now That no one in the U.S is starving


Site Supporter
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Because I'm not sure if you guys understand WHY that claim that Trump "let people die" is more rooted in propaganda than any sort of truth

Please answer what the Trump admin should have done, but did not do.

listened to science :rightON:
imo of course
Shut shit DOWN regardless how he looked to his followers
But California has been more strict at shutting shit down than anyone and now they are the leaders in new cases, followed closely by the second state to enforce such draconian measures (NY) which just so happens to be 2nd in line for increased cases

Then you have florida which has never shut down and has one of the lowest amount of cases per capita

true ... I don't know what to say but I tend to lean toward the side of caution, what were the numbers before cali shut down and that other state ... here where I live we're shut down and numbers are lowering fast... well not like lickity split but coming down
Erring on the side of caution is fine, but saying Trump is responsible for the lack of leadership at the local state level when said leadership is given a high degree of autonomy from the Federal gov is just ignorant


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm
So a cloth mask would have led to a lower case count?

that your position?

It's working here man
no denying it :rightON:
I mean it's a meagre step in the fight even if it helps a bit my friend

But you understand Trump has no authority over how states manage the pandemic or any control over citizens and where they go, what precautions they take?

In China they steel beamed people in their homes and some of those people died of starvation. We dont do draconian measures here.

You cannot blame the government for not going full blown Stalin and enforcing draconian measures. It's bad enough that hundreds of thousands of people have lost their livelihoods to lock downs.

Poverty lasts much longer than a virus.

What's the price for these measures working where you are?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.


Site Supporter
Because I'm not sure if you guys understand WHY that claim that Trump "let people die" is more rooted in propaganda than any sort of truth

Please answer what the Trump admin should have done, but did not do.

listened to science :rightON:
imo of course
Shut shit DOWN regardless how he looked to his followers
But California has been more strict at shutting shit down than anyone and now they are the leaders in new cases, followed closely by the second state to enforce such draconian measures (NY) which just so happens to be 2nd in line for increased cases

Then you have florida which has never shut down and has one of the lowest amount of cases per capita

true ... I don't know what to say but I tend to lean toward the side of caution, what were the numbers before cali shut down and that other state ... here where I live we're shut down and numbers are lowering fast... well not like lickity split but coming down
Erring on the side of caution is fine, but saying Trump is responsible for the lack of leadership at the local state level when said leadership is given a high degree of autonomy from the Federal gov is just ignorant

TBH .. I feel I'm talking from how I feel Biggie, you obviously know more than me about this subject, plus luckily I suppose things are working for us so I figure what's good for the goose kinda thing and talking like I know ...I just feel the shit should have shut down and mask up ...there is a reason one year later Wuhan is parting again with minimal outbreaks


Site Supporter
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm
So a cloth mask would have led to a lower case count?

that your position?

It's working here man
no denying it :rightON:
I mean it's a meagre step in the fight even if it helps a bit my friend

But you understand Trump has no authority over how states manage the pandemic or any control over citizens and where they go, what precautions they take?

In China they steel beamed people in their homes and some of those people died of starvation. We dont do draconian measures here.

You cannot blame the government for not going full blown Stalin and enforcing draconian measures. It's bad enough that hundreds of thousands of people have lost their livelihoods to lock downs.

Poverty lasts much longer than a virus.

What's the price for these measures working where you are?

LIFE !!!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did anyone read that Buttigieg wants to raise the tax on gasoline?.. WOW!!.. that didn't take long :(

Oh Biden wants to tax socail security.

He is pure fucking evil.

But hey....we have dogs in the WH again and that's what matters to upper class whites.

They want a Hallmark feel good fucking Opra specail.....not a government that does its job and acts in the interest of the people.

yah ! the mesmerizing job he did on Covids alone interested the people

Oh good, maybe you can tell me what Trump should have done that his administration failed to do?

And I'm not being snarky I really want someone to answer this. What should Trump have done that he did not do?

Because I remember other pandemics we have had, more specifically the H1N1.....and considering how other administrations have dealt with pandemics I'm really grateful we had Trump.

