Questions for you Biden lovers

The Countess

Hood with it
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Some of Biden's day one Executive Actions:
—Defend the DACA program
—Preserve protections for Liberians in America
—Rejoin the WHO
—End the Travel Ban
—End the Keystone XL Pipeline
—Change ICE arrest priorities
—End Border Wall construction

How does any of this help Americans?


Factory Bastard
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The 17 executive orders Biden made on his first half day. Remember when liberals used to lie and claim executive orders were illegal and unconstitutional? Yeah, they don't remember shit like that when their guy does it.


1) Require masks on Federal Property. Biden broke his own rule with in an hour. It is mostly for show and mostly meaningless.

2) Rejoin WHO. I could take this or leave it but rejoining and paying all that money without demanding reforms (remember that China now controls the WHO) is foolish. I expect many more foolish yet symbolic moves which fail to do anything positive out of this administration.

3) Set up a covid office directly controlled by Biden. Again, pretty useless, will lead to micro managing , Biden should learn how to delegate authority like all effective leaders do. I doubt he will be effective.

4) Extends eviction ban and foreosure ban. This is classic feel good liberal nonsense which will end up blocking much needed clearing of bums who can pay their bills but who refuse to do so. It is going to fuck landlords, especially small landlords, and it is going to fuck up financial markets by clogging them with nonperforming loans. The longer this feel good crap goes on the bigger this problem is going to become. This is right up there with Obama's "let's force lenders to give loans to people who will never be able to repay them" stupid idea.

5) Extend freeze student loan collection and freeze interest. Mostly good but they will probably lose the law suit banks fed demanding financial compensation for lost revenue which banks filled last year over this stuff.

6) Rejoin Paris Climate Accord. Another meaningless puff piece. All this guy seems to do is empty virtue signaling.

7) Revoke permit for Keystone XL and ban virtually oil drilling on Federal land. Stupid, stupid, stupid. We will then have to import this instead of getting jobs, royalties, and taxpayments here in America. Oh, and the Canadian government is royally pissed and threatening to sue as the Keystone pipeline is the safest way to move oil from Alberta to international markets. Harmful in every way.

8) Officially kill the 1776 education commission. Because he wants left wing lies and propaganda taught to students instead of facts. If you have kids put them in private school if you can afford it because public schools are going to get even worse, far worse

9) Change census rules to favor Democrats. It was interesting that Biden wrongly claimed illegals had to be counted for congressional seat allocations, he even lied and said the constitution demanded it, but unfortunately for him the Supreme Court said he was wrong and a liar. The democrats lost for power knows no ends so he will of course change the census counts anyway he can probably ly using fake "projections" instead of actual counts of people.

10) Amnesty for illegal aliens in Obama's illegal DACA program. You should never, ever, ever reward criminality. But Dems always do.

11) Start allowing mass immigration from countries which do not comply with US terrorism laws. This is what liberals in the media lied and claimed was a "Muslim ban" even though it didn't ban 97% of Muslims. So expect more crime and terrorism, thanks Biden.

12) Order to end all internal enforcement of immigration laws. Every illegal alien criminal now gets to forever stay in the US no matter which crimes they commit. Not even violent felons will be allowed to be deported and Biden wants them all released into your neighborhood. This is just fucking evil and defies even basic common sense.

Will continue...
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Factory Bastard
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13) Halts border wall construction. Eveb though Obama started constructing improved border walls in 2009 and Biden cheered that; now he claims all law enforcement is bad.

14) Makes sure we get flooded with fake African "refugees". In this case Liberians but in short order it will probably be dozens of others. Dems want them over here, signed up for welfare, and registered to vote.

15) Expands bull shit protected classes which give some people more rights than other people when everyone should simy be equal. Identity pitics at its worst.

16) Etthics pledge. A nice idea though I fully expect it to have more holes than Obama's simar order which didn't stop the rampant corruption and self enrichment of Obama and his cronies.

17) Freezes rules changes the previous administration did which were designed to help release the massive and unnecessary burden on employers. Obviously this is bad.
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Domestically feral
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United states
But what good does any of that do for us as the American people?

It doesnt do shit for us. It will just take away jobs and raise taxes.

They dont care what happens to the people. They just want their "side" in office.

They will go back to sleep and just ignore the harm done like they always do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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All these executive orders and he allows over 215 people to die of COVID in the last 24 hrs

And bombs are going off in IRAQ

Guy is a ticking failure just like every other democrat


Factory Bastard
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Day two and already the Biden Administration announces they want to raise everyone's taxes. They don't say how much they want the gas taxes to go up but several Dems are talking about a $2 per gallon to pay for "climate change" even though zero of the money will do anything for climate change. Some are claiming they will spend it on roads but they never do and what they really need to do is remove the union budget busting rules that require a guy pushing a broom to literally get paid $30 per hour.

I have worked on several of these prevailing wage jobs and it was nice for me to make $79 per hour watching, documenting, and testing work other people did... That said, in private co tracts the going wage is about $25 per hour. So there is massive bloat and waste in these government contracts so we'd better off cutting all of that waste, fraud, and abuse out before we agree to just give Democrats massive new tax increases. Watch Dems lie about how they care about the poor as they make life unlovable for the poor and working class.

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Domestically feral
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United states
Day two and already the SlowJoe Administration announces they want to raise everyone's taxes. They don't say how much they want the gas taxes to go up but several Dems are talking about a $2 per gallon to pay for "climate change" even though zero of the money will do anything for climate change. Some are claiming they will spend it on roads but they never do and what they really need to do is remove the union budget busting rules that require a guy pushing a broom to literally get paid $30 per hour.

I have worked on several of these prevailing wage jobs and it was nice for me to make $79 per hour watching, documenting, and testing work other people did... That said, in private co tracts the going wage is about $25 per hour. So there is massive bloat and waste in these government contracts so we'd better off cutting all of that waste, fraud, and abuse out before we agree to just give Democrats massive new tax increases. Watch Dems lie about how they care about the poor as they make life unlovable for the poor and working class.

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Are you kidding? They fucking HATE the poor and working class.

They destroy peoples lives all over the place and pretend it's a civil rights movement.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Boy, all the trolls who have been saying for four years that if we didn’t like it here we should move, are awfully touchy having the same said to them.

All the people harmed by democrat policies cannot afford to fucking move.

That's the problem. When they CAN afford it things are good here they want to stay.

Then you suburban pricks install Jim Crow Joe and now the ones who will suffer are trapped and have to just survive. I'm sure they would love to bail.

Maybe check your priviledge.


Factory Bastard
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They gonna hand out gas cards to bums next? :LOL2:

That sounds like something they'd do. "I am doubling the price of gas but to show I care I will use someone else's money to buy you two gallons. All the rest is on you."


Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
Some of SlowJoe's day one Executive Actions:
—Defend the DACA program
—Preserve protections for Liberians in America
—Rejoin the WHO
—End the Travel Ban
—End the Keystone XL Pipeline
—Change ICE arrest priorities
—End Border Wall construction

How does any of this help Americans?

Just wait for him to bring in a carbon tax.... it will happen and then everything you buy will go up in price.


Factory Bastard
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You people really should leave America and go somewhere they already have this kind of disaster England for instance. Hell, Canduhduh is libtarded to the max and you keep bellyaching about moving there when a Republican wins. Just go to that shithole already! PWN3D!


Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
You people really should leave America and go somewhere they already have this kind of disaster England for instance. Hell, Canduhduh is libtarded to the max and you keep bellyaching about moving there when a Republican wins. Just go to that shithole already! PWN3D!
Fuck I live in Khanada and I'm even trying to leave this shithole.

Viva western independence



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Interestingly, regardless of what feels about B Iden or T rump, the latter might have won the election had it not been for the Pandemic.

Just 1% or less, possibly just an increase o 0.5% of the vote might have tipped the election in T rump's favour according to thsi somewhat Pro Democratic YouTube channel:

So while the news media had T rump way behind in the polls, the end result suggests it was very close all the way to the Finish.

...proving perhaps that when people in real life tell you you can't win at something, you may actualy be closeer than you think to your goals and your naysayers always hae ulterior motives for discrediting you.
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Factory Bastard
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7) Revoke permit for Keystone XL and ban virtually oil drilling on Federal land. Stupid, stupid, stupid. We will then have to import this instead of getting jobs, royalties, and taxpayments here in America. Oh, and the Canadian government is royally pissed and threatening to sue as the Keystone pipeline is the safest way to move oil from Alberta to international markets. Harmful in every way.

I think it's way too sudden a shift to declare oil dead or on its way out yet.

Much, perhaps most of the economy of the US and the rest of the world is still based on oil.

That shift will take at least a generation or 2.

Even the goal of all electric vehicles by 2035 seems a tad optimistic.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Some of SlowJoe's day one Executive Actions:
—Defend the DACA program
—Preserve protections for Liberians in America
—Rejoin the WHO
—End the Travel Ban
—End the Keystone XL Pipeline
—Change ICE arrest priorities
—End Border Wall construction

How does any of this help Americans?

I'm not a Sloppy Joe lover, so I won't answer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Boy, all the trolls who have been saying for four years that if we didn’t like it here we should move, are awfully touchy having the same said to them.

All the people harmed by democrat policies cannot afford to fucking move.

That's the problem. When they CAN afford it things are good here they want to stay.

Then you suburban pricks install Jim Crow Joe and now the ones who will suffer are trapped and have to just survive. I'm sure they would love to bail.

Maybe check your priviledge.

You're starting to piss me off, Dove. Trump has been president for the last four years, and the SCOTUS is CON and the Senate was CON until 24 hours ago.

CON and neolib policies BOTH are strangling working Americans, and it will not change until we get corporate money 100% out of politics. It is the corporatoracy -- of both parties -- that is killing the middle and working classes. You listen to Jimmy Dore and you still don't get it? SMH


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
7) Revoke permit for Keystone XL and ban virtually oil drilling on Federal land. Stupid, stupid, stupid. We will then have to import this instead of getting jobs, royalties, and taxpayments here in America. Oh, and the Canadian government is royally pissed and threatening to sue as the Keystone pipeline is the safest way to move oil from Alberta to international markets. Harmful in every way.

I think it's way too sudden a shift to declare oil dead or on its way out yet.

Much, perhaps most of the economy of the US and the rest of the world is still based on oil.

That shift will take at least a generation or 2.

Even the goal of all electric vehicles by 2035 seems a tad optimistic.

On that we agree.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
7) Revoke permit for Keystone XL and ban virtually oil drilling on Federal land. Stupid, stupid, stupid. We will then have to import this instead of getting jobs, royalties, and taxpayments here in America. Oh, and the Canadian government is royally pissed and threatening to sue as the Keystone pipeline is the safest way to move oil from Alberta to international markets. Harmful in every way.

I think it's way too sudden a shift to declare oil dead or on its way out yet.

Much, perhaps most of the economy of the US and the rest of the world is still based on oil.

That shift will take at least a generation or 2.

Even the goal of all electric vehicles by 2035 seems a tad optimistic.

On that we agree.

Moving away from oil/fossil fuels gradually may be a good move, but it has to be done gradually and in stages.

And oil will never be completely be revmoved from the equation as is used in plastics & manufacturing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Boy, all the trolls who have been saying for four years that if we didn’t like it here we should move, are awfully touchy having the same said to them.

All the people harmed by democrat policies cannot afford to fucking move.

That's the problem. When they CAN afford it things are good here they want to stay.

Then you suburban pricks install Jim Crow Joe and now the ones who will suffer are trapped and have to just survive. I'm sure they would love to bail.

Maybe check your priviledge.

You're starting to piss me off, Dove. Drumpf has been president for the last four years, and the SCOTUS is CON and the Senate was CON until 24 hours ago.

CON and neolib policies BOTH are strangling working Americans, and it will not change until we get corporate money 100% out of politics. It is the corporatoracy -- of both parties -- that is killing the middle and working classes. You listen to Jimmy Dore and you still don't get it? SMH

I know that, Lotus.

Do you see anyone here trying to talk about that though? You got Hollowbrain calling me a Russian "putanist" ffs.

Dont you think if my "opposition" here did more than simply spew "orange man putanist" nonsense that I would be showing some criticism of the ones I supported?

Yanno, you gotta be harder on the ones you vote for. Hard to do when you are constantly defending what you do support.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Getting money out of politics is great but according to the Supreme Court it can't be done without a constitutional amendment as supposedly money is speech according to them. Now, T rump's policy of restricting mass immigration of low skilled people did result in some pretty good income increases across the board including for low and middle class people. You take out the cheap labor flooding the market and wages rise for blue caller workers.

Under four years of T rump median household income (not average but median) for the middle class went up $7000. The largest increase since the 1980's in percentage terms. Low income (bottom 20%) saw an even larger $3900 net increase per person (household income usually means two workers where as this is per individual). Work place participation increased where as the unemployment rate for all groups hit record lows.

Remember, under Obama's anti-business policies black unemployment was in the double digits all the way until 2016; it almost halved under four years of Trump. Covid did fuck things up (especially in blue states) but the first 3 years and 3 months really was in sharp contrast to the failure of Obama.