regret our own existence.

You think I am joking but when I see a tik tok of a lady who lived abroad & now back in the USA saying she hates America simply because she saw one too many flying American flags vs overseas flags in other countries then I sure as hellfire know we're all doomed because this fifteen minutes of fame having bitch is an iceberg to titanic human existence.

There is no defense to her being offended. Because, cray cray. When more people wish people didn't exist, then we will all when as in Rome do as Romans do and cease.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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How many of you agree that America has no right to exist and should only be Native Americans?

And Canada has no right to exist and should only be Native... um more Indians too?

How many of you agree that human beings have no right to exist as humankind and evolution should have stopped at the monkey?

Agree? Good. End yourself. Simple. Progress... progressive. Moving forward is fantastic, but please remember when as a progressive you are making fun of traditional conservatives who aren't fond of change you are also making fun of Native Americans (and native Palestinians via current events) who weren't/aren't fond of change either.

You defend Native Americans/Palestinains with traditional views who were not progressing fast enough while attacking modern conservative Americans with traditional views who aren't progressing fast enough. Woopsies.

If patience is a virtue, you have none of it.

Neo is the answer to what human beings CAN BE. Believe in yourself. Believe in humankind.

Agent Smith is evolution's way of making us so smart, we become so "progressive" as to delegitimize our very own existence as failure rather than celebration.

Evolution is challenging us to exist by allowing us to think for ourselves long enough to become "progressive" enough with too much free time to regret our own existence.

You think I am joking but when I see a tik tok of a lady who lived abroad & now back in the USA saying she hates America simply because she saw one too many flying American flags vs overseas flags in other countries then I sure as hellfire know we're all doomed because this fifteen minutes of fame having bitch is an iceberg to titanic human existence.

There is no defense to her being offended. Because, cray cray. When more people wish people didn't exist, then we will all when as in Rome do as Romans do and cease.

Don't waste your time

The world as we know is pretty much done

There's no coming back from the level of stupidity we keep seeing
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
You're gonna go until the end of your life with your old old divisionism mentality, thinking that your devil is better than your opponent's devil.

You should get a clue by seeing than I no longer take sides.
You and MrCantReadGuy, should read a thread before randomly barfing on it. Just sayin - too much to ask?
..You see - you're the stupid that just keeps on taking.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
You have a point there

Wasting my time on a dumbfuck like you kinda make me stupid, indeed.
Well, that's good - no point in your knowing what I wrote before commenting. Ya see that's why I wrote what I did about Trumptards and Bolsonaroists. They know what they are told to know and nothing more - nothing that would require seeing and thinking.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Well, that's good - no point in your knowing what I wrote before commenting. Ya see that's why I wrote what I did about Trumptards and Bolsonaroists. They know what they are told to know and nothing more - nothing that would require seeing and thinking.

The very fact that you seem to be believe that your country is better under that corrupt p-e-d-o piece of geriatric shit there just keeps proving my point

Did I say your country? Because I probably meant the world.


peace through anarchy

What did you do in response to babies getting their heads chopped off?

UN: We voted against illegal settlements!

Being a pacifist is grand in a world of voting but in a reality filled with decapitated infants it seems a bit SHIT.

Like the band playing music while the Titanic sank.

Wonderful you can blow a woodwind... but this adds fuck all to the fight for human existence.

Out of touch, detached, disengaged.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
What did you do in response to babies getting their heads chopped off?

UN: We voted against illegal settlements!

Being a pacifist is grand in a world of voting but in a reality filled with decapitated infants it seems a bit SHIT.

Like the band playing music while the Titanic sank.

Wonderful you can blow a woodwind... but this adds fuck all to the fight for human existence.

Out of touch, detached, disengaged.
Thank god keyboard warriors like you are here to save the day.



peace through anarchy
You and MrCantReadGuy, should read a thread before randomly barfing on it. Just sayin - too much to ask?
..You see - you're the stupid that just keeps on taking.
Of course you responded with a confused question mark to my reply. You said should Israel exist? I said why the fuck not? And you can't fucking answer, except with a rep mark of confusion.

Your answer is to have no answer. I think the fucking Jews have had enough fucks for a lifetime. Let them be. Didn't Palestinians vote for hamas? USA votes for Trump then we deserve Trump. Palestine votes for hamas, they deserve hamas.

