Now we see why the dorkhead liberals around here spend so much time crying about everything Trump


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.

I love the radical righties, to fix it we have to kill it. This isn't the 1860's. The only thing a civil war will do is pave the path for China with a completely broken and burned to the ground US.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Trump and O'Reilly can't sell out a venue.

P.S. This isn't Brandon's fault.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.

I love the radical righties, to fix it we have to kill it. This isn't the 1860's. The only thing a civil war will do is pave the path for China with a completely broken and burned to the ground US.
Sorry but China has already bought our leaders. Everyone I knew to be an adult in the 90's though giving China favored trade status and admission in the WTO was sketchy AF. In all the time that passed since BOTH democRATs and Republicans have sat back on their asses and watched as China gobbled up trade and our jobs. ONLY Trump tried to do something about it but of course, "Orange Man Bad". We've got hard evidence that the biden admin is bought off by China and you people dont GAF.

China and Russia are poised to engage in expansionist warfare. You people wont do jack fucking shit about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.

I love the radical righties, to fix it we have to kill it. This isn't the 1860's. The only thing a civil war will do is pave the path for China with a completely broken and burned to the ground US.
Sorry but China has already bought our leaders. Everyone I knew to be an adult in the 90's though giving China favored trade status and admission in the WTO was sketchy AF. In all the time that passed since BOTH democRATs and Republicans have sat back on their asses and watched as China gobbled up trade and our jobs. ONLY Trump tried to do something about it but of course, "Orange Man Bad". We've got hard evidence that the biden admin is bought off by China and you people dont GAF.

China and Russia are poised to engage in expansionist warfare. You people wont do jack fucking shit about it.

They will physically invade across the entire nation. That has yet to happen.

Go ahead, stupid...kill Americans because you hate them and await your Chinese overlords.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

Erdogan in Turkey as well.

That man that you're posting to is a pussy. If Erdogan is there forever, it doesn't matter. He bows to the system. He vents his frustrations in life by being a frog on the internet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.

I love the radical righties, to fix it we have to kill it. This isn't the 1860's. The only thing a civil war will do is pave the path for China with a completely broken and burned to the ground US.
Sorry but China has already bought our leaders. Everyone I knew to be an adult in the 90's though giving China favored trade status and admission in the WTO was sketchy AF. In all the time that passed since BOTH democRATs and Republicans have sat back on their asses and watched as China gobbled up trade and our jobs. ONLY Trump tried to do something about it but of course, "Orange Man Bad". We've got hard evidence that the biden admin is bought off by China and you people dont GAF.

China and Russia are poised to engage in expansionist warfare. You people wont do jack fucking shit about it.

They will physically invade across the entire nation. That has yet to happen.

Go ahead, stupid...kill Americans because you hate them and await your Chinese overlords.
Or I can wait and watch while biden continues to hand shit over to China personally. What a choice.


The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

Erdogan in Turkey as well.

That man that you're posting to is a pussy. If Erdogan is there forever, it doesn't matter. He bows to the system. He vents his frustrations in life by being a frog on the internet.
Better to be a frog on the internet than a pig on two feet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.
Hopefully we'll erupt into civil war.
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

Erdogan in Turkey as well.

That man that you're posting to is a pussy. If Erdogan is there forever, it doesn't matter. He bows to the system. He vents his frustrations in life by being a frog on the internet.
Better to be a frog on the internet than a pig on two feet.

You mad, frog?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

We have BEEN pointing it out, Joe.

We are well into an authoritarian movement here. As I said in another thread.....its not us who are the "unsurpers". Or the ones subverting the country.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

Only TRUMP can fix our once great country.

But he couldn't fix it last time.
Now that the traitors have revealed themselves everything is set up for the true reign of TRUMP.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is what you get when you do not pick people because of skill, experience, or competence and instead want woke racist box checking. "The first gay, cross dressing, black, Satanist to be nominated! Sure, he is stupid, mentally ill, and absolutely incompetent but look at all those victim points!"

Trump got the first openly gay cabinet member and these woke fucks ignored it. Straight up tried to pretend it didnt happen lol

Democrats tokenize....they dont give a fuck about anyone. Evil fucks.
Yep, one of the things I criticized him for. Libs never lost a beat from their "Trumps homophobic" narrative.

Because they are so devoted to their ideology and narratives that facts dont matter to them at all

Yep, facts no longer matter to those creatures.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.

I'd rather have DeSantis. Trump has nice policies which I support but he lacks the skills or ability to actually get things done. He also can't deligate authority to let other people get stuff done because he is too chaotic and lacks managerial ability. DeSantis has similar policies but actually has the skill to get things done.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

Only TRUMP can fix our once great country.

But he couldn't fix it last time.
Actually, he fixed a shit ton of things. Fake president biden undid a bunch though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.

I'd rather have DeSantis. Trump has nice policies which I support but he lacks the skills or ability to actually get things done. He also can't deligate authority to let other people get stuff done because he is too chaotic and lacks managerial ability. DeSantis has similar policies but actually has the skill to get things done.
DeSantis currently gets things done in Florida because he has a majority of Republicans. He would face the same challenges as Trump if he were President. Case in point, Orange County Florida has fought him tooth and nail. My kids have been telling me stories for the last year or so about Jerry Demmings, a democRAT mayor of Orange County, constantly fighting against DeSantis on covid regs. There are absolutely no ways to compromise with democRATs any longer. Bush couldnt do it, Romney couldnt have done it, Trump couldnt, DeSantis wont be able to. Compromise with a dem means you give them all of what they want and you get jack shit and like it.