Now we see why the dorkhead liberals around here spend so much time crying about everything Trump


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

Only TRUMP can fix our once great country.

But he couldn't fix it last time.
Actually, he fixed a shit ton of things. Fake president biden undid a bunch though.

President Biden, he's yours til 2024 Lokmeer!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The solution is simple, folks... just vote for Trump in 2024.

Oh wait. Trump said voting is broken. Damn.

I guess he'll just have to take the White House by force, then.

I'd rather have DeSantis. Trump has nice policies which I support but he lacks the skills or ability to actually get things done. He also can't deligate authority to let other people get stuff done because he is too chaotic and lacks managerial ability. DeSantis has similar policies but actually has the skill to get things done.

I get the feeling it'll be someone like DE Santos whom Trump will back.

....but he'll want something from de Santos or anyone he endorses.

I would guess using Trump's social media network or advertising on it.

AMERICAN elections are big biz worth billions so of course Trump wouldnt wanna miss out on the money.

With his money troubles I don't see why Trump would bother running when sitting on the sidelines with his new bus venture could net him millions and put him into the black.

2016 was about putting Trump on the map

2024 ideally from his pov would be growing his finances.

Why would he spend money to launch another campaign if it ll make him poorer,

I could be wrong but that's what I'd do if I were him


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

Only TRUMP can fix our once great country.

But he couldn't fix it last time.
Actually, he fixed a shit ton of things. Fake president biden undid a bunch though.

President Biden, he's yours til 2024 Lokmeer!
He's illegitimate and has the same popularity of AIDS.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden did sign an "infrastructure bill" even if he had zero to do with writing it or negotiating it or really doing anything more than drooling after his puppet masters put it in front of him and told him to finger paint on it if he was too far gone to remember how to sign his own name. Only about 8% of it was actually infrastructure which means 92% of it is not infrastructure.

Still, it got passed, while Trump had the opportunity to get a far better bill passed which would have been around 50% actual infrastructure but Trump blew it all up. He decided to have temper-tantrums refusing to allow Dems to get their pound of pork barrel spending so nothing got passed.. Trump fucked that one up because he even could have gotten the border wall.. That does show a bad temperament being unable to put aside old differences in order to get things passed. That is a major personality flaw.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biden did sign an "infrastructure bill" even if he had zero to do with writing it or negotiating it or really doing anything more than drooling after his puppet masters put it in front of him and told him to finger paint on it if he was too far gone to remember how to sign his own name. Only about 8% of it was actually infrastructure which means 92% of it is not infrastructure.

Still, it got passed, while Trump had the opportunity to get a far better bill passed which would have been around 50% actual infrastructure but Trump blew it all up. He decided to have temper-tantrums refusing to allow Dems to get their pound of pork barrel spending so nothing got passed.. Trump fucked that one up because he even could have gotten the border wall.. That does show a bad temperament being unable to put aside old differences in order to get things passed. That is a major personality flaw.
Honestly, I've watched this compromise shit continue to march the country hard to the left since I was a teenager. By the time I was in my mid 20's I realized there is no actual compromise, the end result is always a net gain for the left. I suppose thats why I like Trump. However, Trump isnt anywhere near as conservative as I'd prefer. His toleration for faggotry is a big problem for me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Honestly, I've watched this compromise shit continue to march the country hard to the left since I was a teenager. By the time I was in my mid 20's I realized there is no actual compromise, the end result is always a net gain for the left. I suppose thats why I like Trump. However, Trump isnt anywhere near as conservative as I'd prefer. His toleration for faggotry is a big problem for me.

I think the USA is going much further to the Right, Lokmeer

Yer winning so pop open the champagne & celebrate


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Honestly, I've watched this compromise shit continue to march the country hard to the left since I was a teenager. By the time I was in my mid 20's I realized there is no actual compromise, the end result is always a net gain for the left. I suppose thats why I like Trump. However, Trump isnt anywhere near as conservative as I'd prefer. His toleration for faggotry is a big problem for me.

I think the USA is going much further to the Right, Lokmeer

Yer winning so pop open the champagne & celebrate
Lets hope so, but that hasnt happened just yet. 100 years ago, you could own a fully automatic tommy gun.100 years ago, people would have beat you to death in the streets for being a trannie. 100 years ago, an open satanist would have had their house burned down and possibly lynched. 100 years ago, Albert Fish types were promptly executed.

See josephine, just because we had a few victories for the right recently, doesnt mean we're making up lost ground. We've merely stemmed the further erosion and loss of a few freedoms and decency.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Hail TRUMP Forever the Lord!

LIKE Erdogan in Turkey eh?
God Willing.

Then it'll fulfill the dreaded prophecy of Alexander Tytler that the USA turns into a dictatorship which many fear is coming.

Only TRUMP can fix our once great country.

But he couldn't fix it last time.

Because we have so many fuckwads in office who want to serve themselves and not the people.

It's more than just getting a president in. People HAVE to get involved in local state government.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Honestly, I've watched this compromise shit continue to march the country hard to the left since I was a teenager. By the time I was in my mid 20's I realized there is no actual compromise, the end result is always a net gain for the left. I suppose thats why I like Trump. However, Trump isnt anywhere near as conservative as I'd prefer. His toleration for faggotry is a big problem for me.

I think the USA is going much further to the Right, Lokmeer

Yer winning so pop open the champagne & celebrate

It's not. It's absolutely going left. The further left you go.....the bigger government gets. The further right you go....the smaller government gets.

People left or lean left are being TOLD the establishment is "right wing". Its not.

That's why I always say.....if policies were being listed off with no names or labels attached to them? Leftists would probably think the left policies were right wing. They wouldnt know. They'd credit right wing policies to the left.

They wouldnt know what fascism is without labels either.

They are much more enmeshed in rhetoric and narrative than the meat of the issues.