"No Liberals Allowed" thread.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Most can't tell when I drunk post unless they have my sense of humor.

I'm nicer and funnier.
You’re fucking awesome! Why has BF moved the goal posts? Haha fuck this... I’d never have posted those pictures if I knew this was coming... Many sads, ah ok my bad... Need my gold name to make me feels special... lol
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And here's another 'Shithole' country ...'cept they actually killed 40 kids
US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus
  • Eleven adults also died and 79 people were wounded
  • Bomb sold to Saudi Arabia was made by Lockheed Martin
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in Washington
Sun 19 Aug 2018 15.24 BSTLast modified on Mon 20 Aug 2018 00.33 BST

Yemeni children vent anger against Riyadh and Washington as they take part in a mass funeral for the 40 children killed in an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition last week. Photograph: STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images

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by a Saudi-led coalition warplane was sold to Riyadh by the US, according to reports based on analysis of the debris.

'The sound of children screaming keeps replaying': a Red Cross nurse in Yemen

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The 9 August attack killed 40 boys aged from six to 11 who were being taken on a school trip. Eleven adults also died. Local authorities said that 79 people were wounded, 56 of them children.
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that the weapon used was a 227kg laser-guided bomb made by Lockheed Martin, one of many thousands sold to Saudi Arabia as part of billions of dollars of weapons exports.
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is the biggest single customer for both the US and UK arms industries. The US also supports the coalition with refuelling and intelligence.
The investigative journalism site
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identified bomb fragments, on photographs and videos taken soon after the bombing, as coming from a laser-guided version of a Mk-82 bomb called a GBU-12 Paveway II. Based on marking on a fin segment of the bomb, Bellingcat traced the bomb to a shipment of a thousand of such bombs to Saudi Arabia, approved by the state department in 2015, during the Obama administration.
A spokesperson for Lockheed Martin referred questions about the bombing to the Pentagon. The defence department has said it does not make tactical targeting decision for the Saudi-led coalition but does provide support to improve targeting.
“I will tell you that we do help them plan what we call, kind of targeting,” the defense secretary, James Mattis, said. “We do not do dynamic targeting for them.”
The Bellingcat report cautioned that the bomb fragments had not been photographed where they had fallen, but had been gathered together, leaving open the possibility that they had been planted. CNN said it had worked with Yemeni journalists and munitions experts on its own identification of the bomb.
The Obama administration offered Saudi Arabia more than $115bn in weapons in the course of its two four-year terms, more than any previous US administration, according to
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After the bombing of a funeral hall in October 2016 that killed 155 people, President Obama
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of guided munition technology to Saudi Arabia, on the grounds that improved precision would not save civilian lives if the Saudi-led coalition were not taking care to avoid hitting non-military targets. The sales were reinstated by the Trump administration’s first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, in March 2017.
Saudi and US officials have insisted that efforts are constantly being made to limit civilian casualties in the campaign against Houthi rebels, but United Nations figures show the civilian death toll rising, with
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becoming the bloodiest month of the war so far.
According to the most recent report by the UN High Commission for Human Rights, there have been 17,062 civilian casualties since 2015, including 6,592 dead and 10,470 injured.

Yemen school bus bombing 'one of 50 strikes on civilian vehicles this year'

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“The majority of these casualties – 10,471 – were as a result of airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition,” the report said.
The Trump administration has given unstinting support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, echoing their portrayal of the Houthis as Iranian proxies. Congress, however, has become increasingly sceptical about continuing US arms sales to the coalition.
The ranking Democrat on the Senate foreign relations committee, Bob Menendez, has
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of 120,000 guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The administration could ignore his opposition and go ahead with the sale, but it would risk being over-ridden by the Senate.
“I think Congress could block this deal because it has just got so outrageous,” said William Hartung, the director of the arms and security project at the Centre for International Policy.
“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before. Whatever value that fiction might have had is now long gone.”

“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before.
“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before.
“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before.
“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before.
“The argument of the Trump administration and the Saudis is that the US is giving assistance in improving targeting, but more civilians have been killed in the last year than the year before.


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That\s just it.
it just goes around and around turning us simple folk against each other, I'm right you're left bullshit..it needs to be fixed and we need to start loving each other..and sadly scareBEAR that doesn't include the fahhgootyy kind (: yoo fahhgoTTT


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
That\s just it.
it just goes around and around turning us simple folk against each other, I'm right you're left bullshit..it needs to be fixed and we need to start loving each other..and sadly scareBEAR that doesn't include the fahhgootyy kind (: yoo fahhgoTTT
We are all entitled to our own opinion but mine is right lol... Why no fahgeteering?s :Rude:
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Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!


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I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..

Just cities. Detroit and Chicago, for instance.


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I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..

Just cities. Detroit and Chicago, for instance.

Yup, actually you're right, but that's gangsta' shit biotch, not slip on a trenchcoat and mow kids down


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..

How mundane a response... Totally retarded


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Don’t answer anything Kriss just make up scenarios, facts are crime is rising as the third world comes in but don’t let facts get in the way of your love for brown andHATE of whites... You can fuck off with them! Times ticking negro


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..
Yeah “so basically the white population that gave us our comfortable life is being invaded by religious cunts and the white fahg population loves it” You should hang for treason you Italian cunt of cunts! Great life your kids will have you super dildo!
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I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..
Yeah “so basically the white population that gave us our comfortable life is being invaded by religious cunts and the white fahg population loves it” You should hang for treason you Italian cunt of cunts! Great life your kids will have you super dildo!

Wow !! You talk so tough when you're not frantically emailing Dan to rat and whine like a white bitch riding black cock, and for what ? an address YOU posted, you stupid fuck stick ahahahaaaaa Tosh OWNS you FAHHGOTT


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I’d love a whiny libtard to argue any point made in this video but usually their attention span lasts only a minute and when they hear something true they stick their fingers in their ears saying “la la la can’t hear you” libtards OWNED!

So basically he's observant and says the world is changing bahahaaaaa, funny I never seen any black kids shoot up a school..
Yeah “so basically the white population that gave us our comfortable life is being invaded by religious cunts and the white fahg population loves it” You should hang for treason you Italian cunt of cunts! Great life your kids will have you super dildo!

Wow !! You talk so tough when you're not frantically emailing Dan to rat and whine like a white bitch riding black cock, and for what ? an address YOU posted, you stupid fuck stick ahahahaaaaa Tosh OWNS you FAHHGOTT

It’s ok, let it out rager... God loves you...


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I know ..he even loves weird little spider dudes..
And proven kiddie fiddlers...:LOL1::EvilOne2::IggyMcLulz:Gabriella and Rosemary Gatto got violated in the bath.... Bring it on you unworthy shit stirring cunt! ou think I don’t know? Pathetic
SMH..... You're a weak young man who'll grow into an weaker man, go call the fake cops and hassle Dan sad sac bahahahahaaa


Forever forgotten.
I wish Stinky could step outside himself for a moment to realize just how emotionally driven his responses are.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I know ..he even loves weird little spider dudes..
And proven kiddie fiddlers...:LOL1::EvilOne2::IggyMcLulz:Gabriella and Rosemary Gatto got violated in the bath.... Bring it on you unworthy shit stirring cunt! ou think I don’t know? Pathetic
SMH..... You're a weak young man who'll grow into an weaker man, go call the fake cops and hassle Dan sad sac bahahahahaaa
At least I’m not you, going to and fourth from websites causing shit, you’re exposed as a two faced cunt... Ha you probably are the birdie pleb ffs