Two state solution?

Been offered humpteen times. Israel accepted, Hamas turned them down. Remind me how many Islamic countries surround the area existing... while the Jews are only asking to fucking exist in ONE GODDAMNED SPOT? ON ONE GODDAMNED WORLD? ON ONE GODDAMNED PLANET?

Right. Thought so.

The world is a big place to expanding minds and a small place to small minds.

Everyone is a pacifist until they find themselves fighting for their own fucking right to exist.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Of course you responded with a confused question mark to my reply. You said should Israel exist?
When did I say (in any thread on the subject - there are several) that it shouldn't? or that arab muslim states had more right too?

Run along now and find evidence (in context) where I said so.
PS: do not post on this site again until you do....ya moron.


peace through anarchy
Don't waste your time

The world as we know is pretty much done

There's no coming back from the level of stupidity we keep seeing
If we allow people to pitch tents and live on the sidewalk then maybe we should all pitch tents and do fent and live on sidewalks zombified and walk in shit & piss and wow what a wonderful accepting progressive apocolypse awaits us all in our combined takes a village approach of Hillary-like woeful retardation of non judgemental wokeness.

Can't condemn a street dweller but sure can light up a conservative. Fucking WOW.

Fuck me. I mean it. Lily, are you still wearing a strap on from humbling your hub's anus? Keep it dirty. Ram me. Ram me now.

I need a breach. Intrude my interlude with some nude.

Can't get any worse then a sow's ear from a silk purse.


peace through anarchy
You're gonna go until the end of your life with your old old divisionism mentality, thinking that your devil is better than your opponent's devil.

You should get a clue by seeing than I no longer take sides.
Sides are for coins. Stamped & non changing. Humanity is worth more than a simple heads or tails.

Being against Trump and for Biden is as simple as being for the Kansas City Chiefs and against the Las Vegas Raiders.

It's not nearly enough.

New Holliday's battle is not with you nor I.... but himself.

The sooner he embraces the truth, the better his chances of accepting the very grave consequences of his power to add & detract in this lifetime.

Once but never again.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
..How many of you agree with Hamas that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state and must be destroyed even at the expense of thousands of non-combatants on either side of the border?

Historically might makes right as it is here. Jews have ancestral claim and Gaza arabs are savages.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
^^^^ This

People and their egos

That's what ruins worlds, all over the universe

It doesn't matter the political opinion, religion, or anything for that matter
...and since you know my views on all things (apparently better that I do) haven't I commented on that very thing regarding Trump and Biden and the upcoming election? Why not review and tell me if I'm mistaken.

PS: could you give a brief synopsis of at least a few of those other ruined worlds in the universe. History is fascinating.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
Now - The word Palestine is derived of the word Philistine.
..and what is a philistine?


  1. a person who is
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    to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them.
    "I am a complete philistine when it comes to paintings"
















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    to culture and the arts.
    "there were displays to inspire even the most philistine of visitors"


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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...and since you know my views on all things (apparently better that I do) haven't I commented on that very thing regarding Trump and Biden and the upcoming election? Why not review and tell me if I'm mistaken.

PS: could you give a brief synopsis of at least a few of those other ruined worlds in the universe. History is fascinating.

Dude, stop dropping into my radar, it no longer works.


I answered MNG, I didn't quote you first, I didn't even bother to see who started this thread until you said so

MNG claims to be an anarchist and to be honest, those are makings more sense than any wingnut these days. That's why I answered to his post.
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The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
Dude, stop dropping into my radar, it no longer works.


I answered MNG, I didn't quote you first, I didn't even bother to see who started this thread until you said so

MNG claims to be an anarchist and to be honest, those are makings more sense to any wingnut these days. That's why I answered to his post.
So I was correct to say you dropped into a thread you know nothing about and started random blathering. That's what I said. He did the same so apparently anarchist means no-thinky conservative (though in his case it's apparent the writing is AI generated nonsense). Thanks for clearing that up.

PS: btw, ranc - there's reason why anarchists were hunted down and killed in 19th century Europe.

PPS: it's probably the same reason that all but a handful of fools don't care for Libertarians - who really are just a short slide step from anarchists.
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