Post about what our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has done for you


Have kink will travel.
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No more relevant than a troll posting about religion.

Me or somebody else?

I'm being honest about what I think on this subject.

Religion is what we didn't have a framework to explain and therefore deemed it in the magical realm.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
No more relevant than a troll posting about religion.

Me or somebody else?

I'm being honest about what I think on this subject.

Religion is what we didn't have a framework to explain and therefore deemed it in the magical realm.
Someone else of course.

Some of us were smart back in the day…it was easy to see how one’s fellow beings could be subjugated through the blind-faith construct.


Domestically feral
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United states
God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.

God is called 'he' because of patriarchy. Women have been rocks of the family and leaders for time immemorial. That is not the purview of men only.

In the perfect world that God created before the fall, the patriarchal structure wasnt toxic.

God cursed men to live by their work. And cursed women that men would rule over us. And that's exactly what we see happening.

Men are intended by God to be the heads of the family. But when men arent doing their job....women have to.


Domestically feral
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United states
God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.

God is called 'he' because of patriarchy. Women have been rocks of the family and leaders for time immemorial. That is not the purview of men only.

Yet Eve was the first to break the only rule....

Oh, so that makes all women bad? You are an idiot. I bet you, the biggest hater on the board, also call yourself a Christian.

Eve was deceived. It was Adam that committed the first sin by failing to protect Eve. Adam stood there and not just allowed the serpent(a fallen wasnt a snake like all the cartoony pictures show) to deceive her, but he also ate it.

So while Eve was lied to, Adam is the one who knew better and he directly disobeyed God.

That's why in Roman's it says sin and death entered the world through Adam. And through Jesus its defeated. The first prophecy of Christ is right in Gensis 3.


Have kink will travel.
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God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.

God is called 'he' because of patriarchy. Women have been rocks of the family and leaders for time immemorial. That is not the purview of men only.

In the perfect world that God created before the fall, the patriarchal structure wasnt toxic.

God cursed men to live by their work. And cursed women that men would rule over us. And that's exactly what we see happening.

Men are intended by God to be the heads of the family. But when men arent doing their job....women have to.

That's always seemed like folklore and superstition to me.

I think that ET'S showed up on earth tens of thousands of years ago, played around with our genomes, and we carried on around tribal camp-fires telling the best stories we could about what happened.


Domestically feral
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United states
Lmao @ cow thinking someone needs to earn her respect while she’s busy dissing Jesus cause he didn’t make her pretty

She thinks she entitled to the respect of others and people need to be constantly respectful towards but shes allowed to shit on others and be hateful and nasty.

That whole self importance thing.


Domestically feral
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United states
God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.

God is called 'he' because of patriarchy. Women have been rocks of the family and leaders for time immemorial. That is not the purview of men only.

In the perfect world that God created before the fall, the patriarchal structure wasnt toxic.

God cursed men to live by their work. And cursed women that men would rule over us. And that's exactly what we see happening.

Men are intended by God to be the heads of the family. But when men arent doing their job....women have to.

That's always seemed like folklore and superstition to me.

I think that ET'S showed up on earth tens of thousands of years ago, played around with our genomes, and we carried on around tribal camp-fires telling the best stories we could about what happened.

You are fun to have these convos with :D


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.

God is called 'he' because of patriarchy. Women have been rocks of the family and leaders for time immemorial. That is not the purview of men only.

In the perfect world that God created before the fall, the patriarchal structure wasnt toxic.

God cursed men to live by their work. And cursed women that men would rule over us. And that's exactly what we see happening.

Men are intended by God to be the heads of the family. But when men arent doing their job....women have to.

That's always seemed like folklore and superstition to me.

I think that ET'S showed up on earth tens of thousands of years ago, played around with our genomes, and we carried on around tribal camp-fires telling the best stories we could about what happened.

You are fun to have these convos with :D

Thank you, mam.

I aim to oblige.


Domestically feral
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United states
God is a made-made construct. If God were real, she would’ve eliminated the plague that we know as humanity. Time will tell I guess…

Why does God need to be one of the biological sexes?

God is called long suffering and gracious BECAUSE He (God is referred to as a He because the father is intended to be the rock of the family and leader) didn't destroy humanity. Pretty much the entirety of scripture is saying the world is a sinful and distorted mess that is on numbered days before it's made new.
Mother Nature I guess…and I was brought into this world by a female. Even the male body is an extension of a female biological blueprint.