Did you know we also recently had a TB outbreak? Did you know just back in 2019(or maybe 18) we had an influenza outbreak so bad that a few states declared a state of emergency and hospitals were overflowing worse than they did with Covid 19?

To those who think the Trump administration did a horrible job managing Covid, exactly what did he fail to do?

But this '
Because I remember other pandemics we have had, more specifically the H1N1.....and considering how other administrations have dealt with pandemics I'm really grateful we had Trump.'

It's like lessons weren't learnt from the history, I feel the same way about our Canadian fucks that let so many die in the LTC homes ...ffs we've been through this, were there no new protocols in place to prevent this fucking shit.. same shit let them die ??
Anyways Trumpy signed out, he let people die dare I say for spite ... so many should NOT have died they should have learned from the past

Your post is a contradiction.

point it out and I won't do it again sea...

Read your post again. Greatful we had Trump?? Trumpy signed out, he let people die dare I say for spite?? I’d buy into the second part.
HOw do you make it through life being this Godawfully stupid?

  • Funny
Reactions: X


Site Supporter
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Did anyone read that Buttigieg wants to raise the tax on gasoline?.. WOW!!.. that didn't take long :(

Oh Biden wants to tax socail security.

He is pure fucking evil.

But hey....we have dogs in the WH again and that's what matters to upper class whites.

They want a Hallmark feel good fucking Opra specail.....not a government that does its job and acts in the interest of the people.

yah ! the mesmerizing job he did on Covids alone interested the people

Oh good, maybe you can tell me what Trump should have done that his administration failed to do?

And I'm not being snarky I really want someone to answer this. What should Trump have done that he did not do?

Because I remember other pandemics we have had, more specifically the H1N1.....and considering how other administrations have dealt with pandemics I'm really grateful we had Trump.

Did you know we also recently had a TB outbreak? Did you know just back in 2019(or maybe 18) we had an influenza outbreak so bad that a few states declared a state of emergency and hospitals were overflowing worse than they did with Covid 19?

To those who think the Trump administration did a horrible job managing Covid, exactly what did he fail to do?

But this '
Because I remember other pandemics we have had, more specifically the H1N1.....and considering how other administrations have dealt with pandemics I'm really grateful we had Trump.'

It's like lessons weren't learnt from the history, I feel the same way about our Canadian fucks that let so many die in the LTC homes ...ffs we've been through this, were there no new protocols in place to prevent this fucking shit.. same shit let them die ??
Anyways Trumpy signed out, he let people die dare I say for spite ... so many should NOT have died they should have learned from the past

Your post is a contradiction.

point it out and I won't do it again sea...

Read your post again. Greatful we had Trump?? Trumpy signed out, he let people die dare I say for spite?? I’d buy into the second part.
HOw do you make it through life being this Godawfully stupid?


Sorry to see how broke you are. I’m sorry.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Who understands the importance of him calling it the China virus? Because I do. This entire shit and every global death is firmly on the hands of the Chinese government.

I fully believe that our federal government did the best they could have done....and I mean the task force. Not fucking Congress who used us all as pawns for pork....or any if the sociopathic governors that dropped the ball and played politics and killed elderly people.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care

Yeah, one which we achieved perhaps. You wouldnt know....because there is no solid evidence the masks worked.

You understand all this shit we did was what the medical feild calls a "hail mary"?


Site Supporter
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care

Yeah, one which we achieved perhaps. You wouldnt know....because there is no solid evidence the masks worked.

You understand all this shit we did was what the medical feild calls a "hail mary"?

nice name for it
what should they have done, sit there and pander to followers


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care

Yeah, one which we achieved perhaps. You wouldnt know....because there is no solid evidence the masks worked.

You understand all this shit we did was what the medical feild calls a "hail mary"?

nice name for it
what should they have done, sit there and pander to followers

  • Funny
Reactions: X


Site Supporter
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care

Yeah, one which we achieved perhaps. You wouldnt know....because there is no solid evidence the masks worked.

You understand all this shit we did was what the medical feild calls a "hail mary"?

nice name for it
what should they have done, sit there and pander to followers


Nothing ...
I think masks put a dent in deaths and so do you (:
I assure you I'm not worth your time Dove LOL


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The fact is, guys .....there ARE people who are responsible for getting people killed in this pandemic.

