People who brag about shit they own or plan to buy

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I'm pretty sure the guy working in the heat took his top off because it was hot, not to put on a show for you LOL.

It's apparent that you aren't getting any action at home, what with your constant bad tempered outbursts and Shirley Velentine type remarks about young builders.

Go take a cold shower or something. :LOL3:



Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yeah, lotus don't likey no peepole bragging about their life unless it's some mentally ill boydecoy with gender dysphoria doing it

then it's perfectly fine

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Come on Flea, it's OBVIOUS that she ain't getting action in the boudoir from that soyboy hub of hers.

He's probs busy jacking off to trannie porn while she seeths in the other room...

I bet they even have seperate beds. LMFAO


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Come on Flea, it's OBVIOUS that she ain't getting action in the boudoir from that soyboy hub of hers.

He's probs busy jacking off to trannie porn while she seeths in the other room...

I bet they even have seperate beds. LMFAO

Yeah. You're right again.


If you only knew.

Dumb cuck.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
LettuceBrain is known as "The Homewrecker" in her little circle of acquaintances.

She would not be getting involved with married men if her own relationship was good. That is obvious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Or preying on unsuspecting teenage builders.

She's only a few more steps away from becoming a full blown sexpest....

He wasn't a teenager, you cuck. Easily in his thirties. And what we had was strictly between us, so STFU.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
LotusBud is a grizzled veteran of teh poark wars. We owe her our respect.
I'd take Lotusbud over Poark any day of the week

at least she's open and up front with her disdain towards people and doesn't cozy up behind the backs of others to peddle PI like the other two hefty lefties around here

just sayin


Domestically feral
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United states
What's wrong with strippers again? I forgot
nothing, easiest bitches to pick up ... when yoo look like me (:

True that.. if they lack the sense of smell...

And have bad eyesight.

ha ha TWO ugly losers who've yet to taste a stripper LOLOLOLOL
always easy to spot yer kind, one emits a blinding glare the other a menacing emmmmmm 'bouncer' :LOL3::LOL3:

Fella, if I'm ugly then you must be quite literally the creature from the swamp LOL.

As if you're actually on here boasting about fucking strippers ffs, as though it's some kind of achievement or difficult for any half decent looking guy.

Heck, half my exes over the years have been strippers, not while I was with them though, having other men drooling over my girl while she prances around naked doesn't bode well with me.

One of my best friends was in a longterm relationship with a lap dancer and he had endless problems with her. There were constant rumours of her cheating, going away on dirty weekends with rich punters etc.

Is a "lap dancer" something different from a stripper over there?

Because here in America strippers have to do it all. And by "all" I simply mean they are the entertainment. The stage dancing. The table dancing. The lap dancing. The Champaign room/VIP dancing.

The goal the send men out hammered drunk and broke. And happy about it. Lol

Or at least it was in my day. I hear some terrible and very sad things about life as a stripper today. It wasnt exactly healthy and fun when I did it but it seems to have declined even further.

It's basically the same here, only in some joints they keep their g-strings on and only go topless.

Did your boss ever ask whether you wanted to go away on "trips" with wealthy customers? This is what happened with my mate and he hit the roof when he found out.

Most places here you wear bottoms and just go topless.

In Mobile have to have nipple pasties. Everywhere alcohol is served you have to have bottoms on.

There are all nude places where alcohol is not served. And I have always found it lame and gross lol

And yes I've been asked for all kinds of things for stupid amounts of money. But I never did any of it mostly out of fear of being raped and/or murdered.

I think the owner of the club where my mate's girl was working had some kind of deal with the men and knew them pretty well so there wasn't any danger of the girls being hurt. I suppose you never know though and once the booze and drugs were flowing who knows what went on.

WTF is a nipple pasty Lol.

Exactly. You can never know. And I always went straight home most of the time. I had a few "stripper friends" who not into the party lifestyle that came with stripping. So sometimes we would go get food and play darts at this smaller corner pub off Bourbon.

Other than that I would leave when I was done for the night and I never wanted to see any of those men outside of the club, ever. The thought of being with one of them out somewhere a weekend situation....just gave me a lot of anxiety.

Aww bless ya cotton socks, you were a "good girl" kind of stripper LOL. In my experience, most prefer to party and get wasted for days on end.

****Long post about a popular topic....Dovey the Stripper****

Well....I wouldnt go that far. But when I started doing it, I was 18 and I was helping my grandma. She didnt know what I was doing....I told her I was waitressing. I saved my partying for my friends...none of which were strippers. At that time i was afraid to drink too much at the club. That eventually changed though when I started working in the French Quater.