I am more inclined to think that our planet was seeded by a very advanced inter-galactic species: aliens if you will. I honestly don’t because a God would sit by idle while a single species fucks over the entire planet.

Well God created nature and is the source of both male and female. He is both male and female and neither. Each are part of His image. (What I believe based on scripture and who/what God is).

So if we were seeded from aliens.....who made the aliens?
God is a man-made construct…like supernatural entities. It’s all poppycock and fables. Subservient common folk are easy to handle. This goes right back to the year dot.

If Christianity was such an effective tool of control......authoritarian governments would embrace it rather than banning it and murdering Christian's.

People who follow God wont submit to other humans. The principles of liberty and freedom that the western world was built on come from Christianity.

People who think it's a way to "control" the masses literally think that way because it comes with moral standards and it's the sexual ones people are the most offended by. People have somehow deluded themselves into thinking that hedonism and unfettered sex is freedom and anything that tells you hedonism is wrong and unhealthy is "controling" and shaming.

Look at what the bible tells you is wrong and think about why. Every single thing that's a sin harms us and harms society. Murder, theft, rape, chattel slavery, fornication, drunkenness(addiction)....all of it is bad for us. Scripture tells us its sin and the flesh we are slaves to.

Telling people that humans are broken and sinful and that God must be placed first doesnt seem like a very effective way to control others. You are telling them not to follow you or any other human. Than add in the moral standards that break down the hold physical things have on people.

The Apostle Paul spent a lot of time in Roman jail writing scriptures like

"11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, (
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)to be content: 12 (
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)I know how to [
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]be abased, and I know how to [
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]abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things (
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)through [
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]Christ who strengthens me."

I mean good luck controling someone who thinks like this. You cant use money or sex or even torture to break someone like this. Not even the threat of death sways Paul. Fear and intimidation....nope. Not sure how this firm spiritual focus and mentality would help scheming humans control others. You literally have nothing over them. They will reject things of the world. The early church was heavily persecuted because they couldnt be controlled and they were spreading the gospel.

It's why authoritarian regimes have such a specail hatred of Christian's. With Jesus comes true freedom. It's not about rules to follow or fear of hell as some people think it is. It's much deeper. It's about life and liberty and freedom from the brokenness that is our experience here.

You wanna see a man made construct that's used as a tool of control, look no further than government.
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It's not Christianity that authority hates, it's any belief system which differentiates right from wrong.

So....the game of soccer was created in ancient European times to keep soldiers fit and positive through decades of peace time.... and so were native American tribal games involving balls, corn cob badminton like darts, and the idea of counting coup.

Both had merits and shared a lot of common grounds.

Authority hates systems of self governance. They will use one to break another.... then break the last one.


Domestically feral
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United states
It's not Christianity that authority hates, it's any belief system which differentiates right from wrong.

So....the game of soccer was created in ancient European times to keep soldiers fit and positive through decades of peace time.... and so were native American tribal games involving balls, corn cob badminton like darts, and the idea of counting coup.

Both had merits and shared a lot of common grounds.

Authority hates systems of self governance. They will use one to break another.... then break the last one.

Well yeah. That's why they all have an unhinged hate of Christian's are correct, anyone passionate about self governing.

Look how Covid was just used by the government to foster fear.....and then hatred between the people and the willingness to let government step in and control peoples lives and even bodies.

You cannot frighten followers of Christ into any sort of sinful or unreasonable compliance. Or any liberty and freedom minded people.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It's not Christianity that authority hates, it's any belief system which differentiates right from wrong.

So....the game of soccer was created in ancient European times to keep soldiers fit and positive through decades of peace time.... and so were native American tribal games involving balls, corn cob badminton like darts, and the idea of counting coup.

Both had merits and shared a lot of common grounds.

Authority hates systems of self governance. They will use one to break another.... then break the last one.

Well yeah. That's why they all have an unhinged hate of Christian's are correct, anyone passionate about self governing.

Look how Covid was just used by the government to foster fear.....and then hatred between the people and the willingness to let government step in and control peoples lives and even bodies.

You cannot frighten followers of Christ into any sort of sinful or unreasonable compliance. Or any liberty and freedom minded people.

My very religious inlaws bought into the narrative though....