And this bullshit focus on Trump....which is a baseless claim, he did NOT mishandle this pandemic....keeps the attention off those who SHOULD be held accountable for unessesary deaths.

Yanno, like the fucking Chinese government, the W.H.O and every governor who played politics with peoples lives. Those who ordered Covid pos patients into nursing homes. States that mismanage their hospitals.

You want things to get better, blame the right people and hold them accountable. Hate Trump all day.....but this isnt on him.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you're looking to be right (:
He should have led by a simple example and put a fucking mask on
simple really :rightON:
His followers would have followed and maybe a lower case count ... hmmmmm

I'm looking for a fact based argument because even I hate someone, the truth of this is very fucking important. It's not a game. It's not a talking point.

When this virus first arrived the "science" was saying not to bother wearing masks. Both Fauci and Birx are on record saying this. When that changed, Trump told the country to wear the mask.

You understand that mask mandates are a state matter and the highest case counts were democrat states with mandates, right?

You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example. Its wildly ignorant and you are using misinfo that can actually cause more infections. Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.

And I'd love to see the science that shows that Trumps failure to wear a mask when Fauci was saying not to bother is what caused anyone to die from Covid.

Also there are examples of people like Nancy Pelosi and Whitmer violating their own mask mandates. And Biden did as well the same damn day he made one.

'Masks do NOT protect you from catching it.'

Why am I even wasting my time with you LOL

Doctors wear them to look cool now I get it :LMAO:

'You cannot accuse Trump of "letting people die" and have that as your example.'
if a tree falls in a forest and I don't see it it still fell

See, you dont understand why the masks are even a thing.

These masks do NOT provide protection. And Doctors and nurses do not wear them for protection.

They wear them to provide patients with SOME protection from their droplets.

I don't know why you are laughing at me. I have state certifications that qualify me to train and educate YOU on the proper use of PPE in a medical setting.

The masks may DENT the infection rate. Its mitigation....NOT prevention. It stops YOU from blowing your germy spit and face fluid onto surfaces and other people.

What it doesnt do, is protect you from any viruses. See people think they are safe with a mask on and they go and take unessesary risk and end up getting sick and posting on FB "omg I did everything right! I wore a mask and still got sick!".

You just showed how masks could be encouraging cases.

If you want to be protected the best thing you can do is get an N95/N100 and dont touch your face, wash your hands. A peice of political theater cloth on your face isnt gonna do shit but press Covid and influenza against your face.

A dent is thousands of peoples lives that could be here :rightON:

obviously doesn't prevent it but puts a dent (:
Thank you take care

Yeah, one which we achieved perhaps. You wouldnt know....because there is no solid evidence the masks worked.

You understand all this shit we did was what the medical feild calls a "hail mary"?

nice name for it
what should they have done, sit there and pander to followers


Nothing ...
I think masks put a dent in deaths and so do you (:
I assure you I'm not worth your time Dove LOL

They mitigate infection rates.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The fact is, guys .....there ARE people who are responsible for getting people killed in this pandemic.

And this bullshit focus on Trump....which is a baseless claim, he did NOT mishandle this pandemic....keeps the attention off those who SHOULD be held accountable for unessesary deaths.

Yanno, like the fucking Chinese government, the W.H.O and every governor who played politics with peoples lives. Those who ordered Covid pos patients into nursing homes. States that mismanage their hospitals.

You want things to get better, blame the right people and hold them accountable. Hate Trump all day.....but this isnt on him.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because I'm not sure if you guys understand WHY that claim that Trump "let people die" is more rooted in propaganda than any sort of truth

Please answer what the Trump admin should have done, but did not do.

listened to science :rightON:
imo of course
Shut shit DOWN regardless how he looked to his followers
But California has been more strict at shutting shit down than anyone and now they are the leaders in new cases, followed closely by the second state to enforce such draconian measures (NY) which just so happens to be 2nd in line for increased cases

Then you have florida which has never shut down and has one of the lowest amount of cases per capita

true ... I don't know what to say but I tend to lean toward the side of caution, what were the numbers before cali shut down and that other state ... here where I live we're shut down and numbers are lowering fast... well not like lickity split but coming down
Erring on the side of caution is fine, but saying Trump is responsible for the lack of leadership at the local state level when said leadership is given a high degree of autonomy from the Federal gov is just ignorant