When i was older i was doing it to support my daughters. I was a single mother and I was fleeing my state to escape an abusive marriage. The first job I took down there was actually at Walmart lol. I had to pay off a student loan from my degree in ECD and I had used all my savings to get a divorce
....I had to have an attorney for that and it was expensive. Then the rest I lived off of when i got to MS. There really was not anyway to work in child care and still be able to do things like eat. Most of my earnings would have been ate by having to bring my children.

So I went right back to stripping.

I liked working in New Orleans because I could easily make more than enough and only have work 3 or 4 nights a week. Sometimes only 1 or 2. But it would be ALL night....because there is no "last call" down there and if you are making money you are gonna stay. I was often sleep deprived because I wanted the time with my kids. I was always taking them to the beach and the zoo. I was renting this really adorable house in Gulfport MS that was right across the street from the ocean. I bought a minivan and paid off my student loan. I made a few good choices but I was mostly really dumb with money. My thinking was I can always make more.(which is typical thinking for strippers)

I ultimately had to "retire" because I was developing a problem with alcohol and I was really getting wore out from it. It completely killed my interest in sex. It was making me hate men. I had a married man who was sitting there venting about his wife and how miserable he is with his with his marriage and he offered me 400 dollars for a blow job. I stopped caring about where I was and asked him if he considered the possibility his marriage sucks because instead of being at home with his family.....he is sitting in a strip club offering a strange woman 400 bucks (that could pay for marriage counseling) to suck his dick.

I felt so bad for this jokers wife. They had 4 kids. And the mother is at home with them where she should be and this knuckledragger is sitting by himself in a strip club being creepy and trying to buy blow jobs. Bashing her. Insulting her body. Complaining that she was always too tired. It was just disgusting. And I told him some truths he didnt want to hear. We...had some words.

I got sent home by the manager to "take a break" and just never went back until a few months....then i went in to sell all my shoes and outfits and everything and I was just done. Never missed it. It was getting further complicated by the fact I had been bonding with Big. He was really there for me when the consequences of walking out on that started hitting me. I stayed with a friend of mines family for a few months in Mobile. Then I left everything, got on a train from New Orleans and came back to MI. (My minivan met a terrible fate. Someone completely took it apart and stole several parts out of it. And I could spend 5k fixing it or I could go home....I went home).

So I wasnt exactly a "good girl"(whatever that is)....I was pretty dumb and irresponsible. I just wasnt partying for days on end because the whole point for me was being with my daughters as much as possible and having enough money to provide them with things like, a house across the street from the ocean and lots of enrichment. It just became too much to balance in a healthy way and I didnt have proper foresight. I could have done much better with the money I had made....but that's a lesson learned. I also got stalked and that certainly didnt help....and that's a whole other several paragraphs lol.

I did it off and on for about 10 years and the motive was always the money. It was easy money for me and allowed me to have a lot of free time. I'm not proud of it, but I'm absolutely not ashamed of it either. This is a society that prides itself on taking care of women.....and its complete bullshit. One major theme all strippers and "sex workers" have in common is growing up in broken homes and suffering some sort of abuse and sexual trauma. Many have issues with drugs or alcohol or both. And I was no different.

Ideally I'd like to challange the stigma, but no one seems interested in the middle ground between condemnation and hate, and the flip side of celebrating it and calling it...."empowering". When this came out online (due to a doxxing btw) the responses were interesting. I get the whole "ur a pole whore" shit but there were women who would come to me in PM talking about fantasies they have of being desires by men and showered with money and attention. Glamorizing it like some movie lol. It's nothing like that in real life.

I would prefer it be stigmatized than ever celebrated.


Domestically feral
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United states

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
LotusBud is a grizzled veteran of teh poark wars. We owe her our respect.
I'd take Lotusbud over Poark any day of the week

at least she's open and up front with her disdain towards people and doesn't cozy up behind the backs of others to peddle PI like the other two hefty lefties around here

just sayin

Lotus doesn't deliberately try to destroy friendships and forums with her own personal misery that is projected on to others like the cow.

She may be a whacky leftist sheep but she's not malicious


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
LotusBud is a grizzled veteran of teh poark wars. We owe her our respect.
I'd take Lotusbud over Poark any day of the week

at least she's open and up front with her disdain towards people and doesn't cozy up behind the backs of others to peddle PI like the other two hefty lefties around here

just sayin

Lotus doesn't deliberately try to destroy friendships and forums with her own personal misery that is projected on to others like the cow.

She may be a whacky leftist sheep but she's not malicious

Not at all