Domestically feral
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United states
2 Timothy 4

"6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing"

When your fear is the Lord and your reward isnt in this world, this world cannot break or control you. Even the threat of death cant break you.

The craftiest form of control is false and fake religion like the prosperity gospel or dogmatic Catholicism. Any sort of belief system that discourages study of Gods word is not interested in your freedom. Anything that encourages you to submit first to any human authority should be passionately resisted. Look how easily people can be controlled with money and sex and things that appeal to the flesh.

Voluntary participation and self governance is the righteous way. Our only ultimate authority is God.

The whole concept of inalienable rights is rooted in God. We were given our natural human rights by our Creator. Government and humans do not grant us our rights - they exist to preserve our rights we were already given by a higher authority. If our rights are given to us by government.....the government can take them. This is why rights and liberties granted by God Himself is important and such a fundamental part of freedom and liberty.

People who hate and reject this concept are interested in controling others.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's not Christianity that authority hates, it's any belief system which differentiates right from wrong.

So....the game of soccer was created in ancient European times to keep soldiers fit and positive through decades of peace time.... and so were native American tribal games involving balls, corn cob badminton like darts, and the idea of counting coup.

Both had merits and shared a lot of common grounds.

Authority hates systems of self governance. They will use one to break another.... then break the last one.

Well yeah. That's why they all have an unhinged hate of Christian's are correct, anyone passionate about self governing.

Look how Covid was just used by the government to foster fear.....and then hatred between the people and the willingness to let government step in and control peoples lives and even bodies.

You cannot frighten followers of Christ into any sort of sinful or unreasonable compliance. Or any liberty and freedom minded people.

My very religious inlaws bought into the narrative though....

Yeah. There are a lot of religious people that have.

That's the difference between "religious" and "spiritual".

The bible doesnt teach us to be religious.....scripture actually calls out pious and religious acts. Jesus had the harshest words for the Pharisees.

It was religiousness that was used by God to send Christ to the cross. Christ was being charged with blasphemy for openly making Himself equal to God. All the religious people hated Him the most.

When people just practice religion to the point where they dont even hear the voice of Christ ....that's not good at all. They would be better off being secular. Secular nonbelievers are more receptive to the voice of the Savoir than heavily religious(empty religion) people are.

Religion as defined in scripture so simple.

25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world"

James 1. The "law of liberty".
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It's not Christianity that authority hates, it's any belief system which differentiates right from wrong.

So....the game of soccer was created in ancient European times to keep soldiers fit and positive through decades of peace time.... and so were native American tribal games involving balls, corn cob badminton like darts, and the idea of counting coup.

Both had merits and shared a lot of common grounds.

Authority hates systems of self governance. They will use one to break another.... then break the last one.

Well yeah. That's why they all have an unhinged hate of Christian's are correct, anyone passionate about self governing.

Look how Covid was just used by the government to foster fear.....and then hatred between the people and the willingness to let government step in and control peoples lives and even bodies.

You cannot frighten followers of Christ into any sort of sinful or unreasonable compliance. Or any liberty and freedom minded people.

My very religious inlaws bought into the narrative though....

Yeah. There are a lot of religious people that have.

That's the difference between "religious" and "spiritual".

The bible doesnt teach us to be religious.....scripture actually calls out pious and religious acts. Jesus had the harshest words for the Pharisees.

It was religiousness that was used by God to send Christ to the cross. Christ was being charged with blasphemy for openly making Himself equal to God. All the religious people hated Him the most.

When people just practice religion to the point where they dont even hear the voice of Christ ....that's not good at all. They would be better off being secular. Secular nonbelievers are more receptive to the voice of the Savoir than heavily religious(empty religion) people are.

Religion as defined in scripture so simple.

25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world"

James 1. The "law of liberty".

My inlaws fought for us to be present at two Christmas get-to-gethers. Their reasoning was that they were in their mid 80's and jabbed, and they have lived a full if they died, it was OK.

Flash fucking forward.... no fucking disease....


Factory Bastard
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Deuternonomy 18 Occult Practices
9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Leviticus 20:27 “‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.’”
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Jesus does not believe in hate. Pretty sure he's pissed the fuck off at you and the way you spread hate.

If you, Biggie, are an actual Christian, then Christianity is fucking worthless.
Jesus and his father most certainly do believe in hate you drooling fucking idiot

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If God didn't hate faggots and other assorted degenerates how did the great flood of Noah's day or Sodom and Gomorrah come about you ditz?

