Proud Boy who stormed the Capitol cries like a 12 year old girl, as judge sends him back to prison



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Will be pardoned by Trump during his 3rd term.
I hope you would be man enough to not burst out in tears, until you were back in your cell safe in Bubba's arms.
I dont need a pardon, Gayvee boi!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Will be pardoned by Trump during his 3rd term.
I hope you would be man enough to not burst out in tears, until you were back in your cell safe in Bubba's arms.
I dont need a pardon, Gayvee boi!

See? They all got them fuckin "I'm a tough guy" beard.
It's like the Crybaby Club uniform.
I'm pretty sure the shelves of Psychology Phd Theses would be full of studies of the poosies that grow beards to hide behind.


Will be pardoned by Trump during his 3rd term.
I hope you would be man enough to not burst out in tears, until you were back in your cell safe in Bubba's arms.
I dont need a pardon, Gayvee boi!
See? They all got them fuckin "I'm a tough guy" beard.
It's like the Crybaby Club uniform.
I mean look at that top/middle picture there. He's literally crying blood.
That's how hard he's crying.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Will be pardoned by Trump during his 3rd term.
I hope you would be man enough to not burst out in tears, until you were back in your cell safe in Bubba's arms.
I dont need a pardon, Gayvee boi!
See? They all got them fuckin "I'm a tough guy" beard.
It's like the Crybaby Club uniform.
I mean look at that top/middle picture there. He's literally crying blood.
That's how hard he's crying.
It's no small wonder that they have to join gangs to feel safe.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Oerdin How come all of Andy's "Buddies" are going to jail?

You seem deluded as the proud boys are not his buddies. Also, it is doubtful they will be convicted but we shall see.
He used to hang with them and coordinate locations with the "enemy" ie the rag tag group of local activists, that Andy and you like to collectivize them as The Antifa in the earlier mini Portland riots going back several years. I have provided those links to you a couple times.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the proud boys.

Do you even know why they exist? Its BLOW BACK against "black bloc" shitty antifa and their political street violence.

You know what's fucking stupid and horrible? The fact that leftwing activists form violent groups that use intimidation and violence to influence politcs, that inspire people to group together in opposition to that.

You always slam them without looking at the reason why they even exist. For all the talk about pushing back against oppression, you guys sure dont recognize that when people start doing it. What do you expect when street thugs start using political violence to intimidate and harrass anyone who doesnt want to be in a communist shit hole country?
You are unamerican, to the camps for you.

Yeah no.

Its completely American to form a group to defend a community from political violence.

Your unwillingness to say shit about antifa is unAmerican as fuck.