TBH .. I feel I'm talking from how I feel Biggie, you obviously know more than me about this subject, plus luckily I suppose things are working for us so I figure what's good for the goose kinda thing and talking like I know ...I just feel the shit should have shut down and mask up ...there is a reason one year later Wuhan is parting again with minimal outbreaks

X.....dont tell me you believe anything China says? They lied about the risk of this virus until it was a massive global pandemic. And the W.H.O covered for them.

They SHOT infected people in the street. They STEEL BEAMED people in their homes and allowed some of those people to STARVE too DEATH.

You simply cannot....and should China. If I found out today they intentionally released this, I would not be shocked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The fact is, guys .....there ARE people who are responsible for getting people killed in this pandemic.

And this bullshit focus on Trump....which is a baseless claim, he did NOT mishandle this pandemic....keeps the attention off those who SHOULD be held accountable for unessesary deaths.

Yanno, like the fucking Chinese government, the W.H.O and every governor who played politics with peoples lives. Those who ordered Covid pos patients into nursing homes. States that mismanage their hospitals.

You want things to get better, blame the right people and hold them accountable. Hate Trump all day.....but this isnt on him.


What is confusing?


Site Supporter
Because I'm not sure if you guys understand WHY that claim that Trump "let people die" is more rooted in propaganda than any sort of truth

Please answer what the Trump admin should have done, but did not do.

listened to science :rightON:
imo of course
Shut shit DOWN regardless how he looked to his followers
But California has been more strict at shutting shit down than anyone and now they are the leaders in new cases, followed closely by the second state to enforce such draconian measures (NY) which just so happens to be 2nd in line for increased cases

Then you have florida which has never shut down and has one of the lowest amount of cases per capita

true ... I don't know what to say but I tend to lean toward the side of caution, what were the numbers before cali shut down and that other state ... here where I live we're shut down and numbers are lowering fast... well not like lickity split but coming down
Erring on the side of caution is fine, but saying Trump is responsible for the lack of leadership at the local state level when said leadership is given a high degree of autonomy from the Federal gov is just ignorant

TBH .. I feel I'm talking from how I feel Biggie, you obviously know more than me about this subject, plus luckily I suppose things are working for us so I figure what's good for the goose kinda thing and talking like I know ...I just feel the shit should have shut down and mask up ...there is a reason one year later Wuhan is parting again with minimal outbreaks

X.....dont tell me you believe anything China says? They lied about the risk of this virus until it was a massive global pandemic.

They SHOT infected people in the street. They STEEL BEAMED people in their homes and allowed some of those people to STARVE too DEATH.

You simply cannot....and should China. If I found out today they intentionally released this, I would not be shocked.

No no I agree, Biggie just brought up that point in his last post
I did see video about the new years celebrations but who knows actually :rightON:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The fact is, guys .....there ARE people who are responsible for getting people killed in this pandemic.

And this bullshit focus on Trump....which is a baseless claim, he did NOT mishandle this pandemic....keeps the attention off those who SHOULD be held accountable for unessesary deaths.

Yanno, like the fucking Chinese government, the W.H.O and every governor who played politics with peoples lives. Those who ordered Covid pos patients into nursing homes. States that mismanage their hospitals.

You want things to get better, blame the right people and hold them accountable. Hate Trump all day.....but this isnt on him.


What is confusing?