All throughout history God has slaughtered wicked pieces of shit like those you see on the left and even most recently showed his divine will when he bestowed upon the great Kyle Rittenhouse the type of precision aim that can only be described as the will of the divine


God most certainly does hate liberals and that's primarily because you degenerate pieces of shit hated him first
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Pick up a bible and read it you liberal pieces of animal waste

you might not look like such utter fuckwits when trying to debate someone who has read his bible, cover to cover, twice.

God is not the pansy little love puppy which you can take advantage of at will you cretins like to think he is. He's more than ready, willing and able to fuck your shit up royally and will do so very soon.

"Jesus doesn't believe in hate" I'll show you 20 fucking examples to the contrary you moronic ditz

cretin scum


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just look at this shit here! We tolerated faggits into the church because stupid assholes chanted "no judging" and now witches are A-OK too! LOL! There's no denying the signs of the times.

In recent years, groups describing themselves as Christian witches have argued that Christians can practice witchcraft despite biblical warnings against the practice.

The Rev. Valerie Love, who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, argued in an
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that there is nothing wrong with Christians being witches.

“Stop thinking you can tell people how to worship. Stop thinking you can tell people how to connect with the divine. I could tell you how many people have told me, ‘You can’t be a Christian witch,’ but here I am,” she said in a
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. “See, you can’t tell me how to worship. You cannot tell me how to connect with the divine. That’s between me and God. You cannot tell me how to pray.”

Everyone of these assholes should burn at a stake along with the faggits!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This thread has gone full troll now.

ANYONE has a problem with me, @ me in meltdown.

It's really, really hard to respond to a thread titled "Share what our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has done for you" when it was titled that by the most hateful guy on all the forums I have ever been on. Jesus DID NOT preach hate. He preached forgiveness, love, and tolerance. The exact opposite of that sad soul, Biggie.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This thread has gone full troll now.

ANYONE has a problem with me, @ me in meltdown.

It's really, really hard to respond to a thread titled "Share what our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has done for you" when it was titled that by the most hateful guy on all the forums I have ever been on. Jesus DID NOT preach hate. He preached forgiveness, love, and tolerance. The exact opposite of that sad soul, Biggie.
Jesus doesn't ""tolerate"" men who claim they are women - "Male and female he created them" Genesis 5:2

Jesus doesn't ""tolerate"" women who destroy innocent life in the womb - "your eye saw even the embryo of me" Psalm 139:16-18

I could go on and on

Pick up a bible and read it, fuckhead


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This thread has gone full troll now.

ANYONE has a problem with me, @ me in meltdown.

It's really, really hard to respond to a thread titled "Share what our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has done for you" when it was titled that by the most hateful guy on all the forums I have ever been on. Jesus DID NOT preach hate. He preached forgiveness, love, and tolerance. The exact opposite of that sad soul, Biggie.

It's true that Christ did teach love, forgiveness.....tolerance not so much. More like patience. We arent supposed to tolerate sin. Jesus taught just a little bit of sin can taint the whole.


Jesus actually told a group of religious scribes their mouths were like open graves.


Factory Bastard
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Pick up a bible and read it you liberal pieces of animal waste

you might not look like such utter fuckwits when trying to debate someone who has read his bible, cover to cover, twice.

God is not the pansy little love puppy which you can take advantage of at will you cretins like to think he is. He's more than ready, willing and able to fuck your shit up royally and will do so very soon.

"Jesus doesn't believe in hate" I'll show you 20 fucking examples to the contrary you moronic ditz

cretin scum

God is punishing you Stubby. A sedentary dwarf for life. Sorry
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This thread has gone full troll now.

ANYONE has a problem with me, @ me in meltdown.

It's really, really hard to respond to a thread titled "Share what our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has done for you" when it was titled that by the most hateful guy on all the forums I have ever been on. Jesus DID NOT preach hate. He preached forgiveness, love, and tolerance. The exact opposite of that sad soul, Biggie.

It's true that Christ did teach love, forgiveness.....tolerance not so much. More like patience. We arent supposed to tolerate sin. Jesus taught just a little bit of sin can taint the whole.


Jesus actually told a group of religious scribes their mouths were like open graves.
Sounds about as abrasive as Trump

no wonder liberal scum like Fat Oak hate him