RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
God. Man. You're boring.

I had to know if Caskur was spreading Fake News or not....

You're not allowed to retire in Australia until you are 67 and the bastards are going to raise that age up again.

It turns out she was.
Age Pension was recently jacked up in Australia. I’m pretty sure that she was referring to that.

He needs to be hysterical about nothing every day.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You're not allowed to retire in Australia until you are 67 and the bastards are going to raise that age up again.

I am not allowed to collect my Social Security pension until I'm 67. I have a pension from my last job.
Have any of you people heard of investments outside of designated retirement investment vehicles?

25 million Australians have 3 trillion $$$ invested in superannuation.
That is an investment vehicle specific for retirement.

I am sure you can invest money in the stock market, in commodities, in private enterprises, etc. etc. etc. outside of any investment vehicle designated for retirement.

When you say "You're not allowed to retire in Australia until you are 67", what is stopping you from just quitting your job and not getting another one?
She was talking about Age Pension specifically.
So people can retire any time they want, right?
back in the day men retired at 65 and women 62 and were entitled to a liveable pension but politicians saw into the future and knew people not only lived longer but they wouldn't be able to pay large pensions so they devised at plan in the 1990s a way to forcibly take 9% ( it used to be 6%) of your weekly pay and put it into a superannuation fund. Your employer pays it. Then when you retire you either live on a part pension and your superannuation... it can go something like this for arguments sake... $300 from your part pension and $300 from your superannuation per week.... or depends how much you squirreled away in your super fund. Your superannuation fund gives you 9% interest.... BUT as the stock market goes up and down so does your super and that freaks me out.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God. Man. You're boring.

I had to know if Caskur was spreading Fake News or not....

You're not allowed to retire in Australia until you are 67 and the bastards are going to raise that age up again.

It turns out she was.

not really... lets say you turn 65 and you lose your job.... once upon a time you were made to give up your job at 65, retire and collect your pension.... now at 65, you are expected to find another job and collect unemployment benefit (if you need it)... try finding a job at 65 if you've dug holes all your life. Pen pushers can work until they are 100, labourers can't. All workers are shoved under one umbrella .... the system isn't governed properly...

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
back in the day men retired at 65 and women 62 and were entitled to a liveable pension but politicians saw into the future and knew people not only lived longer but they wouldn't be able to pay large pensions so they devised at plan in the 1990s a way to forcibly take 9% ( it used to be 6%) of your weekly pay and put it into a superannuation fund. Your employer pays it. Then when you retire you either live on a part pension and your superannuation... it can go something like this for arguments sake... $300 from your part pension and $300 from your superannuation per week.... or depends how much you squirreled away in your super fund. Your superannuation fund gives you 9% interest.... BUT as the stock market goes up and down so does your super and that freaks me out.

My point is only that you can retire whenever you like.

I am retired at 56 (I have been semi-retired for about a decade before). My wife is retired at 50.

We have company pensions (defined contribution, not defined benefit) that we can not access until we are into our 60's (65 I think). We have government pensions that we cannot access until we are into our 60's (and probably will not access them until we are 70). We have a government benefit (Old Age Security) that everyone gets, but not before they are 65.

That just means we had save money in other investment vehicles.

You said that people are not "allowed" to retire until they are 67. That is not true. The are allowed. They just will not receive certain income until they reach that age.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
back in the day men retired at 65 and women 62 and were entitled to a liveable pension but politicians saw into the future and knew people not only lived longer but they wouldn't be able to pay large pensions so they devised at plan in the 1990s a way to forcibly take 9% ( it used to be 6%) of your weekly pay and put it into a superannuation fund. Your employer pays it. Then when you retire you either live on a part pension and your superannuation... it can go something like this for arguments sake... $300 from your part pension and $300 from your superannuation per week.... or depends how much you squirreled away in your super fund. Your superannuation fund gives you 9% interest.... BUT as the stock market goes up and down so does your super and that freaks me out.

My point is only that you can retire whenever you like.

I am retired at 56 (I have been semi-retired for about a decade before). My wife is retired at 50.

We have company pensions (defined contribution, not defined benefit) that we can not access until we are into our 60's (65 I think). We have government pensions that we cannot access until we are into our 60's (and probably will not access them until we are 70). We have a government benefit (Old Age Security) that everyone gets, but not before they are 65.

That just means we had save money in other investment vehicles.