Stubby is homeless


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because I'm not sure if you guys understand WHY that claim that Trump "let people die" is more rooted in propaganda than any sort of truth

Please answer what the Trump admin should have done, but did not do.

listened to science :rightON:
imo of course
Shut shit DOWN regardless how he looked to his followers
But California has been more strict at shutting shit down than anyone and now they are the leaders in new cases, followed closely by the second state to enforce such draconian measures (NY) which just so happens to be 2nd in line for increased cases

Then you have florida which has never shut down and has one of the lowest amount of cases per capita

true ... I don't know what to say but I tend to lean toward the side of caution, what were the numbers before cali shut down and that other state ... here where I live we're shut down and numbers are lowering fast... well not like lickity split but coming down
Erring on the side of caution is fine, but saying Trump is responsible for the lack of leadership at the local state level when said leadership is given a high degree of autonomy from the Federal gov is just ignorant

TBH .. I feel I'm talking from how I feel Biggie, you obviously know more than me about this subject, plus luckily I suppose things are working for us so I figure what's good for the goose kinda thing and talking like I know ...I just feel the shit should have shut down and mask up ...there is a reason one year later Wuhan is parting again with minimal outbreaks

X.....dont tell me you believe anything China says? They lied about the risk of this virus until it was a massive global pandemic.

They SHOT infected people in the street. They STEEL BEAMED people in their homes and allowed some of those people to STARVE too DEATH.

You simply cannot....and should China. If I found out today they intentionally released this, I would not be shocked.

No no I agree, Biggie just brought up that point in his last post
I did see video about the new years celebrations but who knows actually :rightON:

You mean when Pelosi encouraged street parties and huggy kissy shit after Trump shut down travel in an attempt to undermine the President and make it out like was fear mongering and "not listening to experts"?

Believe me if there was something here I could rationally blame on Trump I would be doing. The truth is, i am 200 percent convinced if we didnt have Trump this would have been WAY worse. I'm basing that on what i saw and heard from the DNC.

Perhaps one could argue that Trump was partly the Chinese government's inspiration to commit an act of bio warfare upon the world. There are arguments that could be made for that, certainly.

If our media had reported on this objectively and covered everything and our shitbag politicains were not using this as a political weapon, I fully believe you would have a much different view of how the Trump team handled it. The reason I harp on this isnt just to defend Trump but I dont like seeing people used and lied to. Especailly at a vulnerable time.

Our government is full of predatory and opportunistic sociopaths. We wont change that by enabling them.


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I just think he made it worse with his machismo bullshit and should have put the mask on from day one instead of being the NO, I ain't gonna do dat wa wa shit // we'll have to agree to disagree madam :rightON:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I just think he made it worse with his machismo bullshit and should have put the mask on from day one instead of being the NO, I ain't gonna do dat wa wa shit // we'll have to agree to disagree madam :rightON:

But 1, the experts like Fauci were saying NOT to wear masks.

Trump indeed was listening.

And Fauci later admitted he said that because of a PPE your problem should be with him.


Site Supporter
did he wear a mask EVERYDAY ?? enough with the talking, where was the example ??
Fuck Fauci, 75 million followers were looking at TrumpF


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
did he wear a mask EVERYDAY ?? enough with the talking, where was the example ??
Fuck Fauci, 75 million followers were looking at TrumpF

Trump took his advice from Fauci.

Fauci is directly the reason more right leaning people started having a problem with masks.

Trump could have wore a mask everyday from day would not have made a difference. Most people wore them, and the ones who didnt are typically people who do not give a fuck about the news(inner cities like Detroit), or hard core conspiracy theorists.

It wouldnt have changed anything. The most important thing he did was shut down travel, even Fauci said that move saved thousands of lives.

This was just an unfortunate thing at best, or biowar on the world at worst. Everyone who needed to know was in the know that this could happen.....just didnt know when.

Imagine if we had Biden or Clinton when this happened.....they would not have shut down travel and we would have had a lot more cases and deaths and been hit much harder.

Here in Michigan everyone who stopped taking it seriously did so directly because of Whitmers lack of real leadership.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
did he wear a mask EVERYDAY ?? enough with the talking, where was the example ??
Fuck Fauci, 75 million followers were looking at TrumpF

I admire your tenacity. Discussing anything with Dovey is a dead end.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
did he wear a mask EVERYDAY ?? enough with the talking, where was the example ??
Fuck Fauci, 75 million followers were looking at TrumpF

I admire your tenacity. Discussing anything with Dovey is a dead end.

That depends on your goal, Sea. I'm inviting you guys to change my mind.

But if you are the one dead set on blaming Trump no matter the one banging my head on a wall, right?

What is your motive in the claims? To have reasons to hate Trump or because you care about what happened?

Did you watch the video I posted?