You said that people are not "allowed" to retire until they are 67. That is not true. The are allowed. They just will not receive certain income until they reach that age.

But none of the people who worked for you or any other minimum paid worker, (which are the majority of workers worldwide) can, can they? They can't retire. They have to keep looking for a job and the older you are looking, the harder that is. The older you are, you are looked at as a compensation risk. Who is going to employ a 66 year old roofing carpentering?

And most people at the moment receive government handout in the form of unemployment benefits between jobs that doesn't even cover their $400 a week rent. The government give themselves yearly 2% pay rises but kept unemployment benefits the same rate, and has done for 30 years.

Why do tax payers have to give them that much money for doing nothing until they die?

Now if you are a politician in our scummy run country of crooks, you can retire at any age and receive a 6 figure sum yearly for the rest of your sorry life.

I was referring to the average worker not the average business man or like my teacher neighbour who retired at 72 and is now what we refer to in Australia as a self funded retiree.

You are in a unique situation and are referred to as a dinkie.... double income, no kids. You are not the majority or typical workers.

Congratulations on retirement... let's hope Rio Tinto keep digging up that iron ore in my state eh?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
PNW'ed search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana. search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana. search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana. search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.

I am morally stable. I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too. People have said all sorts of nasty things about my family and I've shot back with the same garbage.

Being morally outraged would make me a hypocrite in this regard.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.

I am morally stable. I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too. People have said all sorts of nasty things about my family and I've shot back with the same garbage.

Being morally outraged would make me a hypocrite in this regard.
Well…you’re not alone. I will still back you up. I just don’t need to see you interacting with it any more. It was plenty fucked up yesterday.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana. search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.

I am morally stable. I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too. People have said all sorts of nasty things about my family and I've shot back with the same garbage.

Being morally outraged would make me a hypocrite in this regard.
Well…you’re not alone. I will still back you up. I just don’t need to see you interacting with it any more. It was plenty fucked up yesterday.

Are you going to stop interacting with people I find objectionable?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.

I am morally stable. I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too. People have said all sorts of nasty things about my family and I've shot back with the same garbage.

Being morally outraged would make me a hypocrite in this regard.
Well…you’re not alone. I will still back you up. I just don’t need to see you interacting with it any more. It was plenty fucked up yesterday.

Are you going to stop interacting with people I find objectionable?
Did these people say the fucked up shit that I got served? Fuck it…let’s get over it. My head is thumping!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana. search for and post PI. You drag all your silly ass vindictive drama to the boards and then you cry victim.

Most people do NOT believe you "dont give a shit" and "never did". And that is YOUR OWN FAULT.

And the fact you keep saying that while demonstrating the exact opposite is concerning. You are still trying to convince yourself.

And to be fair I do not at all believe its ME you give any single shits about. You dont even know me for shit. It is whatever i symbolized to you and/or how i made you FEEL you are hung up on.

The fact that after a night of you blowing up my phone while i was in bed with my sick child, flipping out with all this idiotic retarded drama of you accusing me of telling Freud "your shit"....when you knew damn well I did not and you were looking for some excuse to cause some weird NPD cycle fight/make up/trauma bond episode ....I pulled the plug entirely. It certainly wasnt the first time you decided to pick some stupid fight with me as per a narcissists training tactics, was it? Nope.

It was the rejection and the loss of control that has you so fucked up over it, holding some ghoulish grudge when you have ZERO right to expect your anger to be validated. None.

You should be glad that I'm genuinely a nice and secure person. One of these days you are gonna collide with someone who is as much of a crazy NPD abuser as you are and the local police over there are ALREADY sick of you and your messy and dramatic break ups.

I get that your narcissism has a really fucking difficult time sharing cyber space with someone that saw what you had to offer and took a hard pass.....but fucking hell get over it. The ONLY thing you accomplish with your bitter antics and recruiting flying monkeys who have no brain to use is showcasing how much of an unhinged shit you DO give. Still....nearly 4 years later

Perhaps instead of thinking about ways and info you could use to continue manipulating me and sinking your claws in deeper, you should have listened when I told you that when people try to fix me or use private info....I dont flinch and I'm no ones hostage. You've been trying for almost 4 years. Actually it has been 4 years hasnt it?

You are deeply angry and resentful in my direction.....but nope, it's not about ME at all. This is all about YOU. It's just unfortunately fixated on me. Or at least some version that kinda looks like me that you created in your self absorbed brain.

How can we get to a place where you become consciously aware of this? You understand I was never your "girl friend"? That this was a short fling? One that I deeply regret because of your hysterical and unsavory behavior? You knew I was married and not at all prepared for or able to pour myself into building some whole new relationship.

It's actually offensive that I was pretty clear about that and instead of respecting it you thought "challenge accepted". And then you have the nerve be mad or feel slighted that it didnt go your way. So you spend years trying to harrass me off the boards so you could control the narrative.

And you aren't hearing a single word, you are so stuck in your fantasy land.

I VERY honestly wish you really did NOT give a shit at all.....and I'm more than sure I'm not the only one who wishes you didnt. The BEST thing you could do is NOT give a shit. I'm not sure you are capable of that because you are a control freak.
You need to leave. Plain and simple. You don't contribute, you want to rehash what you think Martini did to you. That's ALL you ever talk about. You continue playing the victim and now that TBC and SG are deader than your bank account, you come over here to spread your toxic miasma here.

How many forums are you going to kill?

Are they dead? Shoot. That's too bad. I want them to thrive. So sad.
Good luck to any forum that tries to make it but look what and who those two forums are working with. The revived SG was nothing more than a vessel to try and pilfer posters from BF, even if it means TBC has to be sacrificed.

A revenge forum? Well, that must explain all the whining about BF regulars...
That’s exactly what it is.

This petty drama consumed two individuals like nothing else so they think they can manipulate everyone and only the dimly lit follow those morons into the fucking shit storm.

This has nothing to do with anything but Bannie Shortbus getting banned here for being a raving loon.

The great news is that those morons at Shitshew bought into that idiots kool aid and their sinking ship will titanic soon enough.

Sometimes it’s great being Poofer

How can anyone be manipulated by Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber though? How dumb would those people have to be?
You'd be surprised. Aryan, Deport_Liberals and Breakfall follow those dipshits around.
Let them.

Not a big loss here
True. But all three of those posters have potential if they would just think for themselves.
Oh fuck off you toxic cunt. I tried giving you a chance, despite being against my better judgement, a while back and in return all I received was panel abuse.

I follow Dove & Big around? Really? So, by that logic, does the same apply to you with the Honduran hog and Mutantini? Because it's clear as day that you've got your beak firmly buried in their fragrant ass cheeks.

More seething, please.
Less sizzling please.

The smell of bacon does get tiresome after a while.

Clearly you love it since you can't stop yourself from posting to me and about me. OWNED
Who doesn't like bacon?

You though? Not so much...

Yet here you are sniffing after me, every single time you're online.

Trust me, nobody wants to sniff your 400lbs ass.

You're just fun to troll, because you always bite.

If you were smarter, you would have realised this and altered your behaviour accordingly.
And, of course, you NEVER bite, retard.

Right? He doesn't understand me at all. He projects his reactions to conflict onto me.
How’s your mate @Flynn though? Did last night sway your feelings?

I think the more you put this out there, the more they're going to do it. And Flynn is a troll.

How many times do I have to say that I don't condone what she said about your mother?

And when are you going to stand up for me when I'm trolled with heinous shit about my uncles molesting me troll? Never. I'm okay with that.
I’p stood up for you and everyone knows it. I just thought you had more moral stability as far as choosing your online friends went. Yes we’re all fucking trolls…

Having a go at someone’s weight is very different from painting a seedy picture about debasing the memories of my mother or daughter.

I have a headache from the wine…but I can still hold my head up high. If that makes any sense at all.

I have no regrets about the way I reacted last night.

I am morally stable. I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too. People have said all sorts of nasty things about my family and I've shot back with the same garbage.

Being morally outraged would make me a hypocrite in this regard.
Well…you’re not alone. I will still back you up. I just don’t need to see you interacting with it any more. It was plenty fucked up yesterday.

Are you going to stop interacting with people I find objectionable?
Did these people say the fucked up shit that I got served? Fuck it…let’s get over it. My head is thumping!

Yes, some of those people have said really fucked up shit and I move on.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yes, let's stop. You're not going to see my point of view because it's all about YOU. Though, frankly, I have nothing to do with this fucking bullshit.
Lol….it’s not all about me! You make me sound like King Mongtini!

Sure it is. You got served a raw deal. You are a kind hearted guy. You take these things to heart. I wish you could not show it online though.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yes, let's stop. You're not going to see my point of view because it's all about YOU. Though, frankly, I have nothing to do with this fucking bullshit.
Lol….it’s not all about me! You make me sound like King Mongtini!

Sure it is. You got served a raw deal. You are a kind hearted guy. You take these things to heart. I wish you could not show it online though.
It’s a community forum. You’ll see all parts of me. Even vulnerability…so eat me! I have no regrets.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
back in the day men retired at 65 and women 62 and were entitled to a liveable pension but politicians saw into the future and knew people not only lived longer but they wouldn't be able to pay large pensions so they devised at plan in the 1990s a way to forcibly take 9% ( it used to be 6%) of your weekly pay and put it into a superannuation fund. Your employer pays it. Then when you retire you either live on a part pension and your superannuation... it can go something like this for arguments sake... $300 from your part pension and $300 from your superannuation per week.... or depends how much you squirreled away in your super fund. Your superannuation fund gives you 9% interest.... BUT as the stock market goes up and down so does your super and that freaks me out.

My point is only that you can retire whenever you like.

I am retired at 56 (I have been semi-retired for about a decade before). My wife is retired at 50.

We have company pensions (defined contribution, not defined benefit) that we can not access until we are into our 60's (65 I think). We have government pensions that we cannot access until we are into our 60's (and probably will not access them until we are 70). We have a government benefit (Old Age Security) that everyone gets, but not before they are 65.

That just means we had save money in other investment vehicles.

You said that people are not "allowed" to retire until they are 67. That is not true. The are allowed. They just will not receive certain income until they reach that age.

But none of the people who worked for you or any other minimum paid worker, (which are the majority of workers worldwide) can, can they? They can't retire. They have to keep looking for a job and the older you are looking, the harder that is. The older you are, you are looked at as a compensation risk. Who is going to employ a 66 year old roofing carpentering?

And most people at the moment receive government handout in the form of unemployment benefits between jobs that doesn't even cover their $400 a week rent. The government give themselves yearly 2% pay rises but kept unemployment benefits the same rate, and has done for 30 years.

Why do tax payers have to give them that much money for doing nothing until they die?

Now if you are a politician in our scummy run country of crooks, you can retire at any age and receive a 6 figure sum yearly for the rest of your sorry life.

I was referring to the average worker not the average business man or like my teacher neighbour who retired at 72 and is now what we refer to in Australia as a self funded retiree.

You are in a unique situation and are referred to as a dinkie.... double income, no kids. You are not the majority or typical workers.

Congratulations on retirement... let's hope Rio Tinto keep digging up that iron ore in my state eh?
I only asked about this because when you said people were not allowed to retire before the age of 67 I found it interesting. If that had been true, then my next question would have been "How do they enforce it? Prison?"

But what you really meant was something like "People cannot afford to retire before the age of 67."

My response to that would have been to chuckle to myself and think "Suckers." and not even make a post...

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too.

Are you using big words without knowing their meaning again, Leaker?

Did you mean "condemn"?

Regardless, you are hypocritical about 25x a day on this board. Why would you choose this one subject to put your foot down and refuse to be a hypocrite?

I know why.

You do too.

But you will never admit it.

No One

Factory Bastard
I can't condone Flynn for saying fucked up shit about family because I have done it too.

Are you using big words without knowing their meaning again, Leaker?

Did you mean "condemn"?

Regardless, you are hypocritical about 25x a day on this board. Why would you choose this one subject to put your foot down and refuse to be a hypocrite?

I know why.

You do too.

But you will never admit it.
Which is itself hypocritical.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Also according the government retirement age is 67. Up until then its either, self-employment, employment, or the dole-line.

or you could win lotto (or get an inheritance) and tell the thieving gov. to stick their pittance payments up their clackers.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
you won't get paid a pension under 67 so if you can support yourself before that age, sure you can retire before 67.
It's interesting that Australia mandates this. Here in Canada, you can get your government pension as early as 60, and as late as 70. Obviously the longer you work, the bigger your cheque will be.

That said, I still feel that there will be 'problems' the taxpayer will have to handle moreso in the future: Canada Pension and OAS still pays very little when compared to modern costs of living... This will become especially problematic for those that rent, and don't own their home.

The Canada pension scheme was introduced in the mid 1960's, when employer unionization was strong. Basically Canada Pension was a means to supplement your union pension. But now that unionization is at an all time low, many people don't have workplace pensions anymore. It's a problem that's slowly being addresses by jacking up mandatory Canada Pension contributions, but I'm not sure it